
Deku: the villain

the story about Me and how I become the greatest villain one day I was getting through a bad day my friends my classmate and my teacher turn on me when they found out about my quirk or rather lack of one but I still don't understand why they bully me for only a genetic lottery in junior high in 3rd year our teacher announce about our choice of career that day was the worst day of my life if you don't count the visit to the doctor my idol said I couldn't be a hero I want to take the advice kac- no Bakugo gave me to jump of a roof and hope for quirk in my another life but I couldn't do that to my mom

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Chapter 15 Small Party (Part 1)

Chapter 15

Small Party (Part 1)

Izuku already knew his spot in UA was guaranteed, but still, he was surprised when he got his letter and was officially graded by Nezu for what the principal liked about his Nanos. Izuku finally felt like he was getting the praise he wanted from society. And not to mention, he was heading to UA to begin his plan to destroy All Might and expose him for his lies.

Izuku had walked out of his room, where he opened the letter, when he saw his mother standing there, and looked ready to bawl her eyes out. Right, she heard everything…

"My baby boy is heading to UA!" Inko finally said, unable to hold her tears in anymore and just outright hugged Izuku. Izuku smiled at her and hugged her back. "We need to have a party for you now!"

"Mom, I don't need a party," Izuku said.

"Izuku, if I'm right, you're the first Quirkless student to make it into UA," Inko told him, reminding him of that fact. "That's a cause for celebration!" Inko let go of him and started fretting about. "God, I don't know who to invite!"

"We could always just invite over Kuroe-Sensei," Izuku said.

"That's a great idea Izuku!" Inko said. "We could go to your dojo and hand out invitations there!" Inko smiled at him, before he realized this wasn't just gonna be a quiet party either. "You should also invite your friends over as well! You've been hanging out with them so much that it's time I finally got to meet them!"

Izuku nodded at that, not trying to make a big deal out of it. It wasn't like Izuku's villain friends were obviously villains. They weren't that popular yet.

The more he thought about it, the more he realized how weird of a group his team was, and how most of them were older than him.

He's going to need to be really convincing during this party.

Damn, what did he get himself into…

The party took place back at the fighting ring from when Izuku won the small fighting tournament, but really it was a loss since he won via forfeit, and that was Kendo's forfeit too!

It pissed him off to this day, but he's moved past it. She didn't want to cause him more pain than necessary. And Izuku… well, he'd grown to accept that she was just a naturally caring person. He had become great friends with her as well.

The party itself was small. Just a little gathering for family and trusted individuals. Family was small for the two Midoriyas since it was just Izuku and Inko, but there were some other people here. For starters, Kuroe had been one of the people to come since he trained Izuku and Izuku wanted him at the party. In fact, it was Kuroe who had managed to rent the fighting ring for the party, at least for today.

Kendo's father, along with Itsuka herself, were also here at the party, so it was a party celebrating both Kendo's and Izuku's places in UA. Truth be told, their family came over, so it was Itsuka and her two parents.

Other than the two dojo leaders and Kendo's family, a few students from their dojos also came over as well. It was a handful, but still, it was more than Izuku had expected.

The only people who were missing… were Izuku's friends from the League.

But, Izuku wasn't focusing on them right now. He was focused on Kendo, who he was actually currently talking with as they caught up a bit.

"And then after the 0-Pointer showed up," Kendo said as she told Izuku about her experience in the practical exam, "I was retreating since I knew I couldn't even hope to scratch that thing. It would've been suicide if I ran after it. However, a few of the other examinees got trapped in a building because of some rubble, and they couldn't destroy any of it due to the overuse of their Quirks. I had to get them out while the 0-Pointer closed in. I managed to get them out in time, before we heard a large explosion coming from another area." Kendo sighed. "The exams ended soon after, but I wondered what in the world happened that day. Anyone who wasn't severely injured was ordered to go home once we changed back into our uniforms and got our belongings. It sounded like something happened in the other area though."

"I see," Izuku said, having a vague idea of what the explosion from that day was. "I don't think anyone died, otherwise we'd have heard about it on the news about a potential lawsuit from UA…" He sighed. "Seriously though, the exam just seems so biased. Without a strong Quirk, you have nearly zero chance of getting into UA's Hero Course. The better approach would be to apply for the General Education Course and hope to transfer to the Hero Course via the Sports Festival, in which anyone has three chances to prove they could enter the Hero Course."

Kendo blinked for a moment, before smiling a bit and nodding. "Yeah, I guess you're right," she said, before crossing her arms and looking at him with a knowing smirk. "That's what you plan to do, yeah?"

Izuku nodded. "Mhm." He looked at his right hand as he held it open in front of him. "I plan on breaking the bias and showing the world what a Quirkless person like me can do."

"Well, since you have a good teacher," Kendo began, "as well as a good sparring partner, I think you could very well get into the Hero Course. Plus, you got those invisible swords you can just pull out of nowhere, and that Chimera tail thing you used to temporarily paralyze me. I'd say you'd get into the Hero Course easily." She hummed a bit, before she asked him, "How did you even think of that Air Slice of yours?"

Izuku wasn't all too sure himself if he were being honest. He was just focusing on the feeling of holding a sword in his hand while trying to remember the basic swinging motions taught to him by Stain, when he suddenly cut a refrigerator in half. "I'm… not too certain, actually. Perhaps it's just a divine gift?"

It was meant to be a joke, and it made Kendo laugh a little bit. "Yeah, sounds about right! You're the exact person who'd probably receive divine blessing from the gods." She smiled at Izuku. "I wonder which god gave you that gift then?"

"Who cares?" Izuku said to her. "It doesn't matter who gave it to me. It was the fact that they gave it to me in the first place that matters… I was chosen for something. And who knows…" He stood up and walked backwards and looked at her with a smile. "Perhaps I was burdened with a glorious purpose." This caused Kendo to laugh a little bit more, with Izuku laughing a bit with her.

The door opened to the room, before a voice asked, "Are we a bit late to the party?" Izuku turned to look, before seeing Gentle and La Brava, or Danjuro Tobita and Manami Aiba. The third person with them, the one who spoke, was Compress, who Izuku barely recognized and recognized only because of his voice. Otherwise, Compress is known as Atsuhiro Sako.

Other than that, Izuku was surprised to see how young Sako looked, since he's never seen him without the mask. But still, he was glad they showed up. Tobita was dressed to look like a teacher, and Manami was simply dressed casually. Sako was still dressed like a performer, which fit his nature and attitude.

"Hey guys," Izuku said as he waved at them. Kuroe and Keigo were on edge upon seeing them, but were immediately settled once Izuku claimed to know these three strangers.

"It's been a while Izuku, how have you been?" Tobito asked Izuku as they walked up to Izuku, with Sako pulling out a marble, snapping, and holding a small gift.

"I've been doing quite well," Izuku said, before looking at Kendo. "Itsuka, I'd like you to meet Danjuro Tobita, Manami Aiba, and Atsuhiro Sako." Izuku smiled, before looking at his villain comrades. "Likewise, I'd like you all to meet Itsuka Kendo."

"It's a pleasure to meet you all," Kendo said to them as she stood up and offered them a handshake, one at a time.

"It's a pleasure to meet you as well Kendo," Tobita said with a smile as he shook her hand first. "Izuku has told us a lot about you. You're quite the fighter he says."

"Well, yeah," Kendo said with a nod. "I've been training since I was in elementary."

"Quite a young age to train," Sako commented. "But, to be a hero, it only makes sense to train both your body, and your mind."

"Isn't that what they try to teach most heroes though?" Manami questioned.

"Depends on the school!" Tobita said. "Every school is different after all." Tobita put a hand on his chest. "Take it from a former hero student!"

Sako and Kendo next to him, along with a few others who were nearby, were a bit surprised by what Tobita said. "You were a former hero course student?" Kendo asked Tobita.

"Alas, I was. But, I got expelled for trying to save someone without a license, when there was no hero around either," Tobita said. "If I didn't try to save him though, the man most likely would've died from the refrigerator that would've fallen on top of him." Tobita sighed. "But… it didn't matter since he still got injured and was put into a coma for six months."

"Six months?!" Kendo was shocked at that. "I… jeez…" Kendo looked at him sympathetically. "I'm so sorry that happened… to both you and that person."

"It's old news," Tobita said. "I'm glad that I can still at least work, and there was a college that would accept me, despite my failings. I am trying to make sure no one goes through the same misfortune I did." Truth be told… he didn't have a good life after he was expelled. Most of that was a lie, but Manami managed to hack a few places so he would be a teacher, at least for a short moment.

"Still, I'm sorry you had to give up on your dream," Kendo said to him.

"Likewise my friend," Sako said to Tobita while patting him on the back. "When dreams are crushed, it never, ever, sits well." Izuku couldn't help but feel like Compress was referring to him with that comment.

"Mhm," Manami said, hugging Tobita. "We're here for you!" The gentle criminal smiled at his friends. He was glad he had them with him.

Izuku smirked at the scene, before suddenly he was hugged from behind and his eyes were covered by two hands. "Hmm~..." The voice of Toga hummed. "Riddle me this: Who has yellow hair, great reflects, and is sneaky?"

"Himiko," Izuku said with a smile, before Toga let go of him and stepped in front of him.

"Ding ding ding!" The blood craving villain said with a smile as she stepped in front of him. "I made it before the celebration could kick off!"

"This another friend of yours Izuku?" Kendo asked Izuku.

Izuku nodded. "Itsuka, this is Himiko. Side note for times in the future, she likes blood because her Quirk utilizes it so she can transform. She gets into a trance without it." Turning to Toga, Izuku said, "And Himiko, this is Itsuka. Please don't try anything with her."

"I'm not gonna do anything, I already took some blood before coming here," Toga said. "But damn, who knew your theory about my Quirk getting satisfied with animal blood was right?"

"It was a logical conclusion," Izuku stated, with Kendo realizing just how deep of a connection he had with Himiko. "But, anyways, I thought Akaguro-Sensei would be coming with you?"

"He was running a few errands before he could come here," Himiko said. "So I came here by myself since I was a bit impatient."

"Training is gonna be harsh later," Izuku told her, before Himiko just waved it off, while Izuku rolled his eyes at her gesture.

"Who's Akaguro-Sensei?" Itsuka asked Izuku.

"The one who taught me how to play with blades," Izuku stated, while suddenly pinching the air in front of him while his right hand held it, as if holding a katana by the hilt and running a hand along his own blade. Itsuka was on edge, and so were Izuku's villain friends since they didn't know what he'd do with a blade out. Even then, they felt like he had his Nanos with him.

And he did…

"Me and Himiko are learning how to use different blades with him," Izuku continued, before he dropped the sword and resumed the conversation while crossing his arms. "He's quite skilled, I'll be honest."

"Mhm, mhm, and he has a Quirk similar to mine, related to blood!" Toga added to the information about him. "Luckily, he doesn't go through what I go through without blood for a long time."

"Interesting," Itsuka said. She was learning a lot about Izuku outside of what she did know. But, he hung with such an oddball group. It was hard not to think he was a part of something big… but she couldn't tell what it would be.

"Maybe you could join us one day and learn the bladework," Izuku commented to Itsuka, who merely shook her head, not seeing how it'd be helpful to her.

"Maybe I'll come and watch," Itsuka said, turning down his offer. Izuku merely nodded at that, before they heard the door to the area open.

"Sorry we're a bit late, I had something to take care of."

Izuku looked to see one of his many, many, many illegal partners whose association would get him arrested…

Kai Chisaki, the next leader of the Shie Hassaikai, wearing a formal suit and a mask similar to what Izuku's seen him wear before. But, alongside him…

…was a little girl with white hair and red, timid and shy eyes, wearing a cute little dress and a timid and shy smile. On her forehead was a horn that was more off to the side than the center of her forehead.

Izuku's eyes widened.
