

IT'S LOVE UNTIL IT GETS HEARTLESS (The vol 2 has been deleted) slight improvisations are made, no change in the story just change of words.

daphne247 · Realistis
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83 Chs


(POV Lijah)

" So, here comes the results of the most awaited moment of this season..."

The announcement started. Still, I couldn't spot Amanda and Lian in the hall. Where are they?

" Baby, are you ok? You look tensed. Don't worry Lijah, we will win the title." Caroline spoke as she leaned on to my shoulder.

" I know Caroline." I spoke with a smile.

Who cares about the title. All that I care about is, 'Where is my girl?' and besides, who the fuck is your baby?! I know I am dating Caroline but this was never confirmed as a date by me and it felt uncomfortable when another called me the 'b' word.

" Miss Vinlex season 27, Caroline Starry."

Caroline's face glowed up with success. She deserved it! She took a look at the audience with pride and then looked at me.

I smiled at her, but unfortunately, a smile wasn't enough for her.

She leaned closer on her toes for a kiss. For a second, I was totally confused. My heart whispered to refuse her kiss, but if I refuse it in front of these many people, Caroline will be offended.

I kissed her back and stopped it within a millisecond. As Caroline walked to the floor, I looked back only to see Amanda and Lian standing by the door.

I quickly wiped my lips and looked at Amanda. She looked unbothered.

" The King and Queen of Vinlex High, season 27, Amanda Willson and Lian Smith."

Lian offered his palms and she looked at him before accepting his hands.

They walked to the dance floor and bowed to the audience. The fact that she didn't even give me a smirk, disturbed me.

I know her better than anyone. And I know, she isn't that cliché girl who plays with a boy's feeling to get the other one jealous and that is exactly why she isn't even giving me a small glance.

They both were crowned and was allowed a small place with particularly focused lights to dance.

All eyes were on them. Everyone around them idolizing them as if they were the literal Lords of the town and the word 'jealousy' was written on few faces.

" What song do you want?" A man asked from the counter.

" Uh.. How about 'thousand years'?" Lian suggested.

My heart skipped a beat when I heard him. I could see Amanda's eyes dilating. Tell him that is 'our' song!

" Do you know that?" He continued.

" Yes Lian, that song will do fine."

'You lost her' my head told me a trillion times as approved that song.

She was trying so hard to act normal. To act as if everything was ok. But, I know what exactly she must be feeling.

The song started to play and they both put forward their feet to the dance.

I felt like the world was revolving around me. The worst day of my life. I felt so guilty of pushing away something beautiful out of my life. Losing a piece of heart was not poetic anymore. A pain in my stomach and throat. She was trying to be happy there up on the floor.

The dance came to an end and I clapped for them, along with everyone.

Everyone looked amused seeing the silent girl being the talk of the season. I walked out of the hall.

" Lijah! Where 're you going?" I could here Caroline running after me .

I stopped between the darkness and turned towards her.

" Lijah, is something wrong?" She asked.

"Why do you care Caroline? You've been all over me for the past two days. Holding my arms as if somebody glued you with me. Calling me 'baby' as if we are couples. Please, just let me be! I need some fucking fresh air. " I let a part of my anger on her.

Her eyes were filled with tears. Ugh!! No time for that.

" I am sorry Lijah. I just.. I am sorry. Take your own time." She spoke and walked slowly back to the hall.

This was supposed be the happiest day of her teen life and I just ruined it.

" Caroline." I called, making her turn to me.

" I am sorry. I didn't mean all that."

She smiled and winked both of her eyes. I could see that she was hurt.

That's when I heard a familiar laugh from a bit far. It was Amanda laughing and talking with Lian. Both of them walked to the road. I guess he is walking her home. Now, that was it! The full stop for my controlling powers.

" Caroline, want to spend the night with me?" I asked.