
Death call

hobiyoonmin · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Synchronized fate

When Adir saw Killian he turned to go away. Killian held his arm and stopped him from going. Adir stopped and glared at Killian.

"What do you want?" He asked still glaring at him as he was a few seconds ago. Ryan looked at the situation and knew that he needs to be gone. He quietly slides out of the scene and went away.

Killian looked at the grey eyes that hold a rage that can burn a whole forest. He held the gaze then decided to look away. He released Adir's hand and awkwardly swung his own hand.

Adir started to walk away when he saw there was nothing to say anymore.

"Please! I just need to talk-"

"About what? You have a fucking girlfriend! Why did you do that to me? Do you hate me that much? Is my presence that disgusting to you? Is that it?" Adir asked putting his normal poker face.

Killian looked down in shame but he really needed to sort this out. It was not going to be easy but he needed to try his best.

He just had this bad feeling, and he was sure he will be okay once they just settle that down. His eyes settled down on Adir's arm that was exposed a little. That tattoo was a familiar word.

When he needed to take a good look, Adir noticed and pulled the sleeves. He walked towards the stairs and without any further hesitation, he ran upstairs to the rooftop where he always stays when he comes early to school.

Actually, his mind was in shambles and he decided to just skip the first two lessons. What was a big deal anyway, it's not like his father will care? His academic history was not great since he learned his first word.

He sat down and took a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and took one piece of cigarettes and patted his trouser back pocket for a lighter and found none.

He sighed in disappointment and hung his head low.

Why the fuck nothing goes his way?

He threw that piece of cigarette down with such force that even his arm hurt but he just bottled it up. He stood up and stomped on the cigarette angrily as if that piece was the cause of all those.

He groaned and ruffled his long hair in frustration. He looked at the sun that was dancing happily in the sky. Like this is the day the sun chose to come out? It was autumn for Pete's sake.

The way sun shone in the sky, it was like a happy day when all people woke up from such a beautiful dream.

But to people who are sad or angry, how do you feel when you see people laughing and smiling at your nose? It is annoying and you feel like plucking their heads from their neck.

That's how Adir felt.

He looked at the sun for another few seconds before sneering and went back to the spot he was sitting earlier.

The bell rang but that didn't even shock a muscle in Adir's body. He remained static since he already aimed not to go to the class. He looked around and no one was coming.

He leaned his head on the Janitor's cabinet there. He tried really hard to remember what happened yesterday night.

But he was always a lightweight and now he had no memories of yesterday. He internally cursed and scrunched his face in pain.

He tried to remember the last thing before he was drunk...

Flashback begins.......

A stupid ceremonial event went on and the principal was so proud that students showed up in their weekend to show love to their beloved retired teacher

Mrs. Gibson looked at the crowd and gave a toothy smile. She went to the mic and tapped on it to test if it works. When she finds it works, she resized it into her height and cleared her throat for attention.

When the hall was quiet, she gave another toothy satisfied smile.

"Thank you all for the love you have shown me today! I hope you will all have a prosperous remaining year..."

"No one says prosperous anymore dude! Like she really needs to upgrade!" Ryan whispered to his friend who was sitting all rigid and stiff.

Ryan noticed the discomfort of his friend and wondered what has caused that. He took a little peek and saw that besides Adir sat a little angel. A second-year queen bee that every guy in school goes after.


He switched his eyes to his friend and sighed. Like when will he start to be comfortable around girls. Since he gives out such a bad boy vibe, all girls in their school are crazy about him.

But he always gives them a cold shoulder and he doesn't want to associate himself with them. Ryan smiled helplessly and decided to play wiser.

"You wanna see old Gibby? Come sit here, great view!" Ryan said and stood up to switch seats with his friend

Other kids from the back lamented for nothing as he was standing up.

Adir sent his friend a grateful smile while the girl, Elise sent him a death glare. Ryan playfully shivered to show her that he wasn't scared of her.

Adir relaxed and started to give small smiles at anything funny or hilarious Mrs. Gibson would say. Ryan would occasionally look at his friend and smile.

Adir was clapping his hands after Mrs. Gibson finished giving her speech. He turned aside and at the other row beside him, there was a rather irritating view. He clenched his hand which was resting in the chair's arm.

Ryan noticed that and followed his friend's gaze and he was staring at his least-liked student in the school. 

Killian Zeth. 

He was flirting with his girlfriend and laughing quietly. Ryan sighed and took his friend's hand. Adir turned and looked at the copper brown eyes of his friend. Filled with worry.

Adir smiled and shook his head.

"Do you want to get fresh air outside?" He asked starting to stand up...

"Like seriously Ryan! Stop babying him! He is an ass grown man and he is already that big!" Elise said irritated and annoyed. Other kids nodded in agreement.

Adir just smiled and turned to his worried friend.

"I will go outside by myself it's okay!" Adir said and stood up to go outside. There was no student outside, just a few security guards and other staff.

Like Adir cares about those.

He looked around and took a cigarette from his shirt pocket. He patted his trouser pocket and took a lighter. He flicked it but it was swapped by someone.

He angrily turned ready to fight whoever the bitch. When he met that blue pool, he softened and turned forward.

"Didn't they told you smoking is harmful to your health?" Killian said sitting beside him. Adir didn't even try to fight him.

"Well, isn't that what you want? My health to be in a harmful way?" He said patting his trouser to find another lighter but found none. He disappointedly sighed and removed the cigarette from his lips and turned to look at the other boy.

He was having a guilty look and a sad expression. Adir rolled his eyes and returned his cigarette in its case.

"What are you doing out here? Bae is boring?" Adir said standing up after the principal announced that the party may start and to bring out the drinks.

It was already late, it was 8. He needs to go drink a few bottles and then go home early. He turned to Killian who hung his head and sulk. Adir scoffed.

"I guess the principal's son can't enjoy this one! See you later!" Adir said and went in to enjoy with other kids. His friends had stupid drinking games and by the end of the party, it was dirty, r-rated, and wasted teenage kids getting wasted.

Their principal is always a rebellious man. He doesn't care about government rules or anything. Like there were minors at that party but he allowed all of them to drink.

Adir when wasted he was zoning out a lot. He didn't do anything, he didn't swear around like his friend Ryan. Rather he was a gentleman and quiet man when he is drunk... Not that he is loud when sober...

People started to go home and Ryan's mom came to get her son. She smiled at Adir who gave a little bow out of courtesy.

Mrs. Louis smiled and looked away her cheeks taking a crimson shade.

"Do you have anyone to go home with?" Mrs. Louis asked Adir. Adir turned his eyes to the only awkward boy in the group. Mrs. Louis followed his gaze and saw a dark-haired boy awkwardly poking his own hand.

Mrs. Louis's expression darkened and she sighed. She knows the fraud that goes on between Adir and Killian. Like everyone in the neighborhood knows.

But no one knows why.

They are so different that there is no reason they can fight about it. Adir is a quiet, mischievous, and bad boy. Who isn't doing good in school, bad with girls... Actually bad with all people. Likes tattoos, rock music, and all bad things a teenager can get himself into.

On the other side, Killian is charming, talkative and a good boy that any family would want him for a son. Little strong that no one bullies him, comes from a good family with good morals and religious foundations. And has a good academic performance.

Like what is there to fight about between these two kinds of boys?

Mrs. Louis shook her head and took Adir's hand.

"I will drop you off-"

"It's okay Mrs. Louis! I will get him home, we are neighbors after all!" Killian said and took Adir's hand from Mrs. Louis.

Mrs. Louis just looked at the scene as Killian took Adir. Killian carefully took him to his car because Adir doesn't have one.

He fastened the seat belt for him and got himself in the passenger seat. Adir was awake but he zoned out. He was super drunk. His father won't like it if he sees him in that state.

Killian remembered how hard his father beat him whenever he came home with any mischievous report. Although he is already 18, Adir does nothing when his father yells or hits him.

That always makes Killian angry. He wished to go inside that house and took Adir away. But then, what excuse would he have? Adir hates him inside out.

He contemplated whether to go in or just pass the house. He decided to let him crash his room for the night. Adir didn't do anything as he passes his house. He was so drunk.

Killian looked at his friend in the passenger seat and smiled. He had lipstick smeared all over his mouth because of dares he did in the drinking games. He kissed girls and boys. Though he would say himself, he didn't enjoy kissing those girls wannabe.

He removed the seat belt for Adir and opened the car door. Adir bowed again and went inside by himself. He wasn't even trembling. He was like any normal person out there.

Killian smiled and went in after him. In the living room, the television was on. He knew that his sister would be up.

"Hey, Jessi!" Adir greeted and bowed. Jessi peeked from the couch and smiled back. Adir didn't say anything and took off to Killian's room.

Jessi looked at his baby brother and snorted.

"He is drunk, isn't he? There is no way he would come inside this house while sober!" Jessi said still chuckling. Killian nodded his cheeks getting red.

"No need to be embarrassed! Enjoy this moment before he goes back to the 'I want your neck Killian' and he is so cute!" Jessi said and returned to look at whatever show she was watching.

Killian scratched his neck shyly. And told his sister goodnight. He went to his room when he found Adir naked.

He gasped and looked away.

"What are you doing?" Killian asked finding a place to look but at Adir. Adir scoffed

"You want me to get onto your bed with this sweat? I'm not cleaning your sheets tomorrow!" Adir said and took one of the towels to the bathroom.

Killian sat on the bed and put his hand on his chest as his heartbeat at an abnormal speed. He went to get pajamas for his friend and stood there fidgeting.

Why was he acting that way? No one knows.

Adir came out with only a towel around his waist. All of his tattoos on full display. His well-toned and sculptured body, also in full display.

Killian gulped and Adir noticed that.

"You want to touch this? You always admire a good body! I built this just for you!" Adir said with his drunk poker face.

On the Killian part, his heart was about to burst out of his chest. Adir approached him and took his hand and put it on his stomach. A cold surface that his hand touched, sent chills to his body.

He looked up at the grey eyes that held no emotions. He was still drunk. Something about his eyes made Killian so mad. He wants to punish those eyes. His other hand found its way to Adir's cheek and he caressed it.

They were both in the same height, but Adir was a little taller by few inches. Adir looked at Killian and that emotion in his eyes irritated him.

"Don't go emo on me, Zeth! I'm tired!" He said and removed Killian's hand from his stomach but Killian with so much force pushed him on the bed and crashed his lips on him.

It wasn't a big deal, he kissed his boy friends in the games today too. It wasn't a big deal until Killian wandered his hand to the sensitive part that made Adir let out a moan.

Killian pulled away and wanted to dismount him. Adir held him in the place.

"Finish what you started!"  He lowly whispered.

The last thing he heard is

"I won't go easy on you!"

Flashback ends......

He looked at the empty air and just looked at it. He didn't know what to do with the piece of the memory he collected.

He knows one thing, whatever happened last night, he was responsible for it too. That made him feel so rough.

He couldn't take Killian's face from last night away until a door opened and the face he dreaded appeared. He had a sad face.

"What the fuc-"

Killian jumped on him and gave him a big hug... Saying I'm sorry over and over again.