
Defense Against The Supernatural

Lorian, unemployed and in desperate need of cash went job hunting. But due to his late father's debt to the Four Finger mafia, nobody was willing to employ him. At his lowest point in life, a weird old man named Pablo, came carrying a Taro leaf under the rain. He brought a devil's contract, offering Lorian payment of his debt in exchange for his service. Without thoroughly thinking, he accepted the offer with haste. He was employed in the SDD or Supernatural Defense Department. They dispose of or seal any supernatural beings that disturb or harm citizens. Be it ghouls, vampires, witches, or anything that disturb the peace of humanity, they will vanquish those troublemakers. Lorian's world will start to turn upside down when something he has long hidden resurfaces once again as he ventures into the supernatural world.

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31 Chs

The New Member

Lorian and Sao met each other at Pablo's office. Sao stood there and nodded at Lorian. Inside the office, Pablo sat on his seat reading the newspaper.

"Good morning sir," Lorian and Sao greeted.

"Good morning. Have a seat," Pablo said, putting down the newspaper on his table.

Lorian and Sao sat down. Nervous that Pablo might scold them for their failed mission.

"Today, we will be having a 6th member in our department. I hope you don't isolate the newcomer," Pablo advised.

"Don't worry sir we won't. Right Lorian?" Sao assured.

"Yes sir. We will welcome the newcomer with open arms," Lorian seconded.

Pablo nodded at their replies. And following Lorian's reply, a knock was heard on the door.

"Come in," Pablo informed.

Ann opened the door. Beside her was a girl wearing black jeans, a black shirt, and glasses.

"Thank you, Ann." Pablo thanked Ann before introducing the person beside her. "Meet your third teammate. She just recently graduated and is quite well known. She was referred here by my friend because she lives in this region. Her name is Rain Lara, a witch."

As Pablo was introducing, Lorian was about to turn toward the newcomer, but he became shy when he heard her name. Sao on the other hand smirked at him hitting Lorian with his elbow.

Sao stepped and reached out his hand. "My name is Sao Panelo. Nice to meet you Rain. We saw the news regarding your feats. And my partner here has a c-,"

Before Sao could finish his word, Lorian covered his mouth. He awkwardly smiled and introduced himself. "Hi, Rain, glad to have you here. My name's Lorian Moreno."

Rain chuckled at the sight of the two. She both shook their hands and introduced herself. "I'm Rain Lara. Pleased to meet you two."

When Rain shook Lorian's hand, Lorian felt warm inside and his heart was beating fast. Sao broke free from Lorian, smiling ear to ear.

"Okay, now that our new member is here I would like to start this day's meeting. Ann, please." Pablo instructed.

Ann nodded in response. A projection appeared on the screen showing a map with red dots in it.

"This year, cases of possessions are rising. Last year's record of possessions was about a thousand only. However, this year has tripled that record, and the year hasn't ended yet." Ann reported.

Pablo looked at everyone as he gave them instructions. "This time I want the three of you to work separately. Each of you will be assigned an exorcist, your task is to help them exorcise the possessed individuals by protecting them from any harm. The number of the ghosts you exorcised will determine how much incentive you'll get."

The three of them nodded their heads. Lorian was worried when he heard they would do this individually, but he could do nothing about it. He could only prepare himself and do his best.

"Tomorrow the exorcist will come here to meet you. Have a good rest today, the meeting is done. You may now leave." Pablo said.

"Follow me Rain, I'll lead you to your room," Ann said as she stood up and volunteered.

"Thank you, Ann," Rain cheerfully complied.

The two went out of the office. Lorian didn't move on his chair, which puzzled Sao. Pablo looked at Lorian with interest.

"What is it, Lorian?" Pablo curiously asked.

"Um, Sir, I would like to ask if SDD has its own gym?" Lorian replied with a question.

Pablo and Sao were taken aback by Lorian's question. "Currently, we don't have such space here," Pablo answered.

"Then can we request a gym, sir? I feel frustrated thinking about how weak I am and that I'm not skilled enough in fighting. If I want to earn, I need to become competent and not a burden. That's why I think the gym is needed for that reason." Lorian solemnly requested.

Pablo nodded at Lorian's idea. "I'll contact our specialized construction team to make a large room so you could train. However, what type of gym equipment do you want? The basic one or the expensive one?" Pablo inquired.

"For now, we can only afford the basic one," Lorian replied.

"Okay, wait let me check." Pablo checked the prizes on his computer. "22, 320 Fiar to be exact. Can you afford this?"

"I'll do my best to earn more tomorrow," Lorian awkwardly smiled.

Sao, who was listening to their conversation, nodded in approval. He put his arm on Lorian's shoulder and said, "It would be unfair if I don't help my partner up. I'll pay half of it."

When Lorian heard of this, he couldn't stop smiling. He hit Sao with his elbow. Sao leaned sideways dodging Lorians elbow and waving peace signs at him. Pablo looked at the two, he was glad these two got along well.

"Okay, I will order it now. After your task is done, the gym equipment and the room will also be finished. I hope you do well this time. You can leave now," Pablo said.

Lorian and Sao stood up and bowed their heads to Pablo. They exited the room leaving Pablo alone, as he lit up a cigar. The two were celebrating, jumping around as they high-five. Glad that Pablo didn't lecture them.




Early in the morning. The sun hadn't risen and the sky was still dark. Lorian, Sao, and Rain stood outside the abandoned hospital, while Ann talked to three teenagers wearing clerical clothing.

After talking to the teenagers, Ann faced the three behind her. "Each of you will help these aspiring exorcists. Prevent any harm to happen to them, if so your incentives will be deducted. Rain you will accompany Marcus, Sao to Canus, and Lorian to Julio. Good luck to all of you.

After separating them into 3 groups, Ann went back inside SDD.

"Hi, miss beautiful. This one's humble name is Marcus, the disciple of father Jupiter."

"Mister, I'm Canus. Reverend Momo is my teacher."

"Hello, sir. My name is Julio. Pastor Opium taught me how to exorcise."

The three young teenagers introduced themselves.

'This task isn't about exorcising. It's babysitting,' Lorian grumbled in his thoughts.