
Death is My Lover

Everyone dies. They can die in a peaceful way, in a way that they never expected, in a way that's so horrible, that you can't even imagine that it's really done by a human being. There was a myth that circulated along time ago. Death was a person, he comes to you and watch you die right on the spot. Ashleah chuckled, no way in hell that would be true. Right?

belly_hina · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
92 Chs


Axis and Nash glanced at each other, with widened eyes, gaped mouths. Axis quickly wanders his eyes around the High Priest Rowen's chambers, thinking of a way out of it. His eyes beamed and before Rowen could open the door Axis and Nash was gone through thin air.

Rowen had a creased forehead when he walks inside his chambers, there was a different feeling from the other days yet seeing it the way it was when he left his chambers made him shrug his shoulders thinking it was may be because of the tension of the two brothers who fought earlier.

Meanwhile, Axis and Nash who got teleported to Axis' chambers were panting while chuckling to themselves. Nash tightly holds the papers- or can they say the documents that they can use as a proof that the High Priest everyone is praising is the one that might send them to their own deaths.

"Let's compile this and act like you are helping me get my extra clothes since everyone knows that I am currently training under the Emperor's command." Axis blurts out, Nash nodded his head meaning that he agrees to Axis' plan. With that the two hides the papers to a bag and puts clothes on top of it.

Busy with fixing the extra clothes that Axis was going to bring to the Imperial Palace there was a sudden knock from the door. Three knocks to be exact, yet the two already knew who was behind the doors. With their hearts beating loudly and in a very rapid pace. Axis twists the door knob and they were right, welcomed with a Rowen who had a bright smile plastered on his face, he chuckled and softly hugged Axis.

"My! I've missed you so much, Axis. How have you been? Are you feeling tired? I can talk it out with His Majesty and ask for your break. Please do not feel shy to ask help from me-" Nash clears his throat finally obtaining Rowen's attention. "Greetings, Duke Deoncan! Pray pardon that I did not notice you were here too."

Nash nodded his head but it felt sketchy when those words escaped from Rowen's lips since all he of those words that were coming out from his mouth was all lies from the very start. How can he not notice him when he was just beside Axis when he suddenly hugs the man? Shaking his head closing his eyes for a few seconds, responding to the greetings. "Greetings, High Priest Rowen! How have you been? I've heard that you've been quite busy."

The question made Rowen stop, even his breathing hitched, smile was obviously slowly loosing its gleam as he avoided their eyes, scratching the back of his neck as a awkward chuckle escapes his lips making Axis glance at Nash, smirking at each other. Rowen was being obvious right now. "My, we've heard that you've held a show for those children inside an abandoned orphanage. Is that why you've been busy these past few days?" Axis tilts his heads, blinking his eyes, lips were pouted but not that much. Acting like he was some kind of clueless kid that does not know that someone was planning something bad to him, a reaction that Rowen wants to see.

"Ah yes, we've been a little busy with packing the foods and donations that the people are giving us, after finding out that there was an abandoned orphanage I have been so heartbroken and I was so disappointed on how people can abandoned such young children that can be much much more than that." Rowen looks down, shaking his head as his eyes landed on a white ivory bag that Axis was holding tightly, still looking down he raises both of his eyebrows. "My, so you are going to stay at the Beryl Palace for a little longer?"

"Yes, I am. Please do pray pardon but we have been given a limited time from our trainer, we have a training for today but it is indeed fun meeting you again." Axis blurts out before looking back at Nash, nodding his head before they headed out of his chambers- not even looking back at Rowen who seemed quite surprised but soon then a small smirk slowly crept to his lips.

Massaging his chin, staring blankly at the door where Nash and Axis left him all alone, a chuckle escapes his lips. "My, the small cat is becoming a bit wild, isn't he? I guess I've been acting a little to laid off thinking that he might never change his mind and help me with this."


As they walk pass through the large hallways of the Imperial Palace, Nash and Axis were giggling to themselves for they felt like that finally they were doing steps to find where the Black Magicians were hiding. As their foot took a step in front of the Emperor's office, Axis' eyes was yet again beaming receiving an amused chuckle from Nash. He was about to knock on the door when suddenly a familiar voice was made inside the Emperor's office making him stop and freeze on the spot with widened eyes gaped mouth.

"Father! Stop acting like that hmph!" You can hear Ashleah how she was acting like a small child, Axis smiled when he saw how Nash reacted to hearing the Princess' voice after days of not meeting nor seeing each other because everyone was quite busy with their lives but Axis did not wish for this moment to slip away for the both of them, he holds Nash's hand and puts it down before knocking on the door himself.

"You can come in!" Emperor Adler blurts out, Axis glances at Nash before twisting the door knob open revealing an Ashlah who was wearing a light pink sweetheart neckline dress that has gold glitters on it. A connected transparent glittered slit sleeve on her arms. A natural waistline and a slight puffy knee length skirt.

"His Imperial Majesty, Emperor of Genry. Greetings!" They greeted Emperor Adler first, looking down bowing their heads. "Her Imperial Highness, Princess of Genry. Greetings!" With that after a few seconds they both looked up and received a giggle from Ashleah.

"My, looks like you guys have grown so much since the last time I saw you." She smiled and glances at her Father then looking back at them, as her eyes landing on the white bag that Axis was holding. "Oh, you got it?" Tilting her head trying to see what was inside the white bag.

"Yes, yes we did. Axis open it up." Nash replied, upon hearing his voice yet again it made her heart go crazy, she cleared his throat and avoided the eye contact from Nash by sitting down beside the chair thay was specially made for her because the Emperor knows she loves to go here when he's working.

As they continue to shuffle around the papers, the Emperor sighs and nodded his head. "With this, it is indeed true that Rowen is helping the black magicians to bring us down. I do not know why but I–I want to know th reason."

"Father, you trusted Rowen so much. Maybe you are in some kind of stage that everything that's been happening secrets getting revealed you cannot accept it that it is still not sinking inside your mind." Ashleah blurts out, smiling at her Father softly. "Thank you Axis–" She smiles at Axis, taking a deep breath she then looks at Nash and almost had her eyes widening the only good thing was she stopped her eyes from doing so but her heart continued to beat in a rapid pace. "–Thank you Nash. You guys did a great job." She smiles.

The two replied with a brigh smile plastered on their faces, but when she saw how Nash smiled at her. The blood quickly flew up to her head and her cheeks went bright tinted red, gulping she avoided another eye contact from Nash.

She suddenly stood up, looking at her Father. "I-I will be back." She gulps and quickly walks out of the Emperor's office not looking back at them, biting her bottom lip. Ashleah heads her way to the nearest bathroom and looks at herself in front of the mirror and saw how hard she was blushing remember what Enver said to her.

'Yet, even though you love everyone of us Ashleah, something is different with Nash. Just try and look at yourself after meeting him, yes? Right?' She blinks and washes her face with the cold water.


Emperor Adler clears his throat and smiles at them. "Well then, it's all settled right? let's get him ARRESTED."