
DC: Justice League’s Green Arrow With Custom Skills

A young kid who had been casually, happily reading DC Comics and watching the Arrowverse TV series for a few years sadly passes away after experiencing a sudden memory blackout. To his utter astonishment, he discovers that he has inexplicably been reincarnated as one of his absolute favorite superheroes of all time. The boy had a lot of mixed feelings about this really awesome hero, who got caught up in a really complex web of romantic relationships. According to him, a few of these relationships were not handled very well, lacking effort and skill, which led to feelings of disappointment, missed opportunities, and pondering on how things could have been smoother. The kid is embarking on a brand-new chapter in his life as he becomes Oliver Queen, also known as Ollie, and assumes full ownership of his identity and physical being. This occurs a few months prior to his dad's ill-fated voyage on his boat, the "Queen's Gambit," which is bound to sink in the ocean. The story's potentially tragic start, which he's suddenly motivated to alter, begins in the wee hours of the night at a trendy club. This creates the perfect backdrop for an exciting and enjoyable journey, brimming with the excitement of riches, romance, and indulgence. However, amidst all the fun, Oliver will soon realize that his new life is not as lazy as he initially thought. He soon finds out that he is not only a part of the realistic-looking universe of Arrowverse, but he also has the ability to venture into the animated macrocosm of comics and join the honored Justice League(s) he dreamed of. The weirdest part is that he can also transform into a comic book version of himself or an animated character that looks just like him when he does that...

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10 Chs

Opening Up To Diana

Oliver was going to handle all the nitty-gritty stuff in the near and far-off future, all while keeping in touch with Steve.

However, Olivier and Diana were essentially free to carry on with their affairs following the meeting at the White House.

Lately, Oliver had been giving Steve a hard time, but it looked like Steve wasn't going to end up as his brother-in-law.

He put up with all the nonsense for no reason, as it seemed like he had given up early on.

He and Diana weren't as close as they should be if Oliver wasn't around to be an entertaining nuisance, and she didn't appear particularly interested in him.

Given her post-Flashpoint background, Diana was actually more inclined to develop romantic feelings for Superman.

Oliver didn't really care about whatever was going to happen.

It would be just as acceptable if his sister began developing some peculiar, taboo emotions towards him—Oliver.

He wasn't going to cause a scene and be all do-or-die to win over his own sister.

He had plenty of other important things to think about, worry about, and deal with, especially since one of his plans had veered off course.

He and Diana were just leaving one of the numerous clothing stores where they had bought masks and costumes in festive red and green color schemes.

There were also some blue and black color schemes going on, which matched their own distinct secondary themes.

He hadn't yet explained why they had purchased those clothes and stuff, and this came after a long trip to a library where Diana had bought a ton of books, but he chose not to stash them in his inventory.

He wouldn't pull off those kinds of stunts until he began unveiling some of his secret truths and abilities to her.

But as the minutes zoomed by, the moment for him to have that kind of conversation with her was quickly approaching…

"Where are we headed next?" Diana asked from within the limousine, where heaps of shopping bags surrounded them.

"We're heading back to our place. We need to have a real talk." Oliver said and nodded at the chauffeur, signaling for him to take them home.

He wasn't going to need that guy and the security and services of the White House for much longer.

Today, however, since all those dudes were still hanging around, keeping a close eye and ear, he devised a cunning scheme to communicate with Diana.

This plan would ensure that the White House remained completely oblivious to their sneaky conversation.

Back then, Oliver didn't just throw in the Gate Of Babylon into his Unlimited Blade Works for no reason other than its raw power.

He was able to fly, and fly fast, using it.

Thanks to it, he could even soar through the skies with his Susanoo's second form activated.

If he wanted to fly, he could have just chosen a skill that focused on flying, but that would have been a waste of his early skill choices.

"A real talk? Should that be the kind of sibling talk we cannot have here?" Diana asked, her brows furrowing with curiosity.

She was starting to crack open, keeping a sharp eye on Oliver by her side, one of the beginner's books on American slang terms that she had bought.

She seemed pretty happy and, for some reason, had this vibe like she knew what was coming, like she already knew it was bound to happen sooner or later.

She wasn't a fool, even though she had one of those indispensable "For Dummies" books in her hands.

Earlier this morning, she couldn't help but feel a bit confused by the unseen power that Oliver had used.

It had grabbed her attention, making her wonder about a lot of things regarding their past and the fights she always won.

Now, she found herself pondering it even more.

She was already planning on asking him about it.

Oliver, who had been concealing more than his true strength from her, flashed a smile and said, "Yeah, that time has come."

After he spoke and the silence hung in the air once more, the fancy limousine swiftly transported them back to the swanky Washington neighborhood, comfortably nestled in the upscale part of town.

Their time in this fancy neighborhood for the upper-middle class wouldn't last long.

Once Diana got back home with Oliver, he wasted no time and grabbed her hand, leading her up to the rooftop of the building.

"What do you want to talk to me about, or rather show me?" Diana asked with a knowing, joyful grin. She proceeded, "This can't be related to my Lasso suddenly disappearing, can it?"

"To be honest, it's connected to that. But I can't give you the lasso back, and I'll explain why. You just gotta be patient and listen up." Oliver said.

This morning, Diana once again broached the subject of the Lasso, even though she didn't want to come off as overly suspicious of him.

Although Oliver didn't trust his sister as much as he trusted his mother, she still had a decent level of trust in him, unlike him.

But now, things were about to change because he had made a firm decision about the next skill he wanted to design all the while unlocking an F-rated skill in Diana.

He was about to once again trade one of his skills, all in order to develop a passive ability that would impose certain loyalty restrictions on Diana.

Years ago, as he was helping his mom get stronger and supporting her in her training, he never once considered coming up with this amazing move to guarantee her unwavering loyalty.

Unlike Diana, he had complete trust in her.

However, it suddenly hit him that these limitations were actually absolutely crucial and would also impact Hippolyta and any other lucky folks he decided to bless with his powers down the line.

Embarking on his comic book adventure brought him immense joy, as he eagerly anticipated delving into his one-of-a-kind superpowers - his very own customized abilities - causing him to lose sight of what truly mattered.

However, he made a big mistake by not considering a crucial aspect: ensuring that the power he acquired wouldn't be jeopardized by the people he was obliged to share some powers with.

He had finally reached this pivotal realization.

The Custom Skill Power had some limitations when it came to learning, creating, and developing skills.

However, it didn't stop him from imposing strict rules on the people he chose to bless with powers.

Although he possessed a high IQ, intelligence cannot be fully encapsulated by IQ alone.

It only truly demonstrated the lightning-fast speed of the brain, its remarkable capacity for learning, and its mind-boggling processing power, along with numerous other awe-inspiring qualities.

Even with his impressive new high IQ, he could only foresee a finite amount.

In his past life, he came across a phenomenon called Murphy's law while diving into a bunch of mind-boggling books written by really smart folks.

Anyway, he was holding himself back by being overly cautious about saving skill slots, even though he could totally customize his skills to perfectly suit his needs.

He couldn't freeload off the folks he had to assist by solely depending on passive abilities that would expedite his own progress.

But he definitely had the power to set certain requirements for loyalty.

And as it turned out, he found out that his Custom Skill Power didn't assign a rating to this skill.

This not only meant that it couldn't be countered by anyone, regardless of their strength, but also allowed him to give up any skill, whether it was strong or weak, to give birth to it.

It was like the Custom Skill Maker power was just waiting for Oliver's smarts to finally kick in and bring such a skill to life.

++Power: Custom Skill Maker++

++Standard Skills: Charm, Higher IQ, Healthier Body, Timespace Traveler, Inventory, One Piece Body, Acknowledged By Bacchus++

++Random Skills: None++

++Designer Skills: Designer Luck, Omniplane Damage, Unlimited Blade Works, Archer Susanoo, Chakra In All Things++

[Acknowledged By Bacchus (C—2%): You have been blessed with a special talent bestowed upon you by the god of wine. It enhances your charm and ability to enjoy drinking and all things related to pleasure and charm.]

[Charm (B—52%): This skill greatly enhances your natural ability to charm women and increases your likability among them by a significant degree.]

Oliver didn't have any other option but to ditch his most worthless skill, his charm skill, even though it was more useful compared to some of the skills he had ditched before.

He could give up the blessing that Bacchus, his half-brother, granted him, but that would be really disrespectful and make Bacchus suspicious if he saw it.

Furthermore, Bacchus's skill had a higher overall potential compared to this one, even though it was slightly lower in grade.

Transitioning from a C grade to a B grade would be a breeze anyway, provided that Oliver resumed his drinking habits.

He had no alternative but to do so if he wanted to maintain his charm superiority over most folks.

Entertained by the notion of revisiting the addiction he had previously abandoned, he cracked open the skill status of the skill he had crafted in the limousine, all while Diana playfully remarked with a disapproving yet lighthearted grin, "I had a hunch it was you who stashed away my lasso, and now it's officially confirmed..."

[Evil Hermit (Not rated): You are surely familiar with those sayings and scriptures that portray incredibly compassionate hermits and wise elderly folks who have the wisdom to handle sly individuals with kindness, similar to the tale of Judah. You should definitely hold your ground and firmly reject any of that Darth Vader nonsense, unlike those other folks who may be more knowledgeable than you. Once individuals have obtained official certification for their skills from you, particularly registered skills, whether they actively pursued it or not, they would never even think about betraying you once they have applied used those skills even if only once. They'll quickly grasp the intense physical and sacred pain they'll go through, and even come face-to-face with their ultimate fate if you give the green light. The strength of the individuals who learn from you doesn't hold any significance.]

The brand new passive ability seemed to possess an immense amount of strength while also being ridiculously comical at once.

What made it fascinating was that the Custom Skill Maker had actually modified both the skill's description and its name...

The cheat wasn't messing around, and they were definitely stoked for the birth of this awesome skill.

Oliver, sporting a mischievous grin, turned to Diana and said, "I just had to do it, like I said. Now, allow me to show you something."

The brand-new passive ability was born just moments before a mighty weapon, a lengthy spear, materialized right behind him.

It appeared to emerge from a small, circular golden portal, adorned with hues of vibrant purple and deep crimson.

"What's happening?" Diana was totally flabbergasted when she laid eyes on a glistening golden spear that seemingly materialized out of thin air right behind her brother, just hovering there like a majestic apparition.

Oliver skillfully hopped on, effortlessly maintaining his balance and stability by standing on it without tapping into his chakra, and confidently replied, "This is one of my abilities. Come join me on it, we'll fly over to have that conversation I mentioned."

"..." Diana hesitated for a moment, as she had never laid eyes on such a spectacle before.

She was completely taken aback by the concept of a weapon that could fly.

However, since she trusted Oliver and had not yet discovered her future ability to fly, she promptly heeded his words and did as he requested.

They both vanished, shooting up into the sky at lightning-fast speed until they reached a fluffy cloud where they began conversing.

Oliver had made sure not to carry the cellphone with him.