
Meeting The Other Beauties From Gotham

Hearing what I said, Harley giggled before looking at me with a mischievous light in her eyes, "Don't think I don't know what you're trying to do, hotstuff~" she winked at me, smiling, before putting on a overly serious face as a joke, "But if ya want to know what I'd do; I'd force ya to come over an join us!"

Without warning, Harley grabbed a nearby bottle and slammed it off the bar counter, smashing it and leaving her with half a bottle that ended in sharp, broken glass.

Seeing this, I wasn't intimidated, in fact, I found it funny. It was odd. 2 weeks ago I would have shit myself if some crazy chick pointed some sharp glass at me, especially Harley Quinn. But right now, as a Vampire? It was like seeing a child's antics play out in front of you.

Smiling at her, I looked away from her and down at my glass of whiskey, "Now now, Harley," I chuckled, "Put that bottle down before you hurt yourself~"

As I said this I noticed that nobody reacted to Harley, instead focusing on their own conversations or just the alcohol they were drinking. Huh, seems like they're either used to this kind of craziness or just used to Harley. Maybe this is a Villain bar? Now that'd be a fun time.

"Huh?!" Harley seemed both surprised and annoyed by what I said, "I know how to handle a broken bottle, handsome, I'm not an idiot! Now why don't you just peacefully come over and sit with us?!" as if to prove her point, she started waving the bottle around like a lunatic, but seeing as she was already slightly drunk, she wasn't fully aware of her actions and cut her other hand while swinging the bottle around.

Haah~ That's such a..."That's such a waste Harley," I sighed while grabbing her bleeding hand. Luckily I'd fed recently, otherwise, I'd have jumped her and sucked her dry of blood. Though that didn't mean I couldn't have a little snack, right?

Bringing her hand to my mouth, I heard her speak, "Oh no, I should probably put a bandage on that...My blood is very toxic, apparently," she kept talking about such things but I ignored it and just licked the blood off her hand.

...Weird, I know, but I'm a Vampire. This is akin to me licking food off her hand...That didn't make it any better, did it? Whatever! I stick by my decisions!

And I'm glad I did.

Opposed to other blood which tasted like juice, Harley's blood tasted...fizzy, like soda. It was quite nice, honestly.

Harley giggled at my actions before having a sorry-ish grin on her face, "Why'd you go and do that, handsome? You're probably gonna die...I won't get any free drinks now..." she pouted but I simply smiled at her.

"What are you drinking, Harley?" I asked with a devilish smile.

"A Martini, please!" as if forgetting that I'm going to die, Harley giggled and smiled again.

Feeling the fizzy flavor still in my mouth, I washed it down with my glass of whiskey and I've got to say the combination surprised me. It was absolutely divine. I wonder if I could mix blood with alcohol on mass, that should make a lovely beverage, no?

"A Martini it is then," I turned to the waitress and called out to her, "Another Whiskey and one Martini, please," I used compulsion just for the sake of it and just in case my earlier compulsion only included Whiskey and not all drinks I order.

The waitress stiffly nodded before getting to doing our drinks. I just watched as Harley applied a band-aid to cover the cut on her hand, where she got it, I have no idea, nor do I want to think about it too much. While we were waiting, I actually introduced myself to Harley and we got to talking about what it was like to be a Villain or at least 'someone who isn't as stuck-up and righteous as a Hero' as Harley put it.

Finally, the drinks came and Harley grabbed my free hand and pretty much dragged me over to her table.

"Finally, she's back," the woman I recognized as Selena Kyle spoke with a slight purr to her face as she munched on some fish jerky. Her body perked up when she saw me, however, and she smiled a bit seductively, "But it seems she brought back quite the catch~" she lazily put out a hand, "My name's Selena Kyle, why don't you leave crazy over there," she motioned at Harley with her head, "and come over and sit next to me?"

Smirking and stifling a laugh at what she said, I went to take her hand but Harley somehow beat me to it and smacked Selena's hand away, "This guy's Noah Winters and he's MY friend who's gonna be getting ME free drinks, so keep your grubby lil' paws off him, Selena!" Harley had a slightly hysterical quality to her voice and I just laughed behind her and sent a wink to Selena who smiled even wider and giggled.

Taking this time to take in Selena's appearance, I noted that she had short black hair and green eyes that reminded me of a cat's; cunning and slightly mischievous. She had black eyeshadow on and some black lipstick on her lips that looked stuck in a constant smirk which only made her look more seductive.

Her best physical asset by far, however, was the toned and slender body that looked like it didn't have an ounce of fat on it, but still somehow had curves for days. Athletically curvy? What a wonderful combination.

When she saw Harley glaring even harder at her, Selena just innocently held her hands up while mischievously looking at me, "What? He was the one who winked at me behind you!" which caused Harley to turn and look at me accusingly.

"Hm?" I looked confused, "I have no idea what's she's talking about, Harley. She just seems like a mischievous cat trying to make trouble~" I said with a shake of my head, looking saddened that Selena was such a person. Of course, this was a joke, and Selena saw that and played along.

"I'm hurt, Noah, that you would think so lowly of me..." she wiped an imaginary tear from her eye before laughing seeing Harley pouting, "I'm sorry, Harley, but I might be having to take those free drink privileges off you~!"

I felt Harley grabbed my arm as she spoke, "NOPE! He's my free drinks dispenser, get your own!" to prove her point, she sat down next to Selena and made sure I couldn't sit next to her which left one seat I could take.

"Great, I get to sit next to the hormonal man," a tired, disdainful voice came from next to me and looking down I saw a woman with light green skin and pure red hair like my own, along with enticing green eyes that seemed to shine. Her plump lips had a coating of green lipstick and they were in a slight frown at the minute.

Honestly, she was stunning and I felt a need to just bow down to her but knowing who she was, I knew why. This was Poison Ivy. She was probably outputting some pheromones to make a fool of me, but I was a bit sturdier compared to the humans she usually tries to seduce with chemicals, so I could easily resist them.

"Poison Ivy," I started, getting a surprised look from the person herself, though it wasn't because I knew who she was but because I was resisting her control, "I'd suggest you stop trying to control me with Pheromones. You'll find I have a 'bit' more resistance than Humans," once again smiling devilishly, I sat down next to her, "This, is how you control someone, Miss Isley."

With this, I looked over at the waitress and used Compulsion which seemed to have an indefinite range as long as I could look into someone's eyes and they could see me.

"Come over here," I spoke at a normal volume and motioned the woman over with a curl of my finger. To the surprise of the girls at the table, the waitress did come over and just stood in front of me, waiting for me to talk, "Every drink these girls and myself want is to be completely free, is that understood?"

The woman just like all the other times stiffly nodded but this time she spoke in reply, "Yes, my Lord," before she continued standing there.

Lord, huh? That's got a nice ring to it. I wonder if this is a part of my Compulsion?

Bringing myself from my thoughts, I waved my hand away, "You can go back now. Forget everything we've spoken about, but the previous orders are still in effect, okay?" she nodded before walking back to the bar.

Looking back at Poison Ivy, I smirked, "See, so much easier than using Pheromones. Now you can all get free drinks and that order will stay around for a while, so, you know, you're welcome~" keeping my smirk I sipped my whiskey and waited for them to come out of their stupor. It didn't take that long.

"How did ya even do that?!" Harley was in my face, pretty much on the table, holding my collar while her nose touched mine, "You could do so much villainy with a power like that! Wanna make a gang?! I'll be the brawn, you can be the brains!" her mouth split in a smile so wide and manic I thought she'd do permanent damage to her facial muscles.

"Oh, Miss Quinn, you mustn't get so close to me, you could start all sorts of rumors getting so close to a member of the opposite sex~" I joked but didn't back away, I just kept looking at the crazy blue eyes looking into my red ones*, "But I'll have to decline your offer, Harley. Maybe someday. But right now, using that power to get free drinks is about as far as I'll go. Any more than that and I'd be taking away people's free will and that doesn't sit right with me, honestly."

(*A/N - In case you don't remember, he changed his eye color to red before he left his room. He can just change it to red without the slit pupil. Just imagine him as the guy on the front cover, if that helps.)

"Hm? Rumors? Rumors about what? This?" she gave my lips a quick peck, before pulling back and impishly smiling, "I don't quite care for what people say about me, Noah. I do what I want," she pointed her face upwards, looking proud of herself.

Selena just squealed a little, before shaking Harley and looking at her like she'd just won a Nobel Prize.

...I know I'm handsome but that's an overreaction, right?

As if sensing my confusion, Poison Ivy gave me some clarification.

"We're villains. Or at the very least Anti-Heroes. We don't get many people who will...you know, spend time with us. Most men, especially the handsome-types, are scared of us and what we'll do, so getting to kiss a handsome guy like you and not have him recoil in disgust is pretty much the ultimate win for us," she said slightly longingly, like she wanted something, but quickly covered it up with a huff, "But I think Selena and Harley are just in heat 24/7! Like seriously, stop trying to bang anyone who catches your attention..." she said this loud enough for the other two to hear as she was clearly trying to take a dig at them.

Selena just looked indignant while Harley stuck her tongue out at the redhead next to me, "Don't think you're any different than us! We've heard ya on some nights, Pamela! Don't think we're deaf!" Harley chortled as she said this and Selena chuckled with her, as Harley was about to elaborate as she looked at me, a vine came from under the table and wrapped around Harley's mouth and acted as a gag.

Looking to my side, I saw a blushing Poison Ivy who was gritting her teeth, "Not. A. Single. Word. Harley," she spoke through gritted teeth and when she saw me stifling a laugh, she glared at me, "What are you laughing at?!" a vine came flicking out from under the table and I casually dodged it with a turn on my neck.

But it seemed she wasn't done as the vine curved in the air and tried to get me on the rebound.

Sadly for her, as a Vampire, my physiology isn't as limited as a human's, so I just sent my head backward at a speed that would break a normal human's neck and the vine harmlessly missed me again. Before she could send it to attack again, I spoke up.

"I wouldn't try and hit me with that anymore, it'll get hurt if it actually hits me. I'm much tougher than what I may look like," I smiled at Poison Ivy aka Pamela, and pleaded with her with my eyes.

The vine came to a stop just in front of my face but I looked passed it and saw Pamela's slightly surprised face, "You would dodge so it wouldn't get hurt? A simple vine?"

Nodding, I shrugged my shoulders, "I know that if it was hurt you'd enter a blind rage and honestly I don't wanna deal with that. I just wanna have a drink and talk to the three of you, not fight an enraged Poison Ivy," I smirked before continuing, "Plus, I don't make it a hobby to just let attacks hit me. I'm not a masochist, after all."

The vine slowly rescinded from in front of me as Pamela just looked at me. Off to the side, Selena whistled, "Ohhh! Has Pamela found a man she likes?" this caused Pamela to go red but she just sat and drank her apple martini instead of arguing back which seemed to surprise Selena. The vines gagging Harley slowly went back under the table as well and as if nothing had happened, Harley started talking about some random stuff and Selena chimed in now and then.

Smiling I took a few more sips of my drink, thinking about how fun this was gonna be.