
Run-in With Some Heroes

Looking at the black bat-like wings that were on my back, I completely forgot that Pamela was a quivering mess on my lap, which meant Harley and Selena got a good look at her.

"What happened to Pam~? You two have some fun while we were gone? Huuuuh~? Did you~?" Selena grinned at me, a twinkle in her eyes. Hearing her, I remembered the position I was in and quickly unfurled my wings before wrapping them around my front.

Looking at Selena I nonchalantly replied, "She asleep, don't bother her," I said before looking away, at the stars and wondering if there was any intergalactic threat coming to destroy Earth.

...Haah~ The DC Universe. How fun.

"Hmmm, if she's only asleep, why you covering her up like that?" Selena continued pushing and I had to wonder--What is up with her? I sprout bat wings from my back and she inquires about the position her friend and I are in? Instead of the bat wings? Messed up priorities, man. Though this is a kleptomaniac who dresses up as a Cat and whips people...sooo probably not the best person to look at for good priorities.

"Maybe it's because I don't want you two bothering her while she's resting?" I spat back, slightly annoyed at the teasing eyes from the two girls who'd come back from God knows where.

Hearing me say this, Harley rushed up to me and put her hands on her cheeks in mock worry, "You didn't hurt her did you, Noah? Is she, ya know, actually dead and you're covering it up with the pitiful excuse that she's asleep?" her eyes looked 'sadly' at me, and that ticked me off for some reason. I'm the one who should be doing the teasing, not these two.

But before I could reply, a weak voice came from my embrace, muffled by my wings, "I...I'm f-fine, Harley...just resting like, N-Noah said..." I felt her move about on my lap, placing her plump ass right on my crotch, and I felt like disciplining her for being such a tease in a situation like this.

Hearing her, Harley lost the 'sad' look and it gained a curious light like she was a journalist or something. She put her hands on my wings before she started trying to pry them open with strained grunts.

But how could I be overpowered by a human, even if she had been enhanced by chemicals?

"Harley, stop, you aren't gonna be able to pry open my wings," I said with a calm smile which said 'I win'. Though this only served to agitate Harley into trying even harder.

"What are these wings even made of? And why do you have wings? Hmm? You a demon or something?!" she jumped back a little before crossing her fingers in a cross and pointing it at me.

Chuckling while seeing her like this, I evenly answered her, "Something like that. But your hand-made cross ain't gonna do shit, Harley~" I smiled triumphantly, seeming to tick her off even more as she went straight back to trying to pry my wings open.

It didn't take long for Pamela's voice to come from my embrace again, "I'm fine now, Noah, I've had my rest. You can open your wings up..." she sounded a bit in disbelief at the last thing she said like it was something she'd never thought she'd have to say. Complying, I opened my wings and let the others see her. She moved her hair back to its original side, covering both sides of her neck and shoulders, therefore covering the bite mark on one side of her neck.

Though the bite mark was covered, Pamela's face was still flushed dark green and her eyes looked misty, if not very satisfied. Selena seemed to have seen this as she wolf (cat?) whistled at the two of us.

"She looks more than just a little rested. I'll take whatever she had, Noah," she licked her lips which were spread in a seductive smile and winked at me, her eyes filled with multiple things, but mainly mischievousness and lust.

Weird combo.

"Whatever could you mean, Selena? I was simply hugging her while she rested. To keep her warm," I innocently smiled at the woman who huffed before grumbling about favoritism. Harley seemed curious about our position but she seemed preoccupied with another thought as she looked excitedly at the two of us. Seeing her like this, I allowed Pamela to stand up as I did the same.

The grass that had grown tall around us and covered me receded to its normal height releasing me from its embrace. Ignoring this process, I looked toward Harley and asked her "What's got you so excited then, Harley?" my questioning seemed to perk up Selena as well as the two of them beckoned Pamela and me to follow them. So we did.

On the walk over, I sent a small wave of fire over my lap as it had gotten a bit...stained, shall we say, after Pamela was sitting on it and...'enjoying' my company. Pamela saw this and blushed heavily, knowing exactly what I was doing. Cleaning up her fluids--I mean, mess. Yeah, cleaning up her 'mess'.

Anyway, we followed the duo and they took us to the edge of the park and I couldn't believe my eyes.

It was a motorcycle. But it wasn't just any ol' motorcycle. It was a--

"We found a Batcycle! It was hidden near that Elite College near here," Harley started explaining before smiling simply at us, "So we decided to steal it!"

I was stunned.

Stunned by their idiocy, that is.

Before I could voice my frustration, Selena spoke up with a smirk, "I can see and feel how frustrated you are from here, Noah. Don't worry, about it, okay? Even if we did steal something from one of the Bats, it'll be fine. I do wonder though, what's Batgirl doing in Metropolis? Maybe she's studying at that College--Questions for later. Anyway, even if they turn up, we'll just have to escape, so stop worrying, it'll be fine~!" she waved her hand dismissively at me and I couldn't help but sigh.

"...I can't begin to explain how stupid you two are," I dragged a hand over my face, trying to wipe my frustration away as Harley mouthed her dislike at being called stupid, but I ignored her and carried on, "I've got it on good authority that not only is Batgirl here, but she's probably here with The Team. Justice League for Juniors or whatever they call themselves--Point is, if she comes after this bike, she's coming with others--!" my voice was cut off by a slow clap and a slightly pissed off voice.

"Good deduction. I'll be taking my motorcycle back now," out of the shadows of the park a woman with red hair and dressed in a black costume, with a black mask which covered her face and looked mighty similar to Batman's mask but you could actually see her green eyes instead of the white covering Batman usually has. The girl was taller than most other girls at around 5'11" and her body was curvy but athletic like a gymnast's.

This was Batgirl, or Barbara Gordon, daughter of Commissioner James Gordon.

Sadly she wasn't the only person who appeared.

"t'nod evom," a confident voice spoke out with unusual words and I found myself unable to move like I was wrapped in chains made to hold Superman. Though I could feel that the chains were connected to this newcomer, so if I struggled enough, no matter their strength she wouldn't be able to keep them holding me and she'd suffer a backlash, so I started to flex and put my Vampiric strength to some good use.

As I decided this, the person who'd put us all under her hold appeared next to Batgirl. She had long raven black hair, along with a refined and noble-looking face that was rather beautiful. Her noble image was only further expanded on by her royal blue eyes that were similar to mine when I was actively keeping them red. She was quite a bit shorter than Batgirl and only reached about 5'5" in height and she had a much less toned body, though she was slightly more abundant in her, ahem, 'assets', let's call them that.

She was dressed in the same kind of get-up as a magician; a black tailcoat over a white dress shirt with a black bow tie. It seemed that under her dress shit she had a leotard on because she didn't have any pants on, just the bottom part of a leotard to cover her privates. To finish off her look she had black fishnets on and thigh-high, black latex boots.

But as I struggled in her hold, she grimaced and brought a gloved hand to hold against her temple. Though through the grimace she still smiled at me, "You're quite a strong demon, huh?"

Not wanting to give up the jig just yet, I smirked back at her, "Something like that, yeah," before going back to straining against the invisible, and magical, chains holding me.

This woman in front of me was Zatanna Zatara, daughter of Giovanni Zatara, an incredibly powerful Magician.

Anyway, as I struggled against the bonds holding me, I marveled at my strength and stamina. It was like I had an endless amount, and something told me that after drinking Pamela's blood, I'd grown in strength tremendously. She is a powerful metahuman, after all. I could also feel another power lying dormant in my body, waiting for the right stimulus to wake it.

While I was doing all of this, I used my Telepathy to enter Batgirl's mind. Though it was kind of hard, her defenses were like a toddler's building blocks in front of me when I tried to get in, so I got into her head quite quickly. I didn't snoop around and only glimpsed for what I wanted. It didn't take long to find it as it was something that had to do with a large part of her life:

Knowledge of fighting and all the techniques and martial arts she knew.

I absorbed it. Kind of like illegally downloading something off the internet.

I instantly felt a new packet of information in the back of my mind and I instantly knew that I'd need time to practice the subjects inside it. Sadly it seems my plan of instantly learning martial arts has gone down the drain.

It makes sense, however. I need to build up the necessary muscle memory and connections within my brain before I can call myself a martial arts master.

I should be grateful for being able to even download information from people's minds in the first place.

As I was doing all this, Harley, Selena, and Pamela were all throwing insults at the newly arrived heroes, though I felt like that was a stalling tactic. When I focused my hearing, I knew I was right when I heard burrowing from underneath us.

Ah shit, this was gonna turn into a pretty nasty fight, huh?

Redoubling my straining, I ignored the stares my naked upper body was getting from both Batgirl and Zatanna--Shouldn't you be focusing on keeping your magic up, Zatanna? Stop staring at me, pervert!

Jokes aside, I gave one last push before I felt my bonds snap, sending a backlash to Zatanna. It wasn't that I was strong enough to break the bonds, just that I was strong enough to strain the user of the magic until her magic failed. Kind of like a tug-of-war; I didn't snap the rope but I did pull her over the line with my struggling.

"Argh!" Zatanna let out a cry of pain and surprise from the sudden increase in my struggling's intensity, and she closed her eyes and held her head as the backlash hit her.

Feeling that I was free, I quickly turned to the other three who were also free now.

"You three, get out of here. Now!" I shouted, still slightly pissed that this situation was brought on by Harley and that kleptomaniac cat over there with her, "Don't bother arguing, I can hold them off while you run, and I can get away just as easy with these," I motioned to my wings, "when you guys are gone."

Turning back to Batgirl and Zatanna, I sent a non-lethal wave of fire at the two of them, not bothering to control it apart from keeping it from burning the grass they were standing on.

Batgirl grabbed Zatanna before using her grappling hook to dart out of the way of the fire wave.

That should buy them some time.

Unfortunately for me, Pamela seemed very reluctant.

"I'm not just gonna up and leave, especially if it means you having to deal with Bat Junior and the Magician over there on your own!" her voice was resolute and I groaned at her stubbornness, though I did feel my lips quirk up slightly about her worry.

Stomping my foot on the ground, I practically teleported in front of Pamela with my speed, "My phone number is xxx-xxxx-xxx, remember it. I'll be hurt if you don't~" I said this with a smirk which hid my frustration at her stubbornness. Her face morphed in confusion before realization hit her at the same time my compulsion did, "Leave with the other two. I'm sorry I had to do this, but I can't risk you getting caught or hurt. You're my newest 'friend', right~? You can be angry at me when you phone me," I winked at her as she stiffly turned around and ran.

The other two looked at me with difficult expressions but nonetheless still gratefully nodded at me before running after Pamela who was cursing me while running, her head turning around to glare at me.

I hope she forgives me for that. I also really hope it doesn't drive a wedge between us because she feels scared that I'll do that to her whenever I want. Because I wouldn't. I don't relish in taking someone's free will unless it's for something minor, like giving me free drinks. If it weren't for the situation at hand and her stubbornly wanting to get involved, I wouldn't have used compulsion on her.

Sighing, I knew that the next time I speak to her, I'd have to let her shout at me as much as she wants because of this. Urgh, that's gonna be annoying. But an easily doable thing if it allows her to forgive me.

Turning back to the two heroes, I cleared the fire to reveal that it was non-lethal and hadn't burnt anything.

"So, are we gonna fight? Or can we talk about this like reasonable adults?" I smirked at the two of them as they were perched on a tree branch not too far from their original position.