
Deku: the villain

the story about Me and how I become the greatest villain one day I was getting through a bad day my friends my classmate and my teacher turn on me when they found out about my quirk or rather lack of one but I still don't understand why they bully me for only a genetic lottery in junior high in 3rd year our teacher announce about our choice of career that day was the worst day of my life if you don't count the visit to the doctor my idol said I couldn't be a hero I want to take the advice kac- no Bakugo gave me to jump of a roof and hope for quirk in my another life but I couldn't do that to my mom

Rafi_info · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 14 Return

Chapter 14


Izuku entered the bar while cloaked still, and he entered through a window which would lead to his own room ironically enough. However, the one thing that ultimately made a difference was the shouting coming from the actual bar area, and the shouting seemed to be coming from Shigaraki.

Curious as to why the villain leader was angry, Izuku went downstairs. He heard some of the commotion while walking downstairs, and heard Toga say, "Tomura, let me cut him up and make him talk…"

"I'll gladly do the honors first," Tomura responded. "This bastard is going to get what's coming to him!"

Izuku peeked into the room and saw that they had that one villain from mission tied to a chair, and were torturing him right now. He was heavily hurt, and everyone emitted the aura of hatred towards the one villain, all except for Dabi, since he had the least of a bond with Izuku.

"Now tell us how to bring Deku back, or I'll break your arm!" Tomura said after punching the villain in the face.

"I… can't… he'll have to come back on his own," the villain said, before Izuku smirked. The villain didn't even know he was back.

So, using the unfair advantage of silence, he slowly crept into the room using his invisibility and snuck up behind everyone. As they started to fight over what Izuku was gonna do, Izuku smiled as he sat down and uncloaked himself. Izuku looked at Kurogiri who was behind the counter. "Can I get a soda?" Izuku asked.

"Yeah Izuku," Kurogiri said before pulling out a Sprite and giving it to Izuku. "Can't believe how they're all acting like animals…"

"I know, I can't believe I'm this important to everyone," Izuku commented.

"Yeah…" Kurogiri replied.

"Hey Izuku," everyone said to Izuku who was still wearing his villain suit. After a few moments of processing, everyone looked at Izuku. "IZUKU!" They all rushed to look at him and make sure he was okay and uninjured.

"He just appeared!" Gentle said. "Truly that's amazing!"

"What happened to you?!" Toga asked. "Where did you go?!"

Izuku merely smiled at Toga's questions and everyone else's reactions. However, there was something he wanted to do first. This man's Dimension Quirk was a bit dangerous… and it also interested Izuku. And such, he wanted this Quirk available for his own uses. So as Izuku began talking with everyone, little did they know that he had made an experimental vial that he cloaked with his Nanos so he could take the Quirk straight from the villain, and no one would know.

Dabi just sort of stared at Izuku, not sure what to really say since he barely knew the kid. All he really knew was that he seemed to have some sort of power to make invisible weapons, and that Stain accepted this kid as a successor of sorts. He held them together as well. Dabi smirked at that thought. One kid held them all together.

That's a bit childish.

Izuku went home later and was eating dinner with his mom.

"Izuku, I'm so happy you managed to make new friends and are spending so much time with them," Inko said to her only son with a smile and a bit of tears.

Izuku smiled back at his mom. "Of course. Considering they aren't Quirkist towards me, it only makes sense to try and spend some time with them and also try to get to know them better. I've been making a lot of new ones lately too! I made one earlier today while hanging out with Tomura as well." Izuku referred to Shigaraki via his first 'name' since if she learned that he was hanging out with villains, there would be a bit of problems. Plus, Toga's name was also known to the public since she was a serial killer. Things wouldn't end well for sure if she were to learn he hung out with killers.

"Perhaps I could meet them some day?" Inko asked, and Izuku continued eating and showed no signs of being panicked despite his internal panic and the fact that he wasn't sure if it was possible.

But… she could possibly see them. It would prove to be a good alibi if she knew.

But if the events of the Kamino Ward Incident play out as told in that other world, he couldn't let her.

It's a risky gamble…

"Sure mom," Izuku said to her with a smile, relaxing a bit. "I'll have to ask when a good time to meet up is."

"Maybe once you get your UA acceptance letter," Inko said, since they never got an official letter for Izuku to enter UA. Izuku nodded, thinking that that would be a great idea.

After having dinner, Izuku went to his room for the night, and since he was alone, Izuku began to think back to that other world… the one where he's just a figment of someone's imagination. He may have been overthinking this, but if this is to be believed, then that means that he's an offspring of an action taken differently than the one in that world.

It was hard to confirm anything with so little information. If he really wanted to confirm this other world theory, then he needed to wait until something major happened.

The first thing would be…

'Tomura's Raid on the USJ…' Izuku thought. If nothing bad happened, then Kendo would be fine, and so would her class.


Izuku went back through his phone and began to write the information he had down, before slowly beginning to piece together a puzzle from scratch, and prepping for maybe one of the biggest plans he'll have made out of any plan he's made yet, even incorporating his plan of taking over Japan and finally ending suppression and getting people the help they needed.

Planning every step and action like a game of chess, Izuku looked through what he knew about everyone he gathered information on. He started with 1A. To him, this class was the most important class out of them all. But that was also with him there, but assuming the position is empty which it will be, then that's his target destination.

1B still needed to be looked after though, since they had some strong fighters as well. They had a lot of potential, as did Class 1A. And since he also planned to be a part of training them, he wanted to try and test and see what would work for each of them, and what would realistically work for all of them.

How to make their Quirks evolve, and become stronger without the use of drugs. That would be his goal. Support items in certain areas too. He could help them live, while making them his great enemies! He could slowly shape them into real heroes that inspire people to live their lives towards saving people not for their own self gain, but because their real heroes.

A few people he'd need to help especially would need to be a Minoru Mineta and a Neito Monoma, but each plan has a process.

As he did research, a doable amount of hacking, and finally implementing his plan fully, he stopped and sighed. He checked the time, before realizing it was already morning. Izuku was surprised that he spent the whole night awake and finished making some plans.

At least he didn't have to do anything important today…