

Born into a family where he was disregarded by his father, Kunal grew up in a gangster. After leaving his past ways, he tried to live honestly with his friends and family, but fate had strange turns in store. One day, the world changed, with monsters popping out of nowhere and going on a rampage. The mass destruction pushed human technology and morality backward. When all hope was lost, God took action and blessed humanity with an awakening. God gave us superpowers to protect the world and the people we love. But it had an advert effect as the awakened people started to wreak havoc instead. With no laws to stop them, criminals started flourishing, and order nearly collapsed. The cries of various abuse- rape, murder, theft, kidnapping, sacrifice etc could be heard everywhere. Could Kunal and Co., the strongest awakened team in the country, survive and flourish in these damn times where hope has to be found?

Kartikey · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
19 Chs

Ch 17

Abhay, upon helping them cross the bridge, felt his fur bristling as though a predator had fixed its eyes on him.


Turning around, he saw a headless monster glaring at him through his face, located on its face. Looking at the monster, Abhay's furry face hardened as sweat accumulated on his back.


'Why is that monster also out, and why is he standing in front of me?' Abhay, a young, chivalrous warrior monkey, thought as he glanced at the weak mortals, his tears shining in the sunlight.


'No, I won't be the reason for their death.' With his free hands clenched and the veins in his legs bulging, he, a proud warrior, tried to run away for the first time in his life.


But alas, fate was cruel as the headless monster roared in excitement and dashed toward them while licking its lips as he glared at Abhay intensely.


Sensing his doom approaching, Abhay smiled and confronted him instead of retreating, but he tossed the trio out before the fight commenced to save them from his ensuing battle shockwave.


But instead of being grateful for the kind gesture, they screamed out loud with their arms flailing desperately in the air to clutch something tangible to slow their fall.


The reason for their panic was the height they were falling from. Abhay, a giant slightly smaller than his enemy, had thrown the trio upwards. So right now, they were falling from a height of at least 100 meters.


Raj, the calmest of the trio and someone who could understand Sanskrit, was cursing his stupidity for trusting a monster. The original duo was also screaming their heads off, but they didn't dare to curse Abhay.


They could only scream to attract his attention in the hope of getting his attention. But contrary to their expectations, their fall was cushioned by a wind that arose moments before they touched the ground.


As Raj checked his body for injury, the duo ran away, leaving behind the oblivious Raj. As the headless giant ran toward Abhay, he looked worriedly at the human, busy checking his body instead of running away.


'Where is his survival instinct?' Their protector lamented internally as he waved his hand, generating a wind that brought the foolish human to the duo.


Understanding his intention, Kunal threw his bag at Sam before catching the person flying straight at them. The momentum made him tumble for a while before stopping.


Kunal threw Raj as soon as their tumbling stopped. He sighed as he glanced at the board they had nearly collided with. If their momentum hadn't stopped, he might have been bleeding from his head, decreasing their chance of completing the rescue successfully.


"Are you fine?" Sam shouted as he hurried toward them.


Kunal waited for him as the fall broke his phone. As he waited for him, he looked around the area, hoping to recognize any trademarks. But the destruction had changed the area entirely.


"HONK!" A sudden honk alerted him as an uncontrolled oil tanker raced toward him. The driver of the vehicle was long dead and was currently being feasted on by a group of gnomes.


As the gnomes were ignorant about the vehicle they were riding on, they chose to focus on the feast in front of them instead.


Kunal grabbed Raj's collar and dragged him outside the truck range. After all, he was a precious commodity capable of understanding Sanskrit.


3–4 gnomes, their mouths dripping with blood and chunks of meat stuck in their teeth, jumped out of the truck to feast on their new victims.


Armed with sickles and a flute with a purpose not known to the humans, they were confident in taking these cowardly humans twice or three times their size down.


They snarled, their expression distorted, and glared at them with blood-red eyes intensely as they tightened their grips on their weapons.


If the truth were told, they were ostracized, starving gnomes in their society, and would have died of hunger if they didn't eat.


Fortunately for them, a wormhole appeared in their closed world, and they jumped into it desperately.


The wormhole brought them to a world where weak, cowardly humans lived so that they could hunt, and they succeeded in hunting the truck driver too.


But they weren't satisfied with the tidbits of meat they got to eat. So when they noticed the duo, they jumped out of the truck without notifying their group.


"We will feast on their tender meat to our heart content." The leader of the gnomes, the only one who was slightly healthy, tried to boost morale.


But as they had spoken in Sanskrit, Raj, the coward, heard and understood their meaning.


Upon hearing them, any semblance of hope was extinguished in his heart.


His already pale face paled so much that he looked like a blood-deficient vampire. He crawled backward before gathering strength in his legs to run away.


The gnomes were happy to see their terror-stricken people, as their chance of winning had skyrocketed to the sky.


"Boom!" It was at this moment that the oil tank exploded on the wolf. The resounding boom distracted the gnomes for a split second.


Taking advantage of that slight distraction, Kunal kicked a sharp stone at a gnome wielding a fluke. The stone pierced its right eye, incapacitating the gnome from the fight.


"Tsk, I missed slightly." Kunal lamented, but that didn't cause a delay in his follow-up actions, and he used the broken banner as a shield to hide from the flute attack.


The flute was used as a long-range weapon, with a poisonous needle inside it. So whenever you blow into it, it will strike the other party silently. This was their plan, but Kunal used a stray banner as a shield, and their plan was thrashed.


On top of that, Sam had arrived behind them silently and struck the only remaining flute gnome with a flying axe, killing it instantly.


The melee combat-oriented glomes trembled as they faced each other back to focus on their opponents.


The leader of the gnome growled through gritted teeth, "You cowards, how dare you attack us from behind?"


It was a cry of frustration before their upcoming deaths. As they awaited their deaths with bated breaths, the attack didn't come; instead, the human who blinded their archer brought the cowardly human forcefully toward them.


"Tell me, what did they say?" Kunal asked, but his eyes continued to scan the trio of gnomes.


He kicked Raj, lightly broking him out of reverie.


„They were badmouthing you for being a coward." Raj translated hastily, his eyes filled with strange emotions, as this was the first time he had seen such a strong human aside from his group of bullies.


"Howl! Boom!" Before Kunal could order him to translate his words to the Gnome, he was interrupted by an angry wolf, and Abhay was used to destroy a building.


Kunal's expression twisted as he saw Abhay being thrown like a ragdoll. Sam also turned around, his expression paling. Trying to take advantage of their distraction, the gnomes attacked Kunal and Sam, but unfortunately for them, the ‚O' of the Ohja fell on one of them.


As the gnome looked at his companion and the leader's body, Sam beheaded him in one swing, indifferently, without even looking at him.


He searched through his bag and pulled out binoculars. Satisfied, he glanced inside the Mall through it hurriedly.


Kunal ignored the puking Raj behind him and hid behind one of the bigger stones, waiting for Sam's instructions and throwing his plan of running away in the garbage.


Raj's expression twisted as he forcibly tried to stop his vomit, after looking at the unaffected duo doing their work calmly.


But as he continued to pour out his stomach, he slapped himself hard and tried to concentrate on the figure of the calm duo instead of the crushed and headless body of gnomes.


Ignoring this level of gore was something hard for normal people, but his determination and desperation shone through as he stumbled toward Sam, who treated him more nicely than Kunal, and pleaded with Sam to let him help him.


Sam casually told him to look out for them after pushing him away. While he pushed Raj casually, he saw Aishwarya struggling against a mob of goblins near the first floor.


„They are on the first floor, near the stairs towards the right." Nitin is out of the picture, so you better hurry. Sam spoke and hurried to get in position with his Sniper.


Kunal tried to silently approach his mother, but the injured wolf growled as soon as he stepped inside.


Meanwhile, Sam frowned as he shot the luging wolf in the head, but the bullet failed to pierce its head and bounced off. 


While Kunal tried to hide himself in his makeshift shield, his mother, Aishwarya, was in even dire straits.


Aishwarya couldn't back off, as Nitin and Sophie were right behind her, and despite Sophie's constant attempts her trembling body couldn't generate enough force to drag Nitin. 


Cut in various places, and with no place to retreat, there were dozens of goblins' bodies laid next to her.


Her blurry eyes, stained with her and her enemy's blood, glared at a humongous goblin that pushed itself out of the covering blood.


Huffing, she collapsed, her trembling, exhausted body refusing to budge as adrenaline left her body.