

Born into a family where he was disregarded by his father, Kunal grew up in a gangster. After leaving his past ways, he tried to live honestly with his friends and family, but fate had strange turns in store. One day, the world changed, with monsters popping out of nowhere and going on a rampage. The mass destruction pushed human technology and morality backward. When all hope was lost, God took action and blessed humanity with an awakening. God gave us superpowers to protect the world and the people we love. But it had an advert effect as the awakened people started to wreak havoc instead. With no laws to stop them, criminals started flourishing, and order nearly collapsed. The cries of various abuse- rape, murder, theft, kidnapping, sacrifice etc could be heard everywhere. Could Kunal and Co., the strongest awakened team in the country, survive and flourish in these damn times where hope has to be found?

Kartikey · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

Ch 18

Kunal's eyes bulged, and veins surfaced on his neck and arms as he saw his mother falter in front of a unique, humongous goblin.


But despite the fire that raged inside of him, he was incapable of helping her, as he too was stuck in quite a sticky situation.


The injured wolf neither attacked nor left Kunal alone and continued to circle him, flabbergasted at why they (Kunal and Sam) were not quaking in fear.


As their stalemate continued, Kunal gestured to Sam to focus on his mother instead.


Sam, understanding the urgency, had just pointed his muzzle at the goblin, taking his sweet time to attack Aishwarya, when the injured pounced at him with his limping hind leg.


Fortunately, Sam reacted in time and shot him again with his sniper while Kunal jumped and slammed the wolf with his shield, denting it from the center by a large margin.


"Growl." As the lying-down wolf snarls, Kunal smiles and rushes toward it recklessly, after noticing that the fall has damaged his other hind legs.


Unlike Sam, who could only try to hit its unburnt part due to his angle, Kunal ignored its growling and pierced its stomach, which had burned quite significantly with his talwar, and sliced it open.


But the wolf wouldn't fall easily, and ignoring its pain, it twisted its body and tried to bite Kunal's head off. 


Kunal dodged and pushed his shield inside the wolf's mouth. 


"Crunch." Its sharp teeth dug inside the shield and tore the shield apart. But the shield's sharp edges dug inside its mouth. 


Placing his Talwar aside, he shot the nose of the whimpering Wolf, blasting it to Smithereens. 


"Ding! Rebooting. Kunal ignored the sound and glared at the monsters, finally showing themselves after the wolf slowly asphyxiated. 


They gazed fearfully at Kunal, but the wolf's body was too much of a temptation for those lowly monsters.


"Dammit! Why did they come now and why am I hallucinating? Kunal muttered as Sam was forced to enter the building to help Aishwarya ward her adversary off.


Meanwhile, Aishwarya's body refused to budge in front of what appears to be the leader of the goblins. 


But that didn't matter to Aishwarya, to her it was an adversary, she was to kill if she wanted to make it out of her alive.


But that goblin was different. Unlike the regular goblins, its color was red, and it was 2 m tall with a muscular body structure. But that was not its most unique part. Its most unique part was its aura and intelligent eyes. 


That's right, unlike the riff-raff monsters they had faced before, the goblin's body radiated pressure, like the injured wolf, Abhay, and the headless monster.


This is the reason: The monsters could easily subdue most of the humans they encountered. Their aura capitalized on the human's inherent fear and tore them apart mentally.


That was why the fatigued Aishwarya collapsed upon seeing the Hemo goblin, as her battered, fatigued body couldn't resist its aura.


The hemo goblin was originally filled with rage at its man's death, but upon seeing that two beautiful women were the reason for its man's death, its attitude took a 180-degree turn.


The hemo goblin was furious that his men died, but now that he had seen two breeding machines, he could make up for it. While thinking of its clan population, it approached them unhurriedly.


"Bang!" Sam's bullet narrowly missed his head and went past his right ear, deafening it from that ear for a few minutes.


An intelligent creature unlike its other green brethren, it sat down for cover and tightly gripped its axe as it glowered at Sam, sandwiched between monsters with Kunal.


Grinning savagely at Aishwarya, he grabbed her shoulder tightly and lifted her into the air, trying to make her a shield. 


"She is too old, tch tch." While it was busy thinking about her breeding abilities, Sophie tried to attack it with a sharp stone, just like Aishwarya.


But that turned out to be a fruitless ambition, as its aura immobilized Sophie as soon as she got close to it. 


With Sophie an exotic beauty in one hand and Aishwarya an old body in another, it smiled triumphantly as he spat at the unconscious Nitin.


To it killing Nitin: A worthless human was beneath itself, but as that human dared to attack itself, it ordered its minion to kill the unconscious human.


With both beauties on its shoulders, it duckwalked using the railing and rubble as cover, but Sam was too busy fending off the monsters to shoot the hemo goblin.


The sword-wielding goblin separated from the squad on Hemo goblin's order and raised its short sword to end the human life swiftly.


Nitin's eyes opened abruptly and he clutched the sword just before it pierced his head with his bare hands, while his other hand clutched the goblin's mouth, cutting off its outcry.


He smiled as droplets of blood dripped on his face, trying to instill fear in his opponent. It was a psychological move he used to portray himself as a psychopath. 


They gazed into each other eyes, and a few seconds passed just like that before they both sprang into action and kicked each other. The goblin, confident in his steel armor, kicked Nitin's stomach while he kicked the goblin in the nuts, grimacing in pain.


Due to its armor, the impact lessened, but the force still traveled through. The painful sensation traveled to its brain. The pain made it lose focus for a moment before he snapped back to attention.


That was enough for Nitin to tug the sword out of his adversary's hands. With the sword in his hands, he pushed himself toward the Hemo-Goblin, while using the goblin as a meat shield.


Goblins hurried to fire their arrows at Nitin, who ran in duck-walk-position while tanking his meat-shield-kicks. Goblins ran to protect their leader apart from the archer goblins.


Nitin's vital hidden behind the meatshield and duck-walking hemo-goblin were spared, some even pierced their companion, and the best archer among them shot their leader carrying the two women in its right knee instead.


"Stop, you bloody idiots." The hemo goblin screamed, its expression twisted, and threw the two women on the floor. 


The goblin leader groaned in pain, forcefully pulling the arrow out of his knee. With the pressure of the arrow gone, blood erupted out of its knees.


"Motherfucker!" It cussed in apparent pain, punching the wall next to it. With the arrow of rain stopping, Nitin's no longer had a hard time approaching the goblin leader.


Without the archer's support, Hemo Goblin was forced to fight the human itself. Clutching its axe tightly, it turned around, limping, confident in killing the worthless human in one swing.


While the leader was imagining the worthless human body being split in two, a sudden sharp pain shot through his perfectly fine left leg ankle and it fell, its left leg incapable of handling its body weight.


It was at this moment Sam noticed his friend, the lady's bodyguard, rushing forward recklessly while clutching a goblin in his hand, with an arrow stuck inside his arm.


Sam providing backup to Kunal abandoned his rifle and took out his assault rifle instead.

Instead of shooting the monstrous goblin, he aimed at the rows of goblins donned in steel armor rushing to save their leader and fired.


„Fuck yeah, Baby." The sounds of repetitive gunshots drowned every other sound in the building, as rows of goblins fell, with bullet-sized holes in their unprotective heads. 



"Ugh!" They both groaned in pain as air was knocked out of their lungs. Ignoring the burning sensation in her ribs and the blood spewing out of her mouth, Aishwarya pulled the dagger out of her pants and cut the tendons of the goblin leader's left leg.


As the hemo goblin fell, it glared at Aishwarya to engrave her face in its mind. Aishwarya smiled toothily at its bloodthirsty grin as rows of goblins fell behind her in droves.


Sophie looked at her in awe, as until now she was only a burden and nothing else to her. While she was busy covering her ears during the gunshots, Aishwarya was busy intimidating the opponent in front of her. 


Recalling her past actions, she swore to turn herself into useful, just like Aishwarya, her current role model.


While she was wondering to herself, the goblin leader, with its legs paralyzed, looked at its dead minors wide-eyed, filled with confusion.


A few moments ago, the leader was busy thinking about fucking the woman with its minion, and now, it was crawling on the floor because of rage.


Its eyes bulged with veins popping all over its body. Its body shook in fear and humiliation, as Nitin threw the sword-wielder goblin at its head. 


With its loyal minion covering the head, Nitin easily dodged the goblin leader's desperate axe swings before plunging its steel sword into their body.


Pulling the dead leader's body up for a new meatshield, he covered the lady as they traveled backward with Sophie's help.


Meanwhile, Kunal, deep inside the monster's group, sustained various sizes of cuts on his body without Sam's backup.


Drenched in his own and his enemy's blood, he smiled, as the various monsters backed away slowly from his blood-drenched Talwar.


"Ding! Loading complete.


Sam felt proud of his friend's unprecedented achievement and whistled fiercely with all his strength. 


But the fickle fate played a joke on them. The floor Sam was standing on abruptly collapsed with a worm-type monster pushing its way out, as soon as Kunal turned to smile at him.