
DcMcu: kaiju system

A fan of monster movies Max is reborn with the a system that allows him the powers of many of fictions greatest monsters and creatures and far more surprises. But what's happenes when a monster trys to be a hero in a world of many wonders and darknesses

wiz161 · Sci-fi
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110 Chs

Chapter 73 New toys

POV 3rd person

Location: Blackhawk Island

In the unkept forest on the island four creatures could be seen moving through the vegetation one was a large caterpillar, now a little over the size of a motorcycle its bioluminescent lighting the area around it with a slight green glow.

Following close behind was what most would say was a komodo dragon and tortoise but both were at least double the size and followed the caterpillar or at least kept close as they explored nearby abandoned buildings.

The last creature circled above the island its black scales shined like polished obsidian in the light of the sun, the little dragon finding the open air and heat of the sun quite enjoyable. As they all enjoyed their new home a familiar voice called out to them with excellent.

B.Agumon: "Come on in guys you don't want to miss seeing Max training" as he takes it could be heard the sound of eating, so they all made their way inside of the mountain. as they did they marveled at the building so much space so many rooms it took Artenyx to darg Jason and Tommy away from the kitchen and make their way to the training room.

Artenyx: "Agumon where are you?" they entered the training room but the door to the chamber was sealed closed to stop anyone from interrupting the training session.

B.Gabumon: "Hey over here!" looking over a door was opened and their standing was Black Gabumon waving them into an observation room that showed not just the action but the trainee's heart rate, injury and compartments, and much more information.

B.Agumon: "What took you so long it's been like 8 minutes since I called you guys," he said through a mouth full of popcorn, as he threw one up to catch in his mouth he bit down on air as Artenyx used her [Silk shot to grab it and pop it into her mouth.

Artenyx: "The little ones wanted snakes before watching papa up close," said Digimon noticed she had a bag of chips and a soda can as well but didn't mention it as they sat down to watch.

Jason/Tommy: "Where's papa!?"/"What's happening!?" the two kids asked but were just told to watch, on the screen could be seen Max wearing his [Valstrax armor] to large wing expanded from his by propelling forwarding a rocket blasting off with red energy, sending him flying towards a group of soldiers and a few tanks as they shower him in bullets that just bounce off his armor.

Commander: "TAKE THE FREAK DOWN!!!" a man roared out pointing and firing a pistol at Max as all his troops and tanks opened fire on Max who redirect his charge to suddenly fly upward into the sky becoming a red dot in the distance.

Tommy: "Is papa running?" he asked with a worried expression only to get a pat on the head from Artenyx who smiled and gestured to keep watching.

Soldier: "The target appears to be heading south. . . Wait he's turning back around sir." the sergeant took out a pair of binoculars to see the red dot had done a full semi-circle and was heading. . .

Commander: "Oh. . .shi-" *BOOOM*

Where once stood a large group of soldiers now stood a crater and burning scrap as Max Came down full speed from above in his fully transformed [Valstrax].


I exited the training program and was quite satisfied I was looking forward to harder levels, as I steps out I was met with everyone saying who could go next to how awesome I looked. I decided Artenyx, gabumon and Agumon could go inside and train I took Tommy, Jason, and the hatchling back outside I wanted to spend some time with my new sons.

(Hours later)

I sat in the living area with everyone around Jason and Tommy are asleep in their new rooms, Agumon and Gabumon went back into the Digivice and Artenyx decided to fall asleep on the couch I was watching their training session when a blue screen popped up in front of my face.

[Scenario reward calculation Completed]

[You have received 6 rewards]

"Why is it less than last time?" but from didn't answer then my reward appeared and my mouth dropped to the floor.


[Yugioh Duel Runner]

•Reve it up with your very own duel runner allowing you to duel at high speed with your monsters in style.

- gain 2 free decks


[Mystery Pokeball]

-who knows what's inside why don't you find out



-"In the name of the other, the melta, and the flamer amen."


[Imperial knight]

-"A Knight must be humble of heart, strong of arm, be savage in war, loyal to the hearth, and follow deeds of Glory."



-You are a robot in disguise



•I am the hunter you are the prey and I never fail my hunt

'My first mechs are an imperial knight and I get to be a transformer!' internally I was screening like a little kid, I put Artenyx to bed in one of the vacant rooms and headed to the training room once more once inside I transformed into [Cybertronian].

<Mech- Cybertronian>

<Title's- None>

<Lv- 1>


Str- 300

Dex- 300

Int- 100

Energy- 10,000


•Transform- Robots in disguise

-can scan and transform into a car

•Hand cannon(s)

(200 energy)

-Transform one or both hands into plasma cannons

The first thing I noticed was my height I stood at least 18 feet tall I was mostly black and grey with specks of orange and green first, I started to move to do simple things to get used to my new body, and one thing I noticed was the difference between a metal and flesh.

"I just have to get used to it" I decided to transform and it was a wired feeling image folding in on yourself and shifting but there was no pain or sound I breaking just metal on metal.

After an hour of practicing transforming from a car to humanoid I decided to see my other new transformation [Imperial knight].

<Mech- Imperial knight>

<Title's- None>

<Lv- 1>


Str- 500

Dex- 450

Int- 175

Energy- 500,000


•Thunderstrike gauntlet- "For Honor for the Emperor!"

(100,000 energy)

-With a barely contained nimbus of energy that by merely clenching the fist can cause shock-waves to emanate outwards and sparks of incandescent fury and sizzling arcs of energy.

•Thermal cannon- "Burn In Holy Fire!"

(1,000 per minute}

-The hissing blasts from a Thermal Cannon can melt through a fortress wall or turn a battle tank into a pile of bubbling slag.

•Quad-linked Icarus cannon- "I am the sun and you've flown too close."

(200 per minute)

-With but a thought from the Knight's pilot, the weapon can quickly pivot and track incoming enemy flyers at impossibly fast speeds to let loose a stream of deadly fire.

-Can be made passive constantly scanning for designated targets.

•Warhorn- "Honor and Fury, Courage and Strength Charge!!!"

-Ally moral +100℅ Enemy moral -90℅

-Can defen nearby units

•Spark of the Machine God


In an instant, my body felt heavy and moving took much more effort than any of my other forms but my sense was sharper than I could imagine it was as if I could see 360 degrees around me all at once in perfect HD quality.

I stood forty feet high appointed mostly black with red, grey, and gold highlights with a shield on my front with the night fury logo on it.

[Tron put up a few targets for me]






The instant a target appeared the quad cannon destroyed them easily from tank to soldier each was torn to shreds before I could even consider firing another weapon.

After witnessing the least flash weapon tear apart squads of soldiers I couldn't wait to see the others, deactivating the quad turrets the targets appeared two squads of soldiers, and a tank appeared I aimed my Thermal cannon and activated it.

For a few seconds, nothing happens but a faint *bsssss* was heard, and then a *Roar* as if a gigantic beast had awakened and a second sun had appeared in the middle of the test area as the targets simply ceased to exist.

Next was my Gauntlet once the next target was a surprise it was a sectional or at least a prototype one as it only vaguely looked like the robots meant to hunt and capture mutants.

(image here)

I clenched my gauntlet and as my metallic fingers closed *Krakom* the sound of thunder echoed I felt the power build and my fist glowed with unstable power. then I step forward and let my fist fly forward, one moment the sectional stood strong the next it was a mound of scrap.

[Would you like to begin combat training?]

"Into the fires of battle we charge, onto the anvil war we stand strong For the Emperor!!!"







<Monster- Yautja>

<Title- None>

<Lv- 1>


Str- 115

Dex- 85

Int- 80

Energy- None


Thermal vision


-Can see heat signatures

Accomplished hunter

-only the best could hope to escape my hunt