
Making a Great Escape and Visiting The Team HQ

Hearing what I said, Batgirl scoffed, "Responsible adults?" she looked at me with no little amount of scorn, "Responsible adults don't go around stealing people's things," her hand slowly creeping down to her utility belt.

Raising an eyebrow, I lifted a hand to point at her, "Now now, don't go trying to pull a quick one on me, Batgirl, because I assure you..." I let a devilish smile spread across my face before quickly flashing in front of her, "I'm quicker," she stumbled back in shock before she threw multiple different Batarangs at me in her slightly flustered state.

They practically moved in slow motion and I dodged each and every one of them, deciding that it would be best to not get cocky and catch them just in case an explosive Batarang was hidden among them.

As if to prove my decision was a wise one, one of the Batarangs that flew past me embedded itself in a tree behind me and within a second it exploded, splitting the tree in half.

...I'm glad I sent Pamela away now. She'd have fucking flipped seeing that tree die.

In my moment of split focus, I didn't see Zatanna thrust her hand at me while speaking, "leper!*" before I felt myself get taken off my feet and sent backward into the fiery remains of the poor, recently exploded tree.

(*A/N - If you don't get how Zatanna's magic works, it's called Backwards Magic and whatever she says backwards, will happen. So what she just did was she said 'repel' backwards, so Noah was repelled. Simple, right? Well, I think it is. Very versatile power, honestly.)

The fire didn't hurt me and felt more like a decently warm shower if anything but I still quickly dispelled it with a thought because if I didn't I'd have to talk/fight with these two beautiful ladies without any clothes on, and while I hold no shame in my body, I would bet that the two of them would try even harder to beat me like this was some kind of Ecchi scene in an Anime. That shit never made sense.

Flipping myself up, I made my wings recede into my back without a trace and after making a mental note to test some things out later, I looked over at the two of them who were remarking at my ability to seemingly control fire and how I seemed uninjured despite being flung into a tree that was on fire.

Zatanna was the first to speak after a bit of silence.

"So I take it that you're some kind of Fire Demon? What are you doing on Earth?" she looked suspiciously at me, her blue eyes squinting.

Looking at her with a cocky smirk, I raised an eyebrow, "Living? Speaking to two beautiful ladies?" I joked, earning me a glare from Batgirl and a slightly annoyed look from Zatanna. Seeing that they weren't laughing, I did it for them and chuckled before carrying on, "Okay, okay, tough crowd, huh?" seeing Batgirl's glare intensify as she and Zatanna jumped down from the tree branch, I lifted my hands in mock surrender, "Calm down, Batgirl, I'm just joking around."

"Yeah? Well, we're not. What are you doing on Earth?" she asked through grit teeth - I guess I'm getting on her nerves? Good.

Lowering my hands, I looked over at the two with a serious gaze and lost my smile, "Last time I checked, I didn't need a Human's permission to be on Earth," I provocatively said, which caused Zatanna to go and say something but before she could, I interrupted her, "But if you must know, I'm here in Metropolis to study at College. Does that answer your question? Or do you perhaps want my entire life story? Talk about privacy infringement~" I put on a mock-aggrieved face before carrying on with a more serious look, "Is that all you wanted to know? Or can I go now?"

The two girls looked at one another before looking back at me with a surprised look on their faces, "You go to college? You, a demon, go to human College?" Zatanna asked, slightly in disbelief for some reason--Are demons that averse to education or something?

Finally feeling a little more than annoyed at this situation, I felt a smile that wasn't quite a smile spread across my face, "Okay, this is starting to feel more like a race thing than anything else, so I'm gonna go. And Batgirl," I got her attention, "Stop looking at my goddamn body; my eyes are up here, pervert," I pointed to my eyes, smirking as I felt a small amount of joy for teasing a beautiful girl, before taking off in a blur, leaving a red Batgirl who had indeed been taking glances at my body, and a shocked Zatanna.

I carried on until I got back to my dorm and jumped into my room through my window under the cover of darkness.

Sighing, I changed into some more casual clothes - tank top and some sweatpants - before lying down on my bed, slightly annoyed at how bad my first impression with Batgirl and Zatanna was. I just gotta hope Willow can smooth things over when we finally meet.

...Boy, that's gonna be an annoying day.

Looking over at my clock I saw it was pretty early in the morning, so I just closed my eyes and decided to get some sleep, not knowing about the speedster who'd stalked me back to my dorm. It's safe to say that if I knew, I'd have kicked her ass for being so creepy.

. . .

The next day at College was pretty easy and went by quickly. My first class was the same as yesterday, so I had a chance to speak to Willow while we were doing our group project.

She informed me that she'd told the team about me and said that we could go and do the tests whenever I was ready. Apparently, the team wanted to meet me and see if I had the potential to join them. Pfft, yeah, I'll totally join that train wreck.

But seriously, I'd rather stay solo for now. No need to get tied down by commitments to a team. Plus, I'm sure that after Batgirl and Zatanna see me, the others will get the whole 'He's a fire demon' talk. Kinda hilarious that they're gonna misinform their teammates purely over a single scuffle but you won't see me trying to correct them.

Anyway, I told Willow that we can do it later today if she's free, to which she agreed to a bit too quickly, but I just let it slide as her being her hyperactive self.

In bad news, I hadn't heard from Pamela. Not a single angry text or phone call, and I can only assume that what I did pissed her off more than I was expecting. Not that I can blame her. Having your free will taken away, to be that powerless from a few words and some eye contact, I'd be pretty pissed off as well.

I could only hope that she'd at least send me an angry rant so I had something to work with. Right now I had jack shit to do, and I couldn't text her as I don't have her number.

...Urgh, I hate situations like this. They're always so annoying to deal with.

Alas, I've done what I've done, now it's just time to see what happens.

What was I doing right now? Well, disembodied voice in my head, I'm currently getting a nice bit of blood to drink from the local hospital before I meet up with Willow.

And I've gotta say; God bless Compulsion. It's amazing for stuff like this. A few simple sentences and I've already set up orders that will allow me to waltz in here whenever I want and just take what I need. I decided to lay off the AB Negative because it's one of the rarest types of blood and I don't exactly want to get someone killed because they can't have a transfusion with the blood they need as I drank all the necessary blood. So, instead, I went and gorged myself on the most common blood type - O Positive.

It didn't taste as nice as AB Negative but it still tasted nice. Kind of like apple juice, actually.

Anyway, grabbing a few blood bags, I rushed home before digging in and waiting for Willow to text me to tell me she's ready or whatever. We'd agreed to meet at the same benches we'd had our talk at.


Speak of the devil, I looked down and saw a text from Willow who said she was ready to meet up. Sending back a text that I'll be on my way, I rushed off to go and brush my teeth - can't have my breath smelling of blood when I meet a pretty girl, can I?

. . .

"Hello, Willow," I stepped from the shadow next to her, making her jump and yelp, "Miss me?" I smirked before she got over her shock and began glaring at me.

Fun Vampire fact, it seems that I can teleport to any shadow I want as long as I enter a shadow beforehand, kind of like entering a portal. That's what my invisibility in shadows is, it's me entering that portal and exiting it when I wish to. But after some experimentation, I'd figured out that I didn't even need to move, I could just will myself to another shadow like teleportation.

It was the perfect skill to get into places that were near impossible to enter...and it served perfectly as a way to frighten people.

I'm really getting the best uses out of such an OP ability, huh?

"You jackass!" Willow glowered at me, her green eyes squinted and her brows furrowed, but it quickly disappeared as she sighed and closed her eyes before massaging the bridge of her nose, "You genuine jackass. You do realize that Batgirl and Zatanna saw your face, right?" she said before carrying on, stopping me from speaking, "Don't even try to deny it; Red hair, bat-like wings, and I quote Batgirl on this, 'an asshole with a nice body', so I'm fairly sure they're talking about you."

Sighing, I sent a half-smile her way before replying, "Well, I wasn't going to hide it. Though I did think you didn't know. That said, I've got a question for you; why didn't you talk to me about this earlier? We had plenty of chance to," hearing me she let out a small scoff before shaking her head.

"I didn't bring it up then because this sort of thing deserves a long conversation. A conversation we couldn't have in Class surrounded by normal people. We won't talk about this for now, but after the tests, you need to explain to me why you were hanging out with Poison Ivy, Catwoman, and Harley Quinn. They're not good company to keep, Noah," she looked at me with a difficult expression before sighing and motioning for me to follow her.

"Yeah, whatever you say, 'mom'," I quipped as I followed her, earning me a sidelong glance and a deadpan facial expression from Willow.

Ah, she really is mad with me, huh? Bit of an overreaction to finding out I was hanging out with some people last night. Maybe someone's jealous~?

Mentally laughing at my joke, I just followed Willow to wherever she was taking me.

The walk was a quiet one, Willow probably wanting to show how annoyed she was or something, and I didn't mind that, it gave me a chance to think about the type of tests I wanted to do.

First I wanted to do a full physical check-up.

I'd checked this morning and found that I had a pulse which shocked the (seemingly) living shit out of me.

Granted it was a very, very slow pulse - I counted it and it was around 10 beats per minute or a beat every six seconds - but everything I know about Vampires says that they're undead and shouldn't have heartbeats. For that reason alone, I wanted to do a full check on my body to see how much my physiology had changed. If I was a living being and not some undead, wouldn't that mean that I might have new organs? How do my cells work and how different are they to human cells? My digestive system is obviously different, I drink blood, but how different is it?

All these questions and now I have the chance to answer them, so I'm going to do it. I just have to make sure to delete every bit of information about the tests from the machines. I can't have them having the results because they'd pretty much figure out my weaknesses at that point.

Especially if Batman got a hold of the results.

Anyway, the second test I wanted to do was another physical one but instead of a medical check-up, this test would be to see the limits of my strength, speed, reflexes--all of it!

I can feel my body thrum with excitement as I thought about pushing myself to my limits and I had to think: How much has becoming a Vampire affected me mentally? I seem much more confident and sure of myself, I even find myself craving fights and confrontations. So the question is...

How different am I?

Goddamn internet problems.

Well, I got the chapter up in the end, so praise me, my loyal subjects--I mean readers!

Prince_of_Sincreators' thoughts
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