
Defense Against The Supernatural

Lorian, unemployed and in desperate need of cash went job hunting. But due to his late father's debt to the Four Finger mafia, nobody was willing to employ him. At his lowest point in life, a weird old man named Pablo, came carrying a Taro leaf under the rain. He brought a devil's contract, offering Lorian payment of his debt in exchange for his service. Without thoroughly thinking, he accepted the offer with haste. He was employed in the SDD or Supernatural Defense Department. They dispose of or seal any supernatural beings that disturb or harm citizens. Be it ghouls, vampires, witches, or anything that disturb the peace of humanity, they will vanquish those troublemakers. Lorian's world will start to turn upside down when something he has long hidden resurfaces once again as he ventures into the supernatural world.

Key_To · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
31 Chs

The Danger Levels

Son.... 'm so....y

…..ts mom'...ult.


Forgive me.




"Mom!" Lorian screamed.

His body was moist from his sweat. Catching his breath, Lorian sat on his bed, while he rubbed his hand to his forehead.

He didn't know what happened but every night he would wake up, having the same nightmares. Bloodied hands, the eyes in the abyss, and the ambiguous voice of his mother kept on haunting him. It was so vivid that he couldn't tell if he was dreaming or not.

Afraid to get back to sleep, he stood and headed to the bathroom. He went inside and undressed, placing his clothes down in the basket. Lorian stood there, cooling his thoughts under the cold shower.

After cooling himself, he dried his body with a dry towel and changed his clothes. He headed to the kitchen. When he opened it, he was greeted by Ann who was brewing her coffee.

"Good morning Lorian, coffee?" Ann offered.

"Good morning Ann. What time is it?" replied Lorian.

"4 am. You're early." Ann answered.

Lorian sat on a seat facing Ann who was pouring coffee into the two cups. Ann gave the other cup to Lorian. She also handed a jar of white sugar to Lorian.

"Thanks, Ann." Lorian thanked her as he blew the steam off his cup of hot coffee.

Ann didn't reply to him. She silently sat there, enjoying her coffee. Lorian didn't care being ignored by Ann, she was always like this.

While waiting for his coffee to get mild, Lorian cooked rice, fried eggs and hotdogs for breakfast. Ann continued sipping on her cup not minding Lorian.

Lorian would take little sips of his cup while frying. When he finished cooking, he set aside the fried eggs and hotdogs. He placed the utensils on the table giving Ann hers as well.

Ann nodded her head and served herself her breakfast. The two ate their fill. After finishing her plate, Ann stood up and placed her used utensils inside the dish washer machine.

Ann excused herself to Lorian, heading out with her cup. Lorian, left alone in the kitchen, decided to brew another cup of coffee. As he was about to pour it into his cup, Sao opened the door.

Sao still had his messy bed hair. His face was still sleepy as he kept on yawning. Lorian grinned at him as he got another cup, pouring it with coffee.

"Here." Lorian handed the cup to Sao.

"Thank you." Sao thanked him in a silent voice.

"Breakfast is all ready. Just serve yourself if you want to eat." Lorian said.

Sao was still absent-minded, nodding his head to Lorian while looking at the steam of his cup. Lorian left the still-sleepy Sao with his cup of coffee. He headed to the first phase of the containment room, where the antic books and their equipment were stored.

He sat near the books, reading a book regarding the danger levels of supernatural beings and their types. Due to their recent failure, Lorian couldn't get over how weak he felt at that time. Thoughts like 'if only' and self-blaming flooded his mind.

He immersed himself in the information about what the danger level means.

Danger levels rate how much danger can supernatural beings cause to the population. Some danger levels don't stay stationary, they kept on updating to accurately rate their threat to humanity.

Tier D- only annoys without causing any harm.

Tier D could harm a single person

Tier D+ could harm two people.

Tier C- could harm up to five people.

Tier C could harm more than five people.

Tier C+ could harm more than twenty people.

While tiers B, A, and S are based on how much they could endanger a place.

Tier B- to B+ could endanger villages.

Tier A- to A+ could endanger towns or cities.

Meanwhile, tier S could endanger a whole country.

There were 3 types of supernatural beings that needed to be noted. They were Corporeal, Astral, and Phantom.

Corporeal beings took physical forms. They could be killed by physical weapons. However, because of their superhuman abilities and unsealable body, they ranged from C to A danger level.

Astral beings took the spirit form. They needed to be exorcised or sealed. Only ranging from D to B danger level.

And the last type and also the most dreaded type, Phantom. They both have bodies that could switch from physical to spirit form. Many speculated that they were Astral beings turned Phantoms while others thought the other way around.

Phantom beings are dangerous, sometimes needing a squad or more just to eliminate or seal them. They ranged from B to S danger level.

Lorian read many records of different events from the past. From the harmless Astral to the devastation that a Leviathan could cause.

He also read a book regarding charms and amulets, and how much they cost. Looking at the lowest price, Lorian couldn't help but be worried about his future.

The lowest price of those charms and amulets ranged from hundreds of thousand. His hopes of early retirement were once again broken to pieces.

He wanted to cry but he couldn't. Lorian knew the life of poverty so he could only be patient. Charms and amulets were an investment in his freedom. They were the key he sought.

"Someday, I will buy a powerful amulet and earn a lot of incentives. Just you wait," he murmured to himself.

As he was checking out books, he also found out about cursed items. They were cheap ones. The book of cursed items was much thicker than the charms and amulet combined. This made Lorian's eyes glimmer.

The cursed items were useful tools. However, they were also notorious for their side effects. For example the cursed doll Anabelle, any kid will love to play with it, but the doll will become host to possessions and may cause harm to the children and their families.

That's why anyone was willing to cheaply sell it or even give it for free just to not get afflicted by their side effects. Lorian on the other hand thought otherwise. He was too poor to care for the side effects.

While he was immersed in choosing a certain cursed item. The PA system beeped.

"Everyone come to the office, right now." Pablo's voice echoed around the room.