
DC: Justice League’s Green Arrow With Custom Skills

A young kid who had been casually, happily reading DC Comics and watching the Arrowverse TV series for a few years sadly passes away after experiencing a sudden memory blackout. To his utter astonishment, he discovers that he has inexplicably been reincarnated as one of his absolute favorite superheroes of all time. The boy had a lot of mixed feelings about this really awesome hero, who got caught up in a really complex web of romantic relationships. According to him, a few of these relationships were not handled very well, lacking effort and skill, which led to feelings of disappointment, missed opportunities, and pondering on how things could have been smoother. The kid is embarking on a brand-new chapter in his life as he becomes Oliver Queen, also known as Ollie, and assumes full ownership of his identity and physical being. This occurs a few months prior to his dad's ill-fated voyage on his boat, the "Queen's Gambit," which is bound to sink in the ocean. The story's potentially tragic start, which he's suddenly motivated to alter, begins in the wee hours of the night at a trendy club. This creates the perfect backdrop for an exciting and enjoyable journey, brimming with the excitement of riches, romance, and indulgence. However, amidst all the fun, Oliver will soon realize that his new life is not as lazy as he initially thought. He soon finds out that he is not only a part of the realistic-looking universe of Arrowverse, but he also has the ability to venture into the animated macrocosm of comics and join the honored Justice League(s) he dreamed of. The weirdest part is that he can also transform into a comic book version of himself or an animated character that looks just like him when he does that...

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10 Chs

Transmigrating in an Arrowverse Nightclub

These days, children were incredibly clever and precocious. They were exposed to a wide range of experiences, not just limited to the online world.

They had a wide range of ideas and relished a certain degree of freedom, being unstoppable in their capacity to embrace different concepts—sometimes even really strange ones.

Specifically, boys enjoyed a higher level of this unique type of freedom. Oliver was one of those boys.

He was going about his usual business, thoroughly enjoying the online world of comics with an extra dose of excitement, when all of a sudden, his vision started to blur, and he suddenly blacked out!

It was pretty disruptive, but honestly, not really a big problem or surprise, considering he knew exactly what he was doing before that incident...

However, the issue now was that he didn't wake up where he expected to. Usually, he would wake up in his bed with hazy memories and a satisfying headache, which indicated that his intelligence quotient was increasing.


This time, Oliver found himself in a place where music filled the air, vibrant lights danced around with an exciting nightlife vibe, and to top it off, there were people all around him.

There were so many people!

Moreover, he didn't seem to be in the right body.

He was completely sure that something was wrong with his body, specifically referring to his lower body and the reproductive organ located between his legs.

The fun appendage was noticeably and significantly altered...

Longer and more… WIDE.

It had a really large circumference that was quite scary!

Oliver, a 12-year-old boy, suddenly found himself in the body of a fully grown man. This man was physically strong and attractive, dressed in fashionable evening clothes.

As he felt a certain substance flowing through his veins, one that he shouldn't have been familiar with at his age, Oliver became utterly bewildered.

In that exact moment, the headache he had been expecting to happen in his own body, instead struck him in this unfamiliar body, leaving him bewildered.

It came on suddenly, with intense fury and unbearable agony.


As the loud music blared, Oliver couldn't help but groan. Images of a childhood that seemed oddly familiar flooded his mind, until he finally saw and understood incredible things that revealed his true identity.

He wasn't mad at it!

At that very moment, someone sitting beside Oliver noticed him groaning and investigated, "Oliver, what's the matter?"

"Nothing… I think I may have one drink too many." The boy quickly answered with a smile that didn't seem forced, even though it might have appeared that way.

The smile wasn't forced AT ALL.

The reason for that is because, for some strange reason, he had become Oliver Queen!

One of his all-time favorite heroes who shared the same first name as him!

Despite the unbelievable nature of the situation, Oliver, the boy, wasn't entirely certain if it meant he had died.

Nonetheless, he was filled with a terrifyingly exhilarating sense of excitement!

At just 12 years old, he found himself weary of life on Earth.

If this were the famous inexplicable transmigration, he wouldn't miss his annoying life on Earth, where both of his parents remarried and didn't care about him.

Having gained all of Oliver Queen's new memories, he had no intention of feeling regretful about the long and tedious school curriculum that awaited him at the end of every summer either.

Although school education was undoubtedly important, it was undeniably boring for kids like him.

He wasn't the type of kid who enjoyed school.

"You think?" Tommy chuckled ironically as he looked at the empty bottles of champagne and asked.

The night of drunken happiness was just getting started it seems, but they had already indulged in excessive drinking, leaving a trail of alcohol consumption.

As Oliver glanced back at his recent memories, he responded to his sarcastic best friend, "Please, spare me the irony. I didn't get a good night's sleep."

"And that would be because?" Tommy asked.

"You do know why already, Thomas... Or do I really need to give you the full picture?" Oliver responded with a frown, showing a hint of annoyance and amusement.

Tommy was Oliver's best friend, so they didn't keep any secrets from each other.

The previous Oliver wouldn't have found this strange, but the new Oliver did because he knew who Tommy had a crush on.

"Thomas? Hey, I think I should step back from this topic. It's been a while since you called me like that, and you usually only do so when you're getting mad."

Tommy said.

"Mad? I'm not actually angry, but I think that discussing how my girlfriend takes me to bed isn't a topic we should talk about together." Oliver didn't beat around the bush.

He wasn't really into Laurel, even though he found her attractive.

But since he was already dating her, he didn't want to break up with her.

And he knew better than to bring up this topic with Tommy.

After every wild boys' night, Tommy would appear downcast whenever Oliver stumbled drunkenly to Laurel's house, where she always accommodated whatever he wanted to do.

To be completely objective, she was a great girlfriend, perhaps even too good for the Oliver in this day and age.

That being said, the new Oliver wasn't any better of a person than the previous Oliver.

He held controversial opinions about Oliver's choices, opinions that weren't centered on Oliver being a villain, but rather on him being an indecisive playboy who evaded his responsibilities and true self.

"Mmmh… You bring up a good point. Honestly, I'd rather not know about how you and Laurel spend your time either." Tommy gave an answer.

After pretending to be more disgusted than envious, he laughed it off. He then said, "Come on, let's keep drinking. You're not going to pass out from this little bit of alcohol, are you? That's not typical of you."

After letting out a sigh, Oliver smiled in defeat.

He didn't really feel like continuing to drink, but since he was already here and wanted to celebrate his new identity, he didn't make a big deal out of it.

The two of them, him and Tommy, decided to continue drinking inside the nightclub salon where only the two of them, being rich kids, were seated.

As soon as Oliver processed the new memories, the scenery in front of his eyes began to blur increasingly.

And something new happened.

Oliver readily embraced the idea of transmigration, unlike other transmigrators and reincarnations.

In his mind, managing the Arrowverse didn't seem too impossible, especially with some prior knowledge.

He was also gifted and smart in the new body he was in.

He lazily sipped on his champagne, observing as more people, especially women, entered the nightclub as the night progressed, and it became a more suitable time for clubbing.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, something unexpected happened on the spur of the moment.

A floating transparent black flat surface suddenly appeared right in front of him.

On this surface, bright white words began engraving themselves.

He noticed that the interface was a status interface and began exploring it.

Soon, he realized that he could control it with his mind, accessing menus and other features.

It quickly dawned on him that this was probably his transmigration cheat.

'What kind of cheat is this? Custom Skill Maker?'

As Oliver continued to read and reread the inscriptions on the plain hovering artifact, he couldn't help but wonder and ask himself questions in his mind.

He didn't make it obvious that he was preoccupied.

Next to him, Tommy, who had a slothful, drunken gaze, was looking at the beautiful single women who were starting to go onto the dance floor.

He also seemed lost in his thoughts.

++Power: Custom Skill Maker++

++Standard Skills: Drinking, Flirt, Hedonism, Charm, Higher IQ, Healthier Body, Timespace Traveler, Inventory++

++Random Skills: None++

++Designer Skills: Designer Luck++

[Standard Skill: Those skills can either choose to manifest on their own or not. It's mostly a matter of luck to have such skills. Additionally, most standard skills have the ability to evolve on their own as their proficiency reaches 100%. As your skill rating increases, the proficiency training becomes more difficult.]

[Random Skill: You have the option to combine either two standard skills or two random skills, which will result in the development of a new ability. These skills can gain exciting new particularities. However, if you decide to combine skills to create such random skill, ratings have a high chance of decreasing and can decrease significantly; nonetheless, 99% of them can also evolve with training in the same way that standard skills do.]

[Designer Skill: you possess the capability to generate new skills by drawing them. However, the more powerful the description you write for them, the more challenging it becomes to bring these skills to life as their evaluation rating increases. To bring those custom skills to life, you need to give up a skill that is at the same rating level. Naturally, you will lose the skill that you have chosen to give up.]

[Timespace Traveler (SSS): Skill that cannot be further improved through training. This skill was acquired through your transmigration, and it allows you to freely choose and travel between different worlds within the DC Comics universe.]

[Inventory (C—0%): This skill allows you to keep hold and track of a space inventory. It has a good amount of storage capacity and becomes more efficient as you use it more frequently.]

[Higher IQ (C—0%): You have a high IQ, which is above average compared to most people, but you're not a genius yet.]

[Healthier Body (D—0%): Your body is naturally healthier, more resistant, and more adaptable than most people.]

[Designer Luck (Not rated): The fundamental skill of the Custom Skill Maker that allows you to create skills for others and accumulate good fortune and luck, which in turn increases your chances of naturally generating more standard skills for yourself. To gather this type of luck, you must awaken skills at the F level in other people. The precise nature of the skills generated is determined by your choices for the type of skill you want to awaken. Acquiring this type of luck is as quick when you help people train their skills as it is when you generate the skills for them.]

After repeatedly reading and rereading his transmigration cheat features, all Oliver could think about was a huge 'what the fuck!'

He didn't believe that transmigration was real, and even when he was finally transmigrated, he still didn't have any hope of receiving a cheat!

And he didn't just receive any old cheat, he was given a powerful one as well!

He was genuinely surprised and deep in thought, mainly pondering his unique ability to travel between different dimensions in the DC universe.

Out of nowhere, Tommy, who had a lazy eye, grabbed his attention by striking up a conversation with him. He said, "Hey Oliver, take a look! Take a look at who's tearing up the dance floor! What is she doing here?"

Oliver was completely taken aback and caught by surprise when Tommy startled him by suddenly yelling right in his ear.

And when he turned to see where Tommy was pointing, he saw his supposed sister-in-law, Sara Lance.

She didn't have yet that perfect fit body she had after her long trip to the League of Assassins, but man, she was cold, she still looked absolutely amazing…

That being said, it was pretty odd to see her alone at this nightclub so late at night, without any apparent reason for being here, especially considering how young she appeared.

It was difficult to understand how she managed to gain access here, unless she was engaged in suspicious activities or involved in something she shouldn't have been.

She was dancing with great energy, her hair swinging around as she moved, when suddenly her attention shifted and landed on Oliver.

They locked eyes, their gazes fixed on each other, as if time itself had frozen for a brief moment…