
Delinquent King

After three years of not accepting a single student, Helios Academy opens its doors once again attracting many geniuses from all over the world. With the appearance of the legendary golden child, both good and evil forces approach Hyeseong city causing disarray to society. Will Leon, who is always involved in major incidents be able to defend against the looming danger threatening the very existence of humanity itself?

Lady_HaruHaru · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 13: Survival of the Fittest (4)

Han Mujin stared at the woman grabbing him by the clothes. Her honey peach coloured hair was as messy as a bird's nest. It seemed, honestly, how could she bear to let others see her in this messy state? Was she not embarrassed at all? 

While Han Mujin was lost in thought, Cassara took it as him ignoring her question. Trembling in anger, she screamed inside her heart: "How Dare this Incompetent bastard ignore me?!!"

"Oh great." One of the men who had previously tried to stop Cassara earlier sighed. Sujin, who stood on the side, recognised the two men. "Kael? Thrace?" 

Two tall men stood side by side. The one who had a disgruntled expression was Kael, the other with a relaxed unsmiling face was Thrace. Sujin wondered why they were here, weren't they meant to be at Section B of where the other Candidates were meant to be stationed at?

"Heya Sujin!" Sujin's train of thought was interrupted by a cheerful and upbeat voice. Her eyes followed where the voice came from, only to meet a very energetic looking man. "You're here too, Elmar?" 

'Why were there so many Examiners coming from Section B?'

Sensing what Suji was thinking, Elmar voiced out her inner question. "Ah, yes. We're just trying to prevent a ticking bomb from exploding and causing a disaster." 

"A what–" confused by his words, Sujin was about to question his strange choice of words. However, before she could ask him, She caught sight of Kael and Thrace trying to prevent Cassara from accidentally strangling her boss. 

"..." Sujin glanced at the scene before her, glancing at Cassara who had gone hysterical, she simply stated dully: "Oh, I see."

Cassara was the ticking bomb. It was rude to associate a lady with such a crude name, but. With Cassara's unsightly appearance and her soaring anger, anyone would think that too. When she saw Mr. Han stared at Cassara with such a nonchalant expression, she could only sigh in her heart. If it was anyone else they'd be scared out of their wits, being nearly strangled by Cassara. Sadly, Mr. Han was no ordinary person. It's already quite fortunate that he's actually staring at her, and not out right ignoring her. 

After 20 minutes, which seemed like 10 passed. The two seemingly battered Kael and Thrace finally managed to separate her from. Han Mujin fixed his clothes that had been ruffled up by Cassara. "Did you need something?"

Cassara, who had initially calmed down, felt her anger flare up. Kael and Thrace, who were dead tired, could only curse Han Mujin in their hearts. Would it kill him to speak in a way that won't make others want to beat him up?! They had barely managed to calm Cassara down, what's he doing angering her all over again?!!

"Do I need something?! Han Mujin! Are you messing with me right now?!" She could barely contain her anger, this bastard was simply asking to be beaten!

"Throwing the candidates into Harijuku Island! Do you know how dangerous that place is?!" She really wanted to ask him, did he hit his head when he chose the exam topic? Because if that was the case, he ought to go to the doctors and get it fixed!

Han Mujin didn't see what the problem was. He had already made some extra measures to ensure no unforeseen accident happens. "There's nothing to worry about. If they break the jade slate it'll send them back here."

The jade slate was imbued with a teleportation spell. If the candidates ever feel that their lives are endangered, they just need to break the slate and they'll be sent back safe and sound. 

After listening to Han Mujin's explanation, Cassara's mood relaxed a bit. However, she felt something was wrong with his explanation. If the candidates break the slate, won't that also mean they also fail the exam?!

What a double edged sword. On one hand, it's a safety measure to ensure the candidate's safety. On the other hand, it means that by breaking the slate, they were forfeiting their right to enter Helios Academy! 

'This fox!' Cassara speechlessly stared at Han Mujin. "Doesn't that mean that they fail?" She asked carefully, hoping that she was wrong. However, she was doomed to be disappointed when Han Mujin nodded his head as confirmation. 

"Then what was the point of inviting all those children to come to Helios Academy?!" Supporting her head on her hand, Cassara really wanted to strangle the irritating man in front of her.

Shooting Han Mujin with a glare, Cassara angrily said to Han Mujin, "You're just repeating what happened in the previous 3 years!"

You must know that the Headmaster master often created pits for the candidates who applied to get into Helios Academy. The number of candidates failing Helios Academy's Entrance Exam strikingly went over ten thousand over the years. This caught the attention of both the authorities and the government. And it must be known that these two pressured Helios Academy warning them to stop preventing potential talents from entering the academy. 

In the end, the executives hosted a school board meeting, and decided to choose the alumnus who left Helios Academy to take over the exams instead of the eccentric Headmaster. But who knew that would be their biggest mistake? 

The first Alumnae was Salgino Yuleuride, after being given the authority to choose the exam topic, everyone had high hopes for her. But who would've thought that she actually threw the topics in the trash and demanded that if the candidates managed to last 15 minutes against her they would pass the exam. The foolish candidates who thought that this was simply too easily excitedly rushed towards her only to end up beaten to the point they were almost at their last breath. She held nothing back.

No one passed the exam, this made the executives and the chairman lose face as they were the ones who chose her. So in order to regain back their sore faces, they carefully search for the next Alumnus, making sure that they weren't like Salgino. After much deliberation,  they finally chose Cynric Camastros who always placed first in all subjects in his academic years. This time, Cynric chose a topic. However, they didn't know how, but Cynric chose a very difficult topic that should have never existed! And it was outrageous! The Candidates who had yet to awaken were thrown into his  Level 6 Illusion Domain and were tasked to break it within 3 hours! He may have just told them to forfeit! It turned out that Cynric secretly added a new topic. Why? Because he thought that the topics were too easy and undeserving of Helios Academy's prestige.

Lastly, there was Juren Kosuki. The academy would never forget the humiliation they faced. Juren, that stone-faced man, decided that it was okay to ignore the executives who begged him to choose a topic and not deviate from it. 

But what did he do? He created a spirit domain on an abandoned island, filled it with his talisman mana beasts and ruthlessly threw the candidates in the domain. If they wanted to get out, the only way was to use self-created enchantments. But how can unawakened kids with low mental power accomplish that? 

Not only that, he even dared to tell the pitiful candidates that trash like them were a waste of time and shouldn't apply for Helios Academy again, lest they dirty the Academy's name! He even ridiculed the school board directors for their poor judgment! 

In the following year, Helios Academy had to temporarily put a hold on student applications. No one was able to apply for a year which angered the authorities. 

For four years straight, no one had ever been able to enter Helios Academy. And because of the alumni, the Academy gained a black stain to their reputation as the number 1 Academy. It was so embarrassing that for a time, other Academies made fun of them for throwing aside little geniuses because of their excessive high expectations. That's why this year, in order to wipe themselves clean from their shameful past, they chose deputy director Han Mujin and director Luo Jin to lead the entrance exam.

It couldn't be blamed that Cassara went hysterical. If no one passes this year, the Government will take action against them. As the number 1 school, it is absolutely unacceptable not to admit any students. So even if it's just one person who gets admitted, they would be very grateful.

"Han Mujin! I'm warning you, whatever you do, don't bring shame to the academy!" Cassara emphasised, she was tired of seeing the academy lose so much face. "Even if it's impossible, try not to go overboard like the Headmaster." 

Though, even that was difficult. To be honest, the Headmaster wasn't that bad, it was just that he loved to dig pits for the candidates, and he continued to dig pits for the students. But he was rather fair when giving holidays and school rules. So the students both loved and hated him.

The corner of Han Mujin's mouth twitched when Cassara put both him and the Headmaster under the same breath. "Don't put me under the same breath as that Lunatic." 

Cassara found it amusing that only until now, was Han Mujin reacting to her. He didn't react when she almost strangled him, so how is it that when she mentions him under the same boat as the Headmaster, he goes on the offensive?

"Hey should you really be calling the Headmaster a Lunatic?" Is he not afraid to lose his job?

"I disagree with Mr. Han." Sujin, who spoke up, surprised both Kael and Thrace. "Oh? Is Sujin going against Han Mujin?" Kael jokes and Thrace joins in teasing  Sujin. "This is new."

It is known that Sujin is Han Mujin's most loyal subordinate, she has never disagreed with Han Mujin before. It was quite refreshing to see.

However the next words that came out her mouth shocked everyone in the room. "He's a Psychopathic asshole."


When Han Mujin heard this, he nodded in agreement. "It's about right."


How amazing, what a perfect duo they are. The audience could only silently pray for the pitiful Headmaster who had just been branded as a psychopath.