
Death call

hobiyoonmin · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
7 Chs

Death meets death caller

A soft autumn breeze blew inside the room and hit the bare chest of the pale boy in the double bed. That chilly air knocked some sense in him and he opened his eyes to look around his surroundings.

It was a new environment for him because he never had a view like THAT one before. His head was aching like someone was pounding on it. He groaned and his hand found the back of his head.

He blinked and looked at the window, it was still dark outside. It must be near the crack of dawn. He never woke up at times like that one. Though he is a light sleeper, he doesn't open his eyes for trivial things.

He looked at the window and decided to go close it since the winds were blowing so hard. He touched the blanket ready to throw it away... But his lower body didn't respond to his command.

He winced in pain and threw the blanket from his lower body. An inaudible scream escaped his mouth. He couldn't believe his eyes because he never sleeps naked. That's the second thing that was different, plus that wasn't even his room.

He threw his hands on his mouth to muffle non-existent noises.

A movement was noticed at the end of the bed and his eyes shifted to the place. Confirming his worst nightmare, a deep husky voice talked.

"Be nice and close the window will you?" The other boy said in a sleepy voice. All blood was drained from his face making him go paler than he already was.

A rage that was compressed all this time exploded and a scream escaped his mouth.

"Shh! You will wake my sister!" Another boy said suddenly sitting and covered his mouth with h his hand.

"What is your deal Adir? It's not even morning yet!" He said releasing his mouth. Adir just stared at him with horror in his face.

Nothing was coming to his mind that explained that situation. With his blank mind and fearful eyes, he shakily looked at the blue orbs in front of him.

"What am I doing here? What did you do to me?" He asked calmly but the other boy knew better.

When he didn't get any reply he sat abruptly and slammed his fist on the bed, getting the other guy's attention.

"I'm talking to you, Killian! What did you do to me you fucker?" He raised his voice that didn't get him anywhere because soon the door was opened and a girl in her early twenties entered.

Adir took a blanket and threw it around him... He was naked. The woman with a worried look came closer.

"Is everything okay? I heard a shout!" She said taking extra steps towards the bed. Killian stopped her by sitting and gestured his hand in a stop sign.

"We are okay Jessi! He just had a nigh-"

"I'm going back home!" Adir said not taking it anymore. He stood and took his clothes which were on the floor. He put them in and disappeared from the room.

He didn't care if there was a female there and he just exposed his body like that. One of his principles never exposes his body unless at the tight spot... But again it was.

It's not every day you wake up and find you just had sex with a guy... And you a bottom!

Not just any guy at that, the same one who bugs you every day... Your nemesis! He scoffed as he walked towards his house which was just around the corner.

He patted his butt to inspect it and it was still hurting like hell. But nothing came into mind to decipher why he had sex with Killian.

Killian looked at the door as it closed and groaned in frustration. His sister went to sit beside him and rubbed his back in a comforting gesture. He looked at his sister's blue eyes and smiled.

"What happened?" His sister asked the question which he was dreading and didn't want to answer. But that day, nothing good was coming from him or to him.

"We had sex! I swear I didn't plan it! I was.... l... I'm just... I fucked up, didn't I? I mean I was sober, and I just took advantage of a drunk person!" Killian said ruffling his hair in frustration and guilty.

His sister took his hands to stop him from doing that. Killian looked at his sister with teary eyes. His sister sighed and released his hands.

"And why is it your fault? Only bad people use I was a drunk excuse! If he was drunk why did it seem like a consent thing?" She said making his brother open his eyes in shock.

A smile crept onto Jessica's lips as he looked at her horrified brother.

"Walls are too thin, and you were too loud!" She said and looked away blushing. Killian wasn't in the position of blushing because he was still horrified.

"Doesn't matter! He was drunk... and... He Uhm, he hates me!" Killian said playing with his fingers nervously.

Jessica looked at his brother and saw no reason to keep telling him it wasn't his fault alone because he won't listen anyway.

She sighed and stood up. She looked at her brother who was near to tears. She sighed again.

"What is done, is done! You can't turn back time to correct your mistakes! Listen, if you just explain to-"

"I am afraid that won't be of any help, Jessi! I think I will go to school early today!" Killian said and stood up running to the bathroom.

Adir tugged his brunette long hair behind his ear as it escaped when blown away by the winds. He stood in front of his house door and templated whether to go in or what.

He sighed and twisted the doorknob and went in. It was still dark but people were awake because there were lights coming from the kitchen.

He tiptoed to the kitchen and there were the house chef cleaning dishes that were accumulated over the sink. A smile crawled into his lips as he watched the chef washing dishes while swaying his hips.

"You should go to India Donald! Great hip sways!" He said and making his appearance in the kitchen. Donald turned and faked a surprise while throwing his hand on his mouth.

"Oh my God! You have a strange stereotype! Who told you only Indians sways their hips? Anyway, where have you been? Your father threw a huge fit because you weren't at the dinner table!" Donald said and turned to the sink.

Adir gulped and his smile turned upside down staining his beautiful face. He looked at his fingers and sighed.

"It's not like he missed me or anything! I will be in my room, imma go to school early!" Adir said and turned to go to his room.

Donald noticed something in the way Adir walked and he was not happy.

"What happened to your butt?" He suddenly asked and Adir halted in his steps. He turned to look at Donald who had a suspicious look.

Adir opened his mouth when he heard footsteps from behind. He turned and there stood his father in his glory.


"You finally decided to grace us with your presence I see! Go prepare yourself we are leaving in 30!" His father said and walked past him to Donald who was smiling awkwardly.

Adir gulped and ran to his room.

He slammed the door and leaned on it. He ruffled his hair and groaned in frustration. He removed clothes from his body and went into the bathroom.

As cold water hit his skin, he felt more alive. He leaned towards the wall and looked at the reflection on the mirror.

His long brunette hair was dangling on his neck, wet. Ear piercings that were decorated with little earrings, well-sculptured tattoos on his chest and stomach, more piercings.

With his 6 feet tall build and big build at that, anyone who sees him for the first time would leave with the bad boy impression.

Which is true!

For the sake of his father, he never wears short sleeves since his arms are also decorated with tattoos. His mother said it was a phase but as days goes, he gets more tattoo ideas that he wants them drawn in his body.

To his parents, he was a problematic child.

He looked at the mirror again and saw his hair roots were starting to show. It was a long time since he bleached his hair dark. He is naturally blond. And that mixture made him look extra beautiful.

His own dark grey eyes were standing out in his pale face. Like if he had light complexion then his complexion is the lightest. He was deadly pale.

He wrapped up the shower session and went to prepare himself before his father goes barbaric. He took a white long sleeve shirt and completed the look with maroon cadet trouser.

He took his bag and swung it behind his back while wearing his favorite vans. When he opened the door Donald was there waiting for him.

"What is going on Donald? Why the long face?" He asked while closing the door. Donald just stared at him before taking out something from his shirt pocket and gave it to him.

"Apply that ointment it helps!" Adir looked at Donald as he disappears into the kitchen. He looked at the ointment and smiled. He is known for his harsh behavior so he was wondering how will he talk to Donald who helped him just now.

He kept the ointment in his backpack and went downstairs. There was his mother waiting for him. He gave a weak smile as he approached her.

She wrapped her hands around her son as she rubbed his back in circles. He moaned in satisfaction and his mother chuckled.

"You missed this?" She asked still rubbing his back. Adir just nodded because it felt so good to be true. His mother smiled softly and continued to do what she was doing.

"We don't have time for this! I need to be at my office in 1 hour! Hurry!" His father's voice boomed the house and his mother released him feeling so sad.

Adir just shook his head to make his mother feel okay and kissed her forehead.

"See you later!" He said and followed his father outside.

His father said that he will never buy him a car while he is in high school. He feels humiliated every day his father drops him in his school but he didn't have any other options.

He looked at the street as his father took his car out of the garage. There he saw a boy he woke up with. A rage rushed in his face as the boy looked at him with a sad face.

He looked away and went into his father's car. Mr. Hayes looked at his son and sighed.

"Where were you last night?" He asked starting the car. Adir looked at his dad and his face dropped.

"Don't act as if you care, dad! I know you would want something to fall on me right now and die if possible!" Adir said and looked forward as the car accelerated towards the school.


"I told you I can walk here! It's not that far here!" He said removing the seat belt and opened the car door. He looked at his dad for the last time and disappeared to the crowd.

He hung his head as he walked towards his first class. It was still early and students were coming in small groups. Many with a hangover from yesterday's party.

It was one of the teachers goodbye party, so they hold it in the school halls. It was chaotic and totally out of the topic. If the principal knew it would be like that, he would have banned it.

A hand touched his shoulder and he yelped shocked. The laughter that followed made him angry. It was his problematic friend that he hangs out with.

"Who knew this big boy is afraid as fuck!" Ryan, his friend said and slapped his butt as he always does. Adir winced and glared at his friend.

"What happened to your butt?" His friend asked but before he answered, a voice behind him called his name. He irritated turned and met with blue eyes.