
Compulsion and Meeting Some Villains

"Sooo...you're telling me you're a Vampire?" Willow's disbelief was very evident in her voice, even as she carried on, "A Nosferatu, Dracula, 'I want to suck your blood!' kind of Vampire?"

Dragging a hand across my face, I let out a sigh while helplessly smiling, "Yes, for the fifth time, Willow; I'm a Vampire. That's why I needed the blood. I don't exactly want to hurt anyone, so I have to use blood bags to sate my thirst. Is that really so hard to comprehend?" I asked with a raised eyebrow, hoping this was the last time I had to explain this to her.

Sadly, she just scoffed in my face before rolling her eyes, "Yeaaaah, right, sure, you're a 'Vampire'. A Supernatural creature? They don't exist. If anything, you're an Alien who's trying to fit into the new culture you've found after coming to Earth," she spoke with such an assured-ness that I felt like clawing my face off. Is this how annoyed the Team felt in Young Justice when Kid Flash wouldn't believe Magic was real? Jesus Christ this is aggravating.

Holding up a finger, I replied, "Okay, one, I'm not an alien, I was born on Earth 18 years ago on the 21st of June. You can even check my birth certificate if you want," I put up a second finger, "Two, I was bitten a week ago and changed into a Vampire," I held up a third finger, "And finally, three, you can run faster than any person alive, apart from Flash and Superman; is it that hard to believe Supernatural Creatures exist?"

After saying this, I took a few deep breathes to get back my valuable oxygen, while Willow just looked at me with a mixture of disbelief and her being unsure of what she believes in; she was feeling torn.

Looking at me with a slightly weak smile, she replied to me.

"Okay, even if I did believe you, what do you get from telling me this?" she looked at me questioningly, before huffing, "Not that I do believe you or anything. I'm a woman of science! I believe in science, not fairy tails!"

Smiling at her acting all Tsundere, I gave her my answer, "What I get by telling you this is help; help to find the limits to my new physiology. I know you were the Flash's sidekick and that he put you on a team with other sidekicks - you guys were all over the news when we were younger - and what I need from your team are resources, or rather facilities. I can't exactly go to the local Gym to see how strong I am, can I?" I chuckled a little at this, Willow joining in with a nod, agreeing, "You can tell the League I need help, just not what I am, if that helps. Tell them I'm a recently awakened Metahuman and you found out or something," sighing, I closed my eyes and pinched the bridge of my nose, "I just need help, Willow. If I can't find my limits and some way to control myself, I'm going to hurt someone. It would also be nice to know that you'd be around to suppress me if I go out of control," opening my eyes, I looked at Willow and weakly smiled, knowing that if she said no, I'd pretty much be on my own.

POV Change - Willow West

Looking at this supposed Vampire in front of me I could help but feel that he was being sincere with me.

The way his eyes were pleading with me, I wondered how I was supposed to say no.

It didn't hurt that he was really good-looking as well...Not that that's my only motivation to help him! Snap out of it, Willow!

...But even if I do want to help him, how do I explain this to the others? To the League? Batman would also want to know what he is and I have no confidence in being able to lie and get away with it to that gloomy guy.

But this is what I'm supposed to do isn't it? As a hero, I mean. I'm supposed to help anyone I can, and if I were to turn Noah away, wouldn't he be left on his own...what if he did go out of control as he said?

I have to help him if only to keep others safe. Though looking into those royal blue eyes...I felt like he wouldn't put others in danger and just because of that, I want to help him even more.

...Those eyes should be outlawed as excessive weaponry...

"Fine, I'll help you..." I said with a sigh, before looking him dead in the eye, "But I need to bring this to the team before I can give you a definite answer on letting you use our Facilities. Though you're free to use my personal lab...you know...if you want to..." I looked away from him as I said this and I couldn't stop myself from fidgeting slightly.

What the hell is up with you, Willow? He's only one hot guy, you know?

...One ridiculously hot guy...

"Really?!" I heard his excited voice and looked toward his face, "Thanks, Willow. I really owe you one," he smiled at me and I felt my face heat up slightly, but he carried on, "You wanna exchange numbers? You can text or call me after you get an answer from your team. But remember to keep what I am a secret, okay?" I nodded numbly at what he said, "Thanks again, Willow. Well, we both have lessons to get to, so speak to you soon?"

"Yeah sure!--I mean, yeah, sure, I'll text you when I speak to the team," I calmed myself down and looked away from his face - it was like some kind of mind weapon that made me lose my composure - "See you then, Noah."

He nodded and went on his way. Looking at his tall and broad figure walking away with a certain skip in his step I let out a sigh and whispered, "...The girls on the team aren't ready for such a hot guy..." shaking my head, I looked at my phone for the time and seeing I was a minute or two late, my eyes widened, "Oh, not again!"

I quickly started sprinting toward my class. For such a fast person, I sure am late a lot.

POV Change - Noah

Hearing the whisper that Willow said when she thought I was out of ear shot, I chuckled to myself, wondering how long I could keep my enhanced senses a secret so I can keep hearing her compliment me like that.

Smiling smugly, I got on my way to my next class which was Genetics.

...I'm only at my second class and I already want the day to be over. Guess vampirism doesn't take away my annoyance towards having to go to class, huh? Or give me the patience to put up with going to class.

My smug smile disappeared in favor of a slightly annoyed look and I sped off to my next lesson, making sure to keep myself hidden in whatever shadows I could.

After class, I had a multitude of tests I wanted to do. I could feel powers inside of me that I hadn't even begun to unearth.

. . .

"Okay, you can go now, but forget about everything I've said and everything you've seen for the past 10 minutes. Just go do what you were originally going to do," I commanded, feeling my eyes buzz for a second before the slack-jawed man in front of me stiffly nodded before walking away with unsteady steps.

...Holy shit.


I have mind control. I have literal control over someone's mind with simple eye contact and a few words. Jesus H Christ.

Smiling I realized I had my blood bag problem solved; I could simply mind control them to deliver me some blood bags every week.

"Hahaha!" I found myself laughing like some kind of madman, "My options just got wide open!" I whispered to myself as I walked back to my dorm room.

How did I get to discovering this power?

Well, I practically went through every Vampire show I know and tried every power I could remember. Compulsion, the thing I just did, was something from the Vampire Diaries, a pretty decent show in all honesty, but right now I was just thankful I'd watched it.

It took a few tries and more than a few embarrassing moments where I had to explain to people I was just messing around, but I finally figured out how to do it. It was pretty much all in my intent.

When I switch my vision to the blood vision, I mentally tell myself 'I want to see their cardiovascular system' and my vision does that. But for compulsion, I have to mentally say 'I want this person to follow every word I want them to' and it works!

With a little more tweaking, I could even read that guy's mind! Granted it was only surface level thoughts, but it was a start!

Composing myself I got into my room after saying a short hello to the others in my dorm. Quickly changing my clothes I put on a black dress shirt, some black dress pants and matching black dress shoes. All in all, I looked pretty sharp.

Keeping my hair slicked back, I looked outside and saw the rapidly setting sun and smiled. Even if I wasn't weak to the sun, it didn't mean it's very presence wasn't absolutely frustrating to me. Now that I was a Vampire, the night was much better in my opinion. Letting my eyes change color to red, I jumped out my window and sped off to the city, heading toward a bar.

. . .

Opening the door, I walked into the rough-looking bar with a bit more swagger than I intended, if people turning to look at me was any indication. Not that I cared.

Keeping a smirk on my face I walked up to the bar and waited to get served.

It didn't take long for a pretty blonde to come over and serve me, "What can I get you?"

"A whiskey, please, on the house," I used Compulsion on her and she stiffly nodded before getting me my drink.

...What? I'm not a goody-two-shoes who won't use his powers to his own benefit. Besides, getting free drinks is hardly the worst thing I could be doing with mind control powers. Plus I wanna test something.

Taking the drink off her, I brought it to my nose and gave it a whiff, "Mhm.." it smelled...better than it did when I was human. It smelled sweeter than whiskey should smell, honestly.

Figuring it wouldn't taste too bad, I knocked it back and was shocked to find that it tasted lovely.

It didn't burn like it used to but it tasted miles better.

Huh, well I guess Ghouls from Tokyo Ghoul got to keep coffee and I get to keep Alcohol. I think I got the better deal, honestly.

"Can I get another?" I held up my empty glass and the waitress seemed to still be following my earlier compulsion and gave me another one for free. Luckily my earlier compulsion didn't stop her from doing her job of giving others drinks, so I decided to keep the compulsion going. It's always nice to get free drinks.

When I was about to knock the next one back, a lithe hand slapped my back as a loud voice with a thick New York accent pretty much shouted next to me.

"Heya, Handsome! How'd ya get those free drinks? You some kinda important guy around these parts?" her voice had a slightly unhinged quality to it and I didn't even need to turn to see who it was, though I still did so and took in her appearance.

About 5'7" with a slender, yet curvy figure, the woman in front of me had chalk white skin. Even though she didn't look incredibly toned, she still gave me an uneasy feeling despite me knowing I could easily overpower her - I guess I just didn't underestimate crazy. She looked up at me with baby blue eyes and her blonde hair was styled into two pigtails, or twintails, or whatever you wanna call 'em, with one end being dyed blue and the other was dyed a pinkish red.

She had dark eyeshadow on which really emphasized her blue eyes, while her full, juicy-looking lips had a coating of blood red lipstick on them.

She looked hot, if I had to describe it in any way.

Looking into her eyes I saw curiosity but mainly, I saw mania and so much crazy I didn't wanna be near this chick. But at the same time, it interested me in seeing what kind of trouble she could get me into.

Smiling as I looked at her, I cocked up an eyebrow as I answered, "Would you believe me if I said I'm just that charismatic that I get drinks for free?" I jokingly said which caused her to let out an overly girly giggle.

"Well, you are real handsome I'll give ya that, but my instincts as a woman are telling me there's more to ya than that!" her voice sounded so weirdly innocent it was hard to think this chick was both crazy and a murderer. As if thinking of something, the woman clicked her fingers and smiled widely at me, showing off her pearly whites, "Oh yeah! How about this? You come over and drink with me and my friends, and I'll drop this line of questioning. Sound good?!" she put a hand on my chest and drummed her fingers across the muscle.

If it weren't for me knowing who she was and how she was with people, I'd have thought she was making a move on me...Well, she actually was, but the fact is that she does it to everyone she finds attractive.

"Okay, I've got two questions," I smiled at her, "One, what is Harley Quinn doing in Metropolis? And two, what do I get out of coming over and drinking with," I looked around the bar and spotted two particular women, "you, Poison Ivy, and some random chick?" I said that but I vaguely recognized the woman as Selena Kyle aka Catwoman. Mainly from her cat-related t-shirt. Bit of a stretch but who else would be hanging out with Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn.

"Oh!" Harley squealed a little, "So ya do know who I am. I was beginning to think I was losin' my popularity!" she giggled before answering my question, "Well, me and the girls decided to come over here because Gotham's always so gloomy, ya know?! Us girls want a bit of sunshine every now and then..." she pouted but her face quickly switched to a smile, "And why should ya come over and drink with us? Because you'd get to talk to three hotties, duh!" she giggled again before moving in real close to me, "Also, who knows, they might thank ya for getting them free drinks~" she winked at me and I had to remind myself that this woman was insane, so I wasn't completely blindsided by her flirting.

Deciding to mess with her a little, I smirked at Harley before provocatively answering her.

"And what if I don't want to come over and drink with you three?" I kept up a provocative gaze, along with a smirk, wanting to see how Harley would react.

Let's see how crazy you are, Ms. Quinn.

Tempting fate, huh?

Anyway, the MC's gonna be a Anti-Hero, so he'll get to know both Villains and Heroes. He'll also do some morally ambiguous things. But he won't go around killing innocents. Even if he's an Anti-Hero, he's still a Hero.

Prince_of_Sincreators' thoughts