
Defenders Of Time

Defenders of Time is a story about people who can travel in time and keep the time line safe from some creatures called time monsters, but what if the danger came from the defenders them selves! ,this story talks about two strong defenders facing the revolution army and restoring the balance Note: this is my first novel I hope you'll enjoy it, and don't forget to give me some advices in the comments

WorldChanger0 · Fantasi
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23 Chs

The Union Of Forces

"Please, have a seat," Lacomie gestured gracefully.

Catlin couldn't help but wonder about the cloth obscuring Lacomie's face. "What the hell is he wearing on his face?" she silently questioned herself.

Catlin and her soldiers took their seats as instructed.

"Now, you must get to know me, Ms. Catlin..."

"Why the sudden gentleness?" Catlin interrupted.

"I was raised in a dynasty and learned to carry myself this way. If you perceive me as the type who gains someone's trust through kindness only to betray them, rest assured that if I desired your demise, I could have annihilated you and your 'main center.' I don't build trust through fear. Such trust is easily broken. Is that explanation sufficient, Ms. Catlin?" Lacomie responded calmly.

"Hmph, very well then. Let's proceed," Catlin conceded.

"It seems, as my men have mentioned, you are a tough woman," Lacomie remarked.

"Also beautiful," Uryu chimed in.

Catlin's soldier was about to protest, but she intervened. "It's fine, he's just a kid."

"What do you want, Lacomie?" Catlin inquired.

"Getting straight to the point, I see. It's nothing major, actually. It's something you might find appealing. I propose a union between our forces," Lacomie proposed.

"A union? With a woman? My apologies, sir, but I disagree. Allow me to offer an alternative idea. How about we kill her right now and take her army? I prefer that approach," one of Catlin's soldiers interjected, readying himself to attack Catlin.

A bullet pierced through the man's chest, blood staining the room. Catlin remained composed, her stern expression unchanged, displaying her unwavering charisma. It became clear that it was Lacomie who had fired the shot.

"That was quite impolite. I left you here to observe the meeting and demonstrate to our prospective partners the trust between me and my men, not to showcase your arrogance," Lacomie reprimanded his men.

"We beg your forgiveness, sir!" his men pleaded.

"My apologies for the unpleasant display. Shall we take a brief break?" Lacomie suggested.

"Are you testing me now? Do you think I would be frightened by such a stunt and leave like a coward? Come on, you should have attempted something more menacing than shouting at a robot," Catlin retorted.

"Impressive! You caught on to the ruse swiftly. I told you, I dislike building trust through fear. Understanding my partners and their true nature is vital. I need to ascertain whether I'm dealing with cowards or individuals who will stop at nothing to achieve their goals," Lacomie explained.

"I'm starting to appreciate you now."

"Returning to our agreement, what I seek from this union is the conquest of the fifth dimension."

"Oh my god! Hahaha! You're a madman!" Catlin burst into laughter. "But it's an intriguing plan. You're harnessing our shared motivations to form a union and seize control of the fifth dimension. It's the craziest idea I've ever heard, but if it grants me the opportunity to obliterate every unworthy defender and reshape the fifth dimension, count me in."

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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