
Death is My Lover

Everyone dies. They can die in a peaceful way, in a way that they never expected, in a way that's so horrible, that you can't even imagine that it's really done by a human being. There was a myth that circulated along time ago. Death was a person, he comes to you and watch you die right on the spot. Ashleah chuckled, no way in hell that would be true. Right?

belly_hina · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
92 Chs


"Your Highness, are you sure that you will go with them?" Ashleah's Nanny asked her, she looked back as her hair was fixed into a regular braid. Wearing her gray jewel neckline and transparent gray with silver glitters poet sleeve, a pitch black with a hint of dark red two thin loose belt, black leggings and her dark brown boots. She was all ready for today's event.

"Do not worry Nanny, I am actually doing okay. I can handle this much, please do prepare me a glass a water before I go to them." She smiled, her Nanny just sighed and nodded her head. While walking around her personal chambers small yet cute giggles were heard from outside of her chambers, the door slowly opened and Aziel's head took a look from the inside of the chambers as soon as his eyes landed on Ashleah his eyes beamed as he quickly ran to the Princess.

"Princess!" He exclaimed excitedly, a huge smile that you cannot even see his eyes, arms were wide open and hugged Ashleah's leg tightly. "Are we going to play today, Princess? Giulia is quite busy today." He pouts his lips as Ashleah giggles and picks him up while stroking Aziel's soft hair. "Everyone these days are so busy, I am so bored with playing with the toys that his Majesty and Princess are giving me. I am also not allowed to go outside like the garden, what is happening, Princess?" He tilts his head while pouting his lips.

She closes her eyes and hugs Aziel tightly, softly tapping his back. "My apologies Aziel. Princess is quite busy right now." She whispers, as Aziel softly places his head on top of her shoulder as he slowly closes his eyes, Ashleah felt and noticed how his breathing went stable and relaxed. As she started humming the doors of her chambers slowly opened and revealed Nanny Riley holding a tray of a glass of water and some cookies.

Nanny softly giggled and was about to get Aziel from Ashleah's grip but the Princess she shook her head and softly places the young man down on her bed, and wraps him with the soft white blanket. "Sleep tight, Aziel." She softly whispers and kisses his forehead before walking back to her Nanny and took a sip from the glass of water she brought. "Please let him eat the cookies the moment he opens his eyes, Nanny play with for now. Aziel is still a kid and needs his playmates but for now? I cannot trust anyone to be his friend. They can harm him to bring me out."


"You ready?" Nash asks Axis when they met inside the huge hallway of the Beryl Palace. Nash then massages the back his neck while his eyes were closed. Walking slowly, everyone was taking their time so that no one notices that there was something big happening today. They cannot let the High Priest hear the news that they are going to arrest someone for he can flee away and hide within the black magicians.

"I heard that Prescott is coming with us." Axis blurts out, Nash nodded his head and the moment he opens his eyes they saw Prince Blake, Raven, and Lovis coming out of their own personal chambers receiving a raised eyebrows from the both of them. "Greetings, are you coming with us?"

Prince Raven was the first one who looked at them and nodded his head but–"Yes, orders from his Majesty." Prince Lovis was the first one to answer Axis' question.

"His Majesty won't be coming with us today, and I do think that is a little better than the other times that he was with us when we are going to arrest someone, we cannot afford to bring him any danger." Prince Blake blurts out while they were walking silently out of the Beryl Palace and was on their way to the Imperial Palace.

"How about Prince Enver and Akriel? Where were they assigned to?" Nash asked them, Raven looks back and smiles making Nash furrow his eyebrows.

"They were assigned to the front door of the Emperor's Office and they've been nagging about it that they were given a responsibility that they can risk their lives for." Raven chuckles like he was remembering how their reactions were.

The moment they walked out of the Imperial Palace they saw the Princess with her creased forehead, furrowed eyebrows, a slightly pouting lips, her arms crossed against her chest. "You guys took a little too long, don't you?"

"Ashleah!" The three Princes with Axis himself exclaimed excitedly it was like they saw their mother or younger sister after long years that they were not together making Nash shake his head with a smile.

He was thankful that Ashleah had people around her that was taking care of her. It's been a while since he saw the necklace, he was thankful for it really–the death rate inside the Empire went down hillside ever since he started taking care of it.

"Everyone ready?" Prescott flew over them–getting their attention and soon then flew closer beside his master and transforms himself as his human form. "I will be inside the same carriage as the Princess and Cason."


The plan was Ashleah was having a simple look around, Emperor's order and the moment she gaves Prescott her signal they will arrest the High Priest Rowen.

The whole ride was silent, everyone was so pressured with how the plan will work, hoping that there will be no one that might get hurt along the way.

"Her Imperial Highness, Princess of Genry. Greetings!" Everyone greeted her like they saw a Goddess that fell from the heavens above. 'Well–to be exact she is indeed a Goddess.' Nash thought.

"I am here because his Majesty told me to inspect around, where is the High Priest Rowen at?" As Nash, Axis, Raven, Blake and Lovis hid within the knights that served as the protection of the Imperial Princess, Rowen suddenly walked out of nowhere.

"Her Imperial Highness, Princess of Genry. Greetings! Pray pardon for we were not given any heads up from his Majesty that you are going to inspect today. We could've–"

"No need." Her voice held authority and coldness that sent shivers to everyone's spine. As she laid her eyes on Rowen like he was the one that she needs to inspect, the High Priest awkwardly chuckled and avoided the eye contact from the Princess. "I have a lot on my plate right now, let us make this easy for all of us, High Priest Rowen."


Ashleah knew that they were now in front of the High Priest Rowen's chambers because the second the palm of her hand was placed on the door knob and was about to twist it–Rowen reacted a bit too much.

"Your Highness, that is my personal chambers are you sure that you will inspect it?" They can hear how weary his voice was, the Princess who had her backs in front of them looked up and chuckled lightly, with a huge smirk plastered on her face as she turned her head to her left slightly, looking at the High Priest Rowen by her shoulder before speaking up.

"Why? Is there something that you are hiding inside your personal chambers? It is quite unfair for the others that I checked their personal chambers too, High Priest Rowen." She then faced them and smiled. "Well then, go now."

The second the word 'Go now' escaped her lips, Prescott and Cason held the High Priest Rowen receive gasps from the others and a loud groan from Rowen.

"W-What are you doing!?"

"Orders from the Emperor himself, we are now taking you under arrest for helping the black magicians Rowen, how can you do this? We trusted you–especially Axis."

"Ha... you can't do this to me."

"Yes we can." Axis was now the one that replied.

Suddenly, Rowen started whispering words that no one understood, with that black smoke went around him as Ashleah was about to blast him he smiled and looked up and said something before disappearing through thin air.

"This is just THE BEGINNING."