
Deity Apocalypse: The World After The Fall

Note: English is not my main language so please ignore minor grammar mistakes. I am good enough for you to understand everything though so yeah- and yes, feel free to hurt my poor heart if I make a mistake. After the horrifying close of world war III, life on earth comes to an end... or so everyone thought. But then slowly after so many years in the world ravaged by the destruction, the gods saddened by the fate humans were delt, sacrificed it all to reset the world, giving humanity one last chance.

TheHeavenlySleeper · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
29 Chs

Training (1)

"Anyways kill her fastly. Her scales are regenerating and once they are regenerated we won't be able to do the same trick twice." Samuel said looking at Alexander tiredly.

Alex nodded and dashed towards the mother earthworm, to be exact, the area her scales were evaporated and now was slowly regenerating.

"Now..." Alex got on top of her flesh and raised his hand-ups pointing his swords down on her exposed flesh "Die!" He stabs her or at least that's what he tried to do.

Suddenly a giant earthworm came from the ground close to her and immediately jumped to hit Alex before he could stab her.

Alex's eyes widened as he saw it coming towards him. Once again he jumped back and ran back towards Samuel.

Samuel looked at this carefully standing above a tree which made him sigh softly "I shouldn't have broken his arrogance so early... now he is just a scared kitty."

Alex jumped to the tree and grabbed Samuel's hand so he can drag him to run away.

"Run fast my guy!"

Samuel sighs once again and throws Alex back into the battleground looking down upon the battlefield once again with a cold glare "This won't do Alex."

Alex who hit the ground slowly gets up and instantly cut through the grade III demon earthworm since he was too strong for it.

"Bro what the fuck!" Alex's heart almost burst in fear right now "You literally killed me!" He gently rubs his chest.

"I am going to train you now. A coward can't lead to the future of the earth deities." Samuel takes out a purple-colored potion from his inventory and drank it before raising his hand.

"What? bro what are you talking about!?" Alex gets up and looked at the hundreds of giant earthworms raising from the ground as their mother groaned in pain more and more.

"Kill them all." Samuel made a force field around the area using his spatial authority which won't let anybody out for a while or at least he hopes so.

It uses a large amount of energy but Samuel must use it now because he knows if Alex doesn't get rid of fear and become brave again there would be no way Samuel could succeed in saving this world.

Samuel only drank the purple-colored potion because it was a potion of power that will increase one stat of the person by 50 points chosen by the person. Well, the after side effects would be extreme pain and no movement for 3 hours but still, it would be worth it.

"Bro! even if I am overpowered or whatever I can't take thousands of them! and there is a grade four demon here! just let me out bro!"

"Not possible. Fight or die. It's your choice whether or not will you survive now. I will help you control your power advance way since you already know how to do basic thanks to knowledge transfer."

Yes, knowledge transfer only gives basics about powers. When someone gets knowledge about their power such as fire element authority they will only get knowledge about what exactly it is and how can he or she can make it by using Aether. They dont get complete mastery.

"Bro!" Alex quickly slash through the earthworms which came too close to him but he could feel like they were surely stronger than those normal once.

Alex needed to use full force to fit through a single one of them and as he did the other ones just dash their head towards him.

Alex jumped from one to another worm as they targetted him but he must quickly end the mother earthworm since her scales were about to completely heal and she is slowly starting to rise.

"No. You are doing it wrong- dont use pure raw power but focus your aether on it. You can't awaken four mortal energy of the world currently but you can use nether to get a similar effect. It is not suitable for it but still, it will be good enough for now."

"Bro I have no id-" Alex was hit by one of the earthworm's tails which flew him away to hit the barrier.

Alex's resistance was strong enough for him to not get any damage but damn it still hurts him hell a lot.

"Fu- future son of god! help me, man! I dont know what are you saying it all!"

Samuel sighs and shakes his head "Alright... I will explain it to you the way you might understand. Cover your blade with elemental energy you feel you have the best mastery in."

Alex bites his lower lip to calm down and decided to just follow whatever Samuel says. Even though Alex dont want to admit Samuel is currently the strongest and the best guy he knows.

Alex jumped from one head to another avoiding attacks making them attack each other as he focus on his energy.

Alex created a thin but violent fire around his swords and made them stronger and thicker each passing second now cutting through those earthworms again but he still had to use the same amount of force and it only gave those earthworms fire effect and nothing else.

"Bro- it's not helping! shall I use wind element to make my blade sharper or what!" Alex was kinda panicking at this point.

"No. Now, do you know how you get yourself fire in your dual swords?" Samuel smiled softly as he felt proud of teaching the strongest HE knows.

"Yes! I first focused on my nether energy and then turned it into a fire element before putting it around my swords, why you ask?"

"Great. Now instead of turning it into a fire element just simply put it around your sword! simple, right?"

Alex kinda understood what Samuel meant but he was confused how will this help? if a refined version can't do anything then what can raw energy do? but since he didn't have any choice he sighed and did what he was told to do.

Alex gathers his nether energy and put it around his swords the same way he put fire elements around his swords.

After a thin transparent layer of purple-colored appeared around the sword he once again swing his dual swords in frustration of knowing the result.


Imma say thanks to my guy heavenly demon who made me remember something important. How the hell did I forget about his training?

I did plan it and thought of adding it when he met Samuel for the first time but since I needed to go on vacation (I was forced to go mountain climbing) I forgot about it ;-;

Well, I did put it here- so please forgive me ;-;

Anyways- cya in next chapter!

TheHeavenlySleepercreators' thoughts