

"She's getting curious, Maybe it is time to show her what happens when someone snoops around. Cancel her Mission and give her another 'mission'."

The Young man just lowered his head and excused himself.

"Ahhaa, she was such a good tool. Well, sad for her."

The old man left out a little chuckle with eyes darker than black.



Sun Hee jumped over the mansions wall. She crept to the balcony leading to the study room. After climbing it up she quietly observed the room.

Her mission got cancelled at the last second so she hasn't got the time to do a proper background check about her next target, who's supposed to be a old man. The only thing she knows is that he has a rather successful company and she just has to kill him, because he's a thread to our client.

That's all. It's not the first time she has to deal with mission that was assigned at the last minute, but somehow something seems off. Sun Hee got a bad feeling about it. Maybe that's what is called a woman's intuition. She entered the study room through the open balcony door.

'Lucky or too easy?!'

She held her breath to listen to any noise.


Sun Hee kept going towards the door not noticing someone being behind her.

"Hello darling"

She shrunk into herself. Recognizing that voice she stopped instantly, but she didn't relax.

She tried to answer as calm as possible.

"So you are the 'Old man' ?"

"Seems like it"

Sun Hee's face darkened. She turned around to see her guardians face, he's one of the few who are in the inner core of the organisation and also familiar with 'Boss'.

"Sorry darling. It's an order " he smirked.

"Shouldn't have eavesdropped that day. You don't have to beg for your life, it's resolute."

Sun Hee felt something pierce her chest.

No sound left her lips. She slumped to the ground, her eyes glazed over and her breathing became quick and shallow.

And there was something, a feeling, stirring in her. A feeling that hurt more than the wound in her chest. Betrayal.

Betrayal that she never even once went through.

Even if Sun Hee tried to guard her heart, she developed a bond to her guardian somewhere along the way. A bond others would call family.

"Did you like me, even a bit?", she asked, her weak voice cracking at the end.

The man laughed and forced her chin up to his face Looking her in the cold eyes of her Guardian.

"You think to highly of yourself, darling" The amusement in his voice was evident.

Sun Hee's eyes were glossy and the hurt was apparent in her eyes. Was her life destined to be like this? Being a puppet, killing and running from her own emotions. Most people thought back to their happy moments in life.


But what did I have?

Never have I ever experienced being a child. Never have I ever experienced the safety of a warm embrace. The support of a real family. Never have I ever experienced a loving hand wiping away my tears and helping me up. A family being with me at good and bad times.

All her life the only one I could really trust was myself. I could only imagine what real love would feel like. Seeing the world in colours, violet, blue, pink, green. All those beautiful colours. But everything had been white, black, various shades of grey and red, blood red, all my life long.

The red that represented my victims. The red that haunt my dreams every single night.

The empty eyes of her 'targets'... the same as hers right now.

Whose fault was it that my life had become such a pit of suffering? Maybe it was fate to live lonely. And after killing every day this may be my punishment.

'Please end my suffering

End my pitiful existence. I am of no worth anyways, what will it matter to anyone if I am gone.

Pleas let my soul rest'

These were her last thoughts before the darkness engulfed her.

Lying on the cold floor, her blood spreading and having a smile on her face, showing the joy about the salvation finally coming.


'What is this...

I feel like drowning'

There were black spots entering her vision and the ache in her chest became unbearable.

'P-please... please help me

Why ...




So hey guys. It's our my first time writing our stories like this as a novel. I am sorry for any grammatically wrong syntaxes.

I am not a real fan of that name Y/N. So I chose a real name. I really sorry for those who like that Y/N , but I'm really sorry.

So this is a Romance fiction with the main character and V. ??

Hope you like it.<3

Love you armyyyyyy

xoekuwxcreators' thoughts