

Warning: detected high assimilated mass Warning: diverged entity detected The cube is now on the loose, weapon of mass destruction is free. ...//all hail to your god//...

HGGsuckatwriting · Lainnya
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45 Chs


Clare: "My phone said here we need to head to Refinoc Biowaste Management, it near the edge of the city. you boys need to do anything first?"

Nathan: "nah I'm good, tho they are quite smart actually, disguising themself as an unsuspected company to avoid suspicious from the people"

Clare: "Yeah clever. Yo Jame, you wanna go straight there?"

Jame looked back from the captain's cabin, he gave Clare a confident smile with a slick look. "heh, we going there boys. buckle up!"

feeling confident like Jame, the Gang gets on their seats, weapons, and tools ready.

Rose: "Let's go big bro"

hearing that, Jame gets right back in control, with Kirie on the side, she gives him a thumbs up. Jame let out a big smug, his fangs showed out as he fused his hands into the control panel.

[accelerate: assimilated]

Jame: "We are coming for you director!"

Kirie pushes the lever at full speed, and the jet begins to roar up, electric sparking around then instantly hit with the speed of light, the Jet shreds through the sky, blasting shockwaves. everyone inside was fine since Jame modified the Jet with a device to harmonize with this speed.

with this insane amount of speed, the gang reached the edge of the city in nearly 2 seconds. the jet stopped accelerating and then slow down instantly, luckily Jame add a cooling system, or else the jet will be like an oven with extreme heat.

Jame stop fusing his hands with the jet and turn the chair around: "We're here bois!" he looks really fun.

Clare and everyone are surprised, they didn't expect it to be this fast. they get out of their seats, taking their weapon, and gear.

the jet then finds a place to land in this mountain range. from the mountains, there's a road tunnel leading straight into the refinoc facility. the jet landed in the trees, the Gang step out and posed cool style.

Rose: "wreeee"

Clare: "time to move"

Jame: "agree"

the gang then gets down on the road, once they at the tunnel entrance, Kirie uses a small drone to scan the area, it detected nothing, so they go in.

the tunnel is wide, with lights lighting up the road, but not a signal camera inside. keep moving down inside, they manage to get to the entrance of the facility.

Jame fuse his hand in the panel then proceeds to hack the door open.

Jame: "Ready up guys, once this door opens, a lot of enemies might there waiting for us"

the rest nods and Kirie takes out a flashbang grenade, looking at him.

Jame smirks, when he sees them are ready. then finish the hijacking the door.

once the door opened, Kirie throw in the flash, white bang went up then they go in, guns raised around. but there's no one in the reception, only the dark room with little of lights and black trails on the ground.

Nathan: "huh?"

Clare: "why there's nothing like AC waiting for us? and why this place looks like after being in an outbreak or something?"

Nathan: "i don't know, it's that D-blood trails?"

Jame kneels down and then touches the black trail like blood, he licks the liquid stick to his fingers, to see what it was, "ew" Nathan and Clare don't feel comfortable about what he just did.

[A blood type] [no infection level detected]

Jame: "nope, this is just normal blood, not D-blood. what the hell happened here..."

the friends take on their flashlights, shining their way through the facility. pass the reception, and enter the main area, the place looks really chaotic, with blood trails and puddles everywhere, and the office room doors look like something had been broken out. the sign says something like contains chamber and research areas, but down the halls where those signs pointing, even looks like that can only describe as "outbreak"

Clare: "soo... what do you guys think? this place and all"

Nathan: "i just wanna get out of here fast, this place is scaring me"

Rose: "i have never been here before"

Jame: "Kirie, do you know anything about this area?"

Kirie: "i only read about the main facility, but this place, I never read or find anything about it. maybe it is just a backup just in case for something"

Jame: "hmm..."

moving through the facility, deep inside was messy, sometimes they encountered dead bodies, a broken cube, and red light flickering in one of the rooms.

Rose: "hey, there's a map"

Jame: "hmm, the head admin is near around this corner. the director must be there" *cock gun* "let's move guys"

Clare: "why do i have this weird feeling about something bad will happen?"

(Skip to when they get there)

the big hall with messy blood splattered everywhere, at the end there's a platform on the wall with the office behind the glass. when they get close they heard a sound, a clapping sound from a man with the mask, in a black suit standing above looking down at the gang. Jame quickly point his railgun at the director, confused on his head, "why is the director only alone here?" he thought to himself, but quickly being confident toward him, he speak to him with a cocky tone.

Jame: "what game are you planning now director? created a core that can think it could defeat me?"

the director calmly said with a deep tone, he is up to something: "i have been preparing for this... the reason why you have been created, the reason why i keep you here..."

Jame: "Hmp... yeah... that's your mistake... messing many lives... but it's time i put an end to this" The railgun charged up, red light making the room brighter with the blood-like color.

Director: "for the past 30 years I have prepared for this moment, oh that day... when the true god has been sealed by one false production, i know the only way i can let him be here is to revive his old opponent, gaining the true power of D-blood... and finally... i can finish what he wanted..." he takes out a red cube raising it in front of him "ALL HAIL TO YOUR TRUE GOD"

Jame gritted his teeth, he pulled the trigger making the railgun blast straight through the director's chest. looking at him, the mask fall down to reveal a machine... he was a core... the director's corpse fall down on the ground with the cube hitting the ground before disintegrating into thin air.

Jame breathing slightly heavily, makes the railgun back to the cube, moving to the director's dead body, confusion in his head, he has soo many questions about why...

Kirie: "he is dead..."

Nathan: "that easy? i thought it going to be a boss fight or something"

Rose: "it was

Clare: "Jame...? you fine buddy?"

Jame shakes his head slowly, he looks back at everyone: "i... can't believe it ended like this... all the suffering has ended with only a shot... i do not know how to feel about this..."

the group looks at the dead body, a moment of silence creating an uncomfortable atmosphere. Kirie take out a lighter, and gave it to Jame, seemingly he know what she mean. Jame takes the lighter and lights it up before throwing it at the director's body, igniting it up. the fire went up, lighting up the dark hallway with the presence of Jame, Kirie, Clare, Nathan, and Rose.

for a quiet time passed, the rest decided to go out of the facility, walking in silence.

Clare: "soo... what do ya wanna do now?"

Nathan: "i don't know... maybe go home? go back to our daily life"

Clare: "yeah... man i hate schooling, too much shets to study"

Nathan: "you just bad at it"

Clare: "pfft goddammit Nathan"

Jame and the rest giggle a little

Rose: "i never tried to study before, can I have the chance to do so?'

Clare: "Hmm... you look more like a human soo maybe? Jame, can you think she can?"

Jame smiled happily: "yeah, we can try new things right? Time to leave the past behind" and held Kirie's hand.

Kirie blushed a bit, then hugged Jame.

Rose is kinda jealous about this: "aww i wan-"

when she was about to say anything else, an alarm went up, the timer in the facility then jump around like crazy, and the facility suddenly goes into self-destruction mode. not thinking twice, Jame grabs everyone using his claws and arms, "accelerate!" he then goes super fast, with one quick motion he takes everyone outside.

Clare: "jesus christ"

Jame: "let's get back to the jet guys"

they quickly move through the tunnel, into the trees row, and into the jet, they started it up and fly above the sky. looking at the facility exploded, shockwave making the jet shaken.

Clare: "wow, guess we didn't have to clean all the evidence anymore. welp, time to g-"

"GOD-MIND!!!!!!!" a sinister voice went up, it coming from nowhere, everyone in the jet was silent, but Jame, he got frozen in place, his eyes glitching like crazy.

Clare: "Jame?"

----------------------------------(hive mind)--------------------------------

[Warning: diverged entity detected]

[high-level system and power source detected]

[Warning: DC-01-ERROR Detected]

GM: [no....]

[all connection disabled]


Jame: "ARGGHHHHHHH!!!" Jame fall down to the floor, his eyes bleed out the black liquid, he is shaking in pain.

Clare: "Jame!"

Jame: "he's.... here....." his voice is glitching

the jet flies out of sector-07, then a ray of red light strikes down right in the middle of the city, the gang looking in disbelief, then...

Jame: "dear god..."

the pillar in the middle of the city collapsed but the cube still floating, then the cube crack up, and it opened in half. the ray then wide up, and the city exploded with the ray of light disintegrating the sector-07 instantly.

the gang looks at the devastating destruction, gasps of shock from the friends. all the lives have been taken away, Jame stands up, his face looking serious now, looking at the middle of the dead ray. the destruction slowly fades away, and from the middle of the air, a shape of a boy slowly revealed 2 golden light rings around him, and a halo on his head. the boy opens his eyes, 4 of those X-eyes looking at the jet flying away, his long spikey hair flying with the wind, his long cape on his hip moving slowly.

Jame looked at the boy who was quite similar to me, he clearly saw him somewhere... somewhere in his memory, god-mind memories.

Jame: [God-mind... who is him.... hello?] "Kirie... take us away fast... now!"

Kirie: "alright"

the jet blast through the sky, leaving fast, Jame knows this person is no joke anymore, but for the safety of his friends, he chooses to flee away.


DC-01: "free.... as last... GOD-MIND... now you have failed to save this world... this timeline... the creature they created to free me... will soon be eliminated by me, and i shall consume them all. the last part i leave before i got sealed inside this prison has not failed me. and now DC-404-J / Jame... thank you and... die"

[Absolute solver: locked] [all systems engaged]

[Absolute ruler: online]


Clare: "dude, Jame what just happened?"

Jame: "he's back..."

Clare: "who's back"

Jame: "my enemy..."

Clare and everyone were kinda frightened after hearing Jame say that with his serious serious tone, he was not joking anymore. the Jet keeps flying through the sky until the jet suddenly, stops working. it falls down by unknown forces, "ahhh"

Kirie: "i can't... make it"

Jame quickly open the door using his claws, he got out and look above the plane, a yellow AS symbol pushing the jet down. a quick dash back into the jet, he takes everyone inside then Jumped outside the jet, and starts falling.

"AHHH" everyone screams except Kirie, Jame creates a grenade launcher and then blows up the jet, he creates the AS symbol below everyone to slow down the speed.

Jame: "not on my watch"

the gang landed on the ground safely, on the highway, cars, and vehicles passing by fast,

Clare: "ahh sh*t! Jame do something!*

Jame: "argghh!"

another AS symbol appeared under everyone then lift up, Jame bring the friends away in the direction where the danger is seeking them. passed the highway, and tunnel, and stole a car, Jame put everyone inside and pulled the person who was driving it outside.

Man: "A** HOLE!"

Jame then fuse his arm with the car then they accelerated away fast. they then make their way outside, into the desert.

Clare: "Jame what is going on?!"

Jame: "he's back..."

the group looks at each other worries, Clare then continues to ask: "who... is he?"

Jame stops the car when they get far away from civilization, he takes his arms back, looking serious and scared....

Jame: "i don't know... he's.... i don't remember him in my memory..." *sweat* "not... belong in my memory..."

the group was silent... they waiting for his next words.

Jame: "god-mind... the first... he's the one who contained him 30 years ago... his memories... i... don't know if i can protect you all..."

Nathan: "30 years ago?... that incident in sector 24?"

Clare: "i thought it was and accident"

Kirie: "no, they covered it up, all was a cover to hide... something..."

Rose: "the god..."

everyone looking at Jame, then he suddenly got out of the car, and also everyone "Jame?!"

Jame: "GOD-MIND!!!! SPEAK TO ME!!!"



[warning detected low-level energy and life signal]



GM: [hello dear friend...]

J: [C'mon man don't be soo down speak to me please!!!!]

GM: [I'm sorry... it was all my fault...haha... i was the one who they wanted... just because i didn't follow what they told me to... and now they created a monster... i know you suffered much to be like this... and yes it totally my fault...]

J: [don't you dare die!!!! you are the most powerful thing i know, i mean look at what you can do, control everything fate, read people's minds, and you are like some entity that i can only take to and share feelings... uuhh... you can't die right? tell me yes]

a voice from an 18-year-old boy starts speaking... his last words

GM: "yes... only if the seal still remains... I'm sorry.... farewell my son..."

J: "God-mind...?"

[all systems cannot detect / power level cannot be detected / no signal detected]

[://GOD-MIND is dead//:]



Jame's head suddenly sparked like exposed wires, he scream in pain, and the ground around him begin to disintegrate slowly into particle-size cubes.

everyone got away from him. "JAME!!!!!"


error: "i am coming for you..."

Mari: "i can't do anything about that sorry... the auth-"


Mari :<

HGGsuckatwritingcreators' thoughts