
Deep In The Mud

"There is only one happiness in this life and that is to be loved" - George sand Aurora has always been the 'unattractive, unattainable' girl throughout her whole life. No man has ever approached her with the intention of courting her, rather they approached her to learn more about her best friend. She was better known as a 'DUFF'. But now with her best friend dead and a baby depending on her, she finds herself trapped in a loveless marriage that will test and strengthen her character. Like most 21st century women, she views herself as a feminist. One who doesn't believe in love. She views love as a Capitalist movement created to control unsuspecting minds while breaking their bank accounts. But she finds herself falling in love with a man. Not just any man, her friends boyfriend who also happens to be her husband.

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162 Chs


"Lunch?" Matthew asks as soon as we leave the studio. He asks the question looking in my direction and l can tell that he is asking for my approval especially after what happened last time. We didn't part on the best terms and a conversation is long overdue to make our encounters a lot less awkward

"Sure, l don't want to go home with this crazy girl and l have never spoken to Verla so that should be interesting" Bless laughs at my direct insult but she knows l am joking, somewhat. Everyone who has ever been around her can attest to that.

"Oh l can't come, l have to be home soon but maybe next time" she says before walking off to her car, a yellow beetle.

"Is it me or is there something a bit off about her demeanour. Like l get being quiet and keeping to yourself but not like her, are we sure that everything is okay at home" Bless says looking at Verla drive off and Matthew nods but simply walks away