
De Luca Italian Mafia

When running away from her past, twenty two year old Alina runs straight into the arms of Romeo De Luca, twenty six and an Italian Mafia Don, not just the Don, King of the Mafia, without even realising it. Working as a dancer and a waitress she catches his eye, and he becomes infatuated with the dark haired beauty. Can his stone cold heart actually love? Will Alina fall for his charms? Violence, danger, love and heartbreak await in this Italian Mafia saga. (This is a mature story with adult themes, violence and things people might find sensitive.)

angelbaby_30 · perkotaan
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58 Chs


Romeo POV:

I go up to check on Alina, I feel terrible for my sister and losing my temper like that. I have never lost my temper with my father, mother, brother or Isabella before. I see she's fast asleep. I can't imagine how she must feel being thousands of miles in a different country and already being nervous about being here. Damn it Isabella. I kiss her cheek and close the door letting her sleep, I make my way down to the office, this can't happen, my kid sister cannot derail Alina or put doubts in her mind.

"Dad, what Isabella done, she had no right," I say fuming as I enter the office.

Dad pours me a whisky and motions for me to sit and calm down. "How is Alina?" He asks calmly.

"She's asleep," I say shaking my head and downing my drink.

"Isabella wasn't right, I don't know what's wrong with her. She's been this way since she heard you were coming with Alina. I think she's just not wanting you to get hurt son. She's just going about it the wrong way," dad says and it makes my jaw tick.

"It's not for her to decide, I understand she may have fears yes. This is far too over her head for her to have an opinion on it. Alina needed space, we healed, people break up and get back together. It happens, she's a kid, she has no right to interfere with matters she's knows nothing of," I say bitterly. Father nods agreeing with me. "I don't have time to deal with her shit dad. I have Francesca to take down and the Mexican cartel, I don't need her in my business and speaking down to me and causing more shit," I say exhausted.

"I will deal with her and she will show you respect, she will also apologise to Alina. You will not kill your sister though," Dad says and I shake my head and leave his office.

Making my way through the kitchen I see mamma cooking, and I hope Alina will even come down for dinner. "Mamma where is Jake and Luc?" I ask her in passing.

"They went for that walk, tension was a bit high my baby," She says and I nod.

I make my way up to Alina, I need sleep, I think I will just crash a bit with her it's been a long day. I make my way in and I see beautiful love still asleep and crawl in next to her and pull her into my arms. "I'm so sorry amore." I fall into a deep sleep for about and hour or two, until I hear crying and Alina shaking. "Lina, wake up baby," I try to wake her.

I know she's had bad dreams for a while now but she was doing so well till Isabella. She opens her beautiful eyes, they are red rimmed and a bit swollen. "Romeo?" She says sleepily.

"You were having a bad dream," I say softly a bit sleepy myself.

"I'm sorry about your sister," Alina says looking down tears threatening.

"No she had no right, don't pay her any mind, it's not your fault. She doesn't know the whole truth about what happened so she shouldn't be saying things," I answer her and she nods. "Let's get ready for dinner, mamma has cooked up a feast and she will be calling soon," I say hopefully, I know she won't be hungry.

"Alright," she says and we get changed. Alina slips on a long black maxi dress with black wedge heels and puts her hair in a bun with diamond studs and her necklace and a touch of make up. I slip on a dark blue jean, and a black shirt, rolled up sleeves and a boot. Alina looks beautiful though, I grab her hand and we go down. The table is set, Luc and Jake are speaking to my father and mamma is putting all the food on the table. Isabella is sitting quietly not speaking to anyone.

"Darlings I was just about to call you down, come sit. Luc, Jake, Alfonso, come!" Mamma says and we all take our seats, Isabella just sits there at the table ignoring the world. My dad says grace and we dig into the different dishes, I missed moms cooking, Alina though is on the same level as mom, I have to say. We chat and laugh and have some wine, I can sense Alina is a bit weary and slightly more quiet. "How did you like the food my dear?" Mamma asks.

"It was lovely Sofia, a true taste of Italy, absolutely delicious," Alina says.

"Come help me with dessert, I made Tiramisu, always a favorite in this family," mamma says to Alina, and they go off. Isabella looks shaken and sad. I'm too mad at her to speak to her right now and fall into conversation with Luc, Jake and dad.

"Here we are mi familia!" Mom says with extra flourish and Alina is genuinely smiling, they must have had a talk.

"Mamma with all your cooking and dessert I'm going to be rolling out of here," I joke and mamma laughs.

"My boy nothing wrong with a good old Italian meal and dessert," Mamma says smiling and we dig in. Alina and Jake are joking along with mamma and having a ball. Isabella gets up and walks outside to the patio and I see Alina get up to follow her and I in turn follow them both.

"Isabella?" Alina calls. "I know you hate me, but I have been through a lot in my life and what happened months ago was by far the most traumatic. I don't pretend to know how you are supposed to deal with things beyond your control, but almost being raped, beaten and left for dead by your boyfriends family member is not in some handbook of things to deal with. Now you know the whole truth, Romeo and I broke up for a while since I had to deal, face my demons and get my memory back, not easy but we found our way back to each other. I hope you can understand that sometimes things need to happen and break apart so you can put it back together stronger than it was before. I'm sorry if you can't accept what happened, but I won't leave Romeo again. Never," Alina says with a sob.

Isabella turns as Alina begins to walk away and pulls her arm. "I'm sorry. I didn't know all of that. I was just upset that my brother was hurt and you never came back. I'm sorry for the way I treated you and I'm ashamed. Please can you forgive me?" Isabella asks.

"There's nothing to forgive," Alina says pulling her into a hug. I can't help but feel happy she has apologised, as Isabella walks inside the house she gives me a quick hug and whispers that she's sorry. I sure hope so or there will be hell to pay.

"Alina baby?" I call out as she stands out on the veranda overlooking the garden and vineyard.

"Amore," She whispers.

"Let's go for a walk..." I say holding her hand and carrying a blanket in the other.

"Won't your parents and the others be looking for us?" Alina asks with a small frown.

"No, I told them we are going for a walk and not to be disturbed. I want to take you to a beautiful spot my father showed me when I was here last," I say with a smile. Alina nods and we begin the quiet fifteen minute walk to a secluded part in the outer skirts of our property with a spread of grass surrounded by trees and a small lake. The moon shines down on the lake and it sparkles, its overwhelmingly beautiful but, its nothing compared to my Lina.

"Romeo its stunning, it's like Romance novel," Alina giggles and walks to the edge of the lake kicking her shoes off, pulling her long dress up to her knees and slipping her toes into the water near the bank and twirls in the moonlight smiling with her eyes closed taking in the ambiance. I play soft music from my phone, just for her. For the first time in my life I feel peace, nothing else matters, not Toscano, Mancini, the clubs, casino's, hotels, drugs, guns, nothing but this beautiful woman right in front of me.

I am not a weak man, but I am weak for her. She is my weakness and I am not afraid to admit that, I would move heaven, earth and hell for her. She is the most precious thing and I never thought I would ever need in my life, I never thought I could feel like, the heartless, ruthless cold killer that I am. I spread the blanket in the grass, kicking off my shoes and socks and lay back as Alina. "Do you like it bella?" I ask breaking the magical moment.

"I absolutely love it Romeo! It's like a hidden gem, I can't believe something like this exists, in Italy no less, and on your parents property," Alina says in total amazement and she walks over swaying to the soft music and she climbs over me and straddles my lap as I lay back on my elbows. She smiles down at me, with a naughty look in her eyes, "when was the last time I gave you a lap dance?" Alina asks mischievously.

I can't help but laugh, "it's been a while I believe," I say smiling and Alina lifts her dress over her head and undoes her hair shaking it loose falling down in long black waves, looking down at me, fuck me she's gorgeous in her black lace underwear. She runs her hands down my chest undoing the buttons of my shirt as she grinds on my jean clad hard on, and leans forward kissing my lips seductively and I sit up pushing my shirt off. Alina smirks rolling her hips and I fall back down on the blanket breathing heavier as she moves on me, moving to my neck kissing me down my collar bone, sliding her tongue down reaching my nipple, "fuck bella," I whisper and I hear a sultry moan as Alina kisses her way down running her hand over my covered crotch.

I lean up and look into her eyes as she passes my navel down my light happy trail, I can't help but let out a groan looking onto her stunning eyes as she undoes my jean and pulls its down as I lift my hips and she slides it down my legs and off my body. Alina comes up seductively running her hand over my boxer covered crotch and gives it a squeeze, and I'm so fucking ready for her, I pull her hips down on mine and she grinds me harder and harder as I sit up kissing her deeply, and I unclasp her bra. I hear her sexy moans and I can't help but roll her over and grind into her harder, kissing her equally as hard as she grips my shoulders and scratches me hard enough to let me know she's close, "come for me baby, let go," I whisper between kissing her hard and she let's go and it's the sexiest thing I have ever seen, just like the first time she let go with me. I kiss her breasts and suck her nipples giving them a slight bite causing her body to shake even more.

"Romeo, oh God!" Alina calls out, out of breath. I rip her thin panties off and push down my boxers and I push into her roughly. "Yes!" She shouts, "Give it to me baby!" Alina says in a long moan as I move relentlessly into her and keep going in and out.

"Fuck Alina, you feel amazing," I say and she kisses me hard as I continue to pound into her, "I'm close baby," I say hoarsely, I find myself groaning as I edge closer and I feel it in my balls, that tingle.

"Romeo don't stop baby, I'm coming!" Alina moans into a kiss, slightly biting my bottom lip and it causes me to explode.

"Cazzo, ti amo piccola si!" I groan out as I come hard my body trembling as we ride out our blissful climax.

(Fuck, I love you baby yes!)

I give my sweetheart a deep kiss as she holds me close. "Ti voglio bene anche io Romeo, così tanto," Lina whispers against my lips and I roll over and she lays her head on my chest.

(I love you too Romeo, so much)

We lay like that in silence just absorbing the beautiful night, taking in every moment, just us, the gentle sound of the water and the moonlight. I stroke my hand down her back as we lay there in our own paradise for a perfect moment in time. After what seems like hours we pull our clothes on and make our way to the house walking hand in hand exchanging kisses and laughs reminiscing on the start of our relationship when Alina ran out on me after she gave me a lap dance, before we enter the house Lina pulls me to her and gives me a long passionate kiss.

"Romeo ti ringrazio per avermi mostrato quel posto magico, non dimenticherò mai questa bella notte perfetta, ti amo piccola," Alina says smiling up at me.

(Romeo thank you for showing me that magical place, I will never forget this beautiful, perfect night, I love you baby).

"Ti amo anche io, mio ​​angelo," I answer kissing her softly and picking her up and carrying her onto the quiet house.

(I love you too my angel)

It's very quiet...