
8 Years of Hell... Well Purgatory (P2)

Slate POV


We finally made it. I've never been so happy to feel the floor in my life. On that note... the ground feels like diamonds it's so tough. I can barely make the dirt shift with my Geomancy.


Hades: That took longer then expected. How are you holding up kid? It's a little heavy huh?


[A little? It's tough to breathe the air. It feels like I'm walking through mud... How are you ok?]


Hades: Im just bones. Not much to weigh down. How are you handling the extra pressure My Silver Bones?


Gaia: My physical form is perfectly fine in this increased gravity.


Hades: That's the unholy truth. It seems like your body is even more perfect...


Gaia: My form is composed of treasured ores from Zero. This increased gravity has refined the ores within my body. User, I request for some materials to replenish my physical form.


[Ofcourse Gaia, Take whatever you need from my Orb but first... How much Storinum do I have? I'd like to make a gun clip. After you used whatever ore you want, I'd like to craft my pistol.]


Gaia: You have more then enough to make a gun clip. You have over 80kgs of it. Would you like to make the gun before I use the ores?


[Are you sure?]


Gaia: Positive User.


[Well ok then. I'll need your help. Can you bring up the blueprints of the ThunderLord from Destiny 1 and the Wingman from Apex Legends. I'd like to mix these two guns.]


Gaia: Understood. Gun type?




Gaia: Any special request?


[A Holographic sight that can be turned off at will.]


Gaia: Understood. What would you like to use ammunition?


[Magic bullets. I'd like to store mana into the clip.]


Gaia: Understood. I will use those two guns to make the best pistol schematic possible. Please give me some time.


Hades: Its time to do some new training. I need you to swim. You have been trying to get your body to acclimate to the gravity so now it's time to build your muscles as evenly as we can.


We walked to the river that's a few miles away... not fun. Once I got to the river, I realized something...


[Hey Hades... We have a problem. I cant swim. In my last life... I was stuck in a bed hardly able to move my hands... I never got the chance to learn.]


Hades: ... I'm made of bones, I dont swim...




Hades: ...


[Are we fucked?]


Hades: Nope, you're fucked. They say that babies know how to swim right after they are born... I hope you remember quick.


1 swift boney kick to my ass and I found myself flying head first into the river. First thought? Cold as fuck. Second thought... which way is up?


I eventually broke the surface gasping and spitting water out my nose.




Hades: Then stand up. The water goes to your neck.


After falling and getting swept further down the river, Hades jumped in and grabbed me by my shorts. He then WALKED in the water up stream back to where I first entered and held me in place.


Hades: Try and stand. Once you've got your balance, we will try again.


[My lungs hurt... I dont think I'll be thirsty for a week. You suck.]


Hades: Your welcome. Now, find your footing before I let you flow down again.


After a few minutes, I had my footing and started my walk fighting the river. Hades walked behind me so whenever I fell, he could give me a wedgie to pick me up.


We walked for hours. We finally came to a stop at the waterfall where Hades said to turn around and walk back.


This continued for about a week non stop. Gaia was my savior when she told me that the Schematic for my pistol was done.


She had me sit on the river bank and make each piece of my gun individually. She would then examine them and tell me what was wrong and to try again.


More then 4 months passed in this fashion. I'd walk the river twice then work on my gun. Gaia taught me how to swim so I wasnt almost drowning every time my footing slipped.


The gun was finished after working on it for the 4 months. The gun only had 13 pieces to it bit they had to me engrave using a highly mana conductive ore to have the mana travel correctly. The beast was a work of art... After I finished it, I made a belt to hang it on. I also placed 10 Storinum plates in the belt... because to be honest... who doesnt want a utility belt?


I hunted a few Bandersnatch (Lion like monsters) and had Gaia make a holster for both Hollow and Lightning Wing (Gun).


Once finished, I used a nice chunk of pure Storinum to make LW's clip. I then placed it in a magic circle that draws Mana to one point and placed the clip there.


[Good, now I wont touch it till we are ready to leave. With such pure mana, it should be able to power LW for a while.]


Hades: I cant even right now... Time for the next level... Swimming up the river... not walking. You must swim for 8 hours then my Silver bone has you for 6 hours. Then sleep.


[Gaia will train me? In what?]


Hades: No clue but she insisted. Said something about yogurt or something...


Confused... I was swimming in the river for 3 straight hours before I got swept up. Hades had to fish me out and gave me an hour to rest. After my break, I returned to my swimming and was swept up again 3 hours later. My break time ended my 8 hours of swimming so I went to Gaia for her training.


... She had me do Yoga. I now do Yoga for 6 hours a day. She wants me to release the strain on my body by stretching and working on my flexibly. Once I finished with her, I had freetime till I slept. I chose to use my freetime working on my TK and Geomancy. I would try to mold the diamond dirt into a sphere and use my TK to manipulate them.


This continued on for a year and 4 months roughly. I'm now 16 years old.

5 years until Slates return. Hope you liked it. let me know what you think

Beviscreators' thoughts