
DC: Justice League’s Green Arrow With Custom Skills

A young kid who had been casually, happily reading DC Comics and watching the Arrowverse TV series for a few years sadly passes away after experiencing a sudden memory blackout. To his utter astonishment, he discovers that he has inexplicably been reincarnated as one of his absolute favorite superheroes of all time. The boy had a lot of mixed feelings about this really awesome hero, who got caught up in a really complex web of romantic relationships. According to him, a few of these relationships were not handled very well, lacking effort and skill, which led to feelings of disappointment, missed opportunities, and pondering on how things could have been smoother. The kid is embarking on a brand-new chapter in his life as he becomes Oliver Queen, also known as Ollie, and assumes full ownership of his identity and physical being. This occurs a few months prior to his dad's ill-fated voyage on his boat, the "Queen's Gambit," which is bound to sink in the ocean. The story's potentially tragic start, which he's suddenly motivated to alter, begins in the wee hours of the night at a trendy club. This creates the perfect backdrop for an exciting and enjoyable journey, brimming with the excitement of riches, romance, and indulgence. However, amidst all the fun, Oliver will soon realize that his new life is not as lazy as he initially thought. He soon finds out that he is not only a part of the realistic-looking universe of Arrowverse, but he also has the ability to venture into the animated macrocosm of comics and join the honored Justice League(s) he dreamed of. The weirdest part is that he can also transform into a comic book version of himself or an animated character that looks just like him when he does that...

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Meeting The President Of The United States

"THE Catherine Grant?"

"What a unique naming sense for an Instagram account…"

With something gripped tightly in his hand, Oliver, in a sudden surge of irony, muttered quietly to himself.

"Well, seems like she's in a professional field where creative usernames on social media aren't really necessary and maybe even frowned upon, so it totally makes sense."

Sitting on the couch, the TV turned off, he said again after a brief moment of deep thought.

The following morning, he had risen bright and early, much earlier than his sister.

He requested a phone that wasn't registered under his name and one that he didn't intend to keep for an extended period.

It was actually quite easy to obtain such a commodity, especially when the folks at the White House were ensuring that all his needs were taken care of for the time being.

He had no clue if the phone and its sim card had been messed with, and honestly, it didn't make a lick of difference right now whether they knew who he was snooping on it or what he was getting into on it for the time being.

He definitely wasn't planning on being the type of hero whose true identity was known to the public.

He also didn't want Diana to be in the spotlight, so he was going to suggest she wear a mask or disguise later.

However, at the moment, he didn't think it was necessary to worry about being discreet.

After all, he wasn't doing anything super secretive or illegal just yet.

No matter, while meeting with the government officials at the White House, it was bound to happen that part of his and Diana's strengths would be uncovered and explored in more depth, leading to a secretive and undercover bond being forged with them.

Oliver had absolutely no plans to mimic Batman or Superman in every single way, even though he was definitely going to take inspiration from them in many aspects.

He didn't feel any urge or pressure to do so either.

There was no immediate need for such pressure.

'I'm becoming increasingly fascinated by this woman, and I'm really feeling the urge to take a spur-of-the-moment trip to Metropolis just to have a chat with her. But I reckon I'll have to put that on hold until after the meeting at the White House.' Oliver pondered while he scrolled through Cat Grant's Instagram photos, admiring and respecting her impressive running shots, as well as the ones where she was pumping iron and doing squats to sculpt a killer booty at the gym.

She had a slayer set of glutes for someone who wasn't a metahuman and clearly knew how to take care of her body.

Obviously, Oliver had his own serious interests in the matter, but as a weary prince, he had finally returned to the lively city life after a long two decades.

No longer just a 12-year-old at heart, he had grown up enough to find ways to cure his boredom even while handling important matters.

He was flipping through a few of Cat's pictures with Lois Lane, who didn't seem genuinely happy in the photos, when someone walked into the living room.

It was 7 in the morning and Diana had finally gotten out of bed.

The meeting at the White House wasn't scheduled until 10 AM.

"Hey there, good morning." She said, appearing a tad more fatigued than usual.

"Good morning," Oliver replied, then asked, "Seems like you didn't get much sleep. When did you go to bed?"

"Most likely around 3 or 4 in the morning, I can't say for sure, I got caught up watching a TV show for a little too long." Diana stated with a yawn. "Those are really absorbing. I can't help but wonder how people manage to make it to work the following day…"

"What TV show did you binge-watch for such a long time?" Oliver let out a chuckle and asked.

"It was this chaotic show on Netflix about an insane scientist and his timid grandson who's somehow related to him by blood." Diana replied.

"Oh, that show…" Oliver suddenly realized that she was most likely referring to Rick and Morty, which left him momentarily stunned.

After flipping on the TV to see what's up, he saw that although the storyline remained unchanged, the characters' names and a bunch of other stuff had been switched up.

He discovered that the DC universe he was in was completely up-to-date, with Netflix and Instagram in full swing, among other awesome things.

However, it soon became clear as day that this wasn't the same old world he was familiar with.

He didn't have to worry about catching a glimpse of Superman on TV, unless it was the haphazard 6 o'clock news or if some brilliant mind decided to produce an exciting documentary series showcasing his adventures in this reality.

Diana was chowing down on a delicious breakfast that the chauffeur had fetched for them bright and early this morning. Oliver even took the extra step of reheating it when she asked, "What's on the agenda after our powwow with those politicians?"

"We could hit up the library or something to grab you some books for beginners. It's about time you learned some jargon if you want to start fitting in. You're a fast learner, so this should be a breeze." Oliver said.

Diana had a knack for getting her hands dirty, being more of a hands-on kind of woman with her post-flashpoint backstory.

But, she still possessed an exceptional ability to devour books with her voracious reading skills.

Before Oliver even learned how to properly wield a bow, she had thoroughly read all the libraries in Themyscira.

"Books? Definitely sounds like a great idea." She said.

After she got all cleaned up, dressed, and good to go, they finally hit the road once Steve showed up.

Oliver didn't feel the need to continue honing his flirting prowess with Steve this morning, as the skill was gone from his status window.

The effects of the skill only worked on individuals who genuinely had a sexual or romantic attraction towards Oliver.

Nevertheless, when it came to honing this skill, similar to many other abilities, there was no requirement for achieving success.

It could be practiced on anyone or anything.

Even a tree.

The group was currently in the White House's territory, and they had already had a meeting with the president.

Actually, they were still down there with him, along with a few people, some personnel, friends, and colleagues he had a lot of trust in, in an underground bunker beneath the big old house of political power.

At a shooting range, Oliver had a firm grip on a high-powered military firearm when he turned to address the president standing behind him, saying, "We're locked and loaded, Mr. President. All set to go."

"Mr. Prince, are you truly confident about this? I requested a demonstration of talent, but it seems that this is a tad excessive for a lady..." The President of the United States had a worried look on his face as he stood behind Oliver, alongside Steve.

On the flip side, Steve seemed completely unfazed and calm as a cucumber.

He had already seen some crazy stuff in "Paradise Island" and had some fresh thoughts on the power, fearlessness of women from that place.

Diana confidently sported her power bracers, the iconic bracelets of submission, as she exchanged a nod with her brother. Although she had yet to encounter firearms, she exuded her usual self-assuredness. In response to the President, Oliver spoke, assuringly stating, "Mr. President, this is merely a light-handed demonstration of our might, there's no cause for concern."

The leader of the small crowd, decked out in fancy costumes and sharp suits, who just so happened to be the president, gave a nod, although he still appeared a bit doubtful with a furrowed brow.

However, he was completely focused and attentive.

Oliver wasted no more time and loaded the automatic firearm, carelessly aligning the scope with his eye and shoulder.

With a quick and powerful burst, he let loose a strong volley of bullets from the gun – tearing through the air with a bone-chilling roar, bone-rattling boom– all directed at Diana.

Thanks to his incredible physical prowess, his body effortlessly absorbed the impact of the power that was unleashed.

This was something subtle, but Diana was truly the star and the goal was to showcase her abilities, because the demonstration of skill was all about speed at the moment.

With lightning-quick wrists and arms, she skillfully blocked, deflected, and kept on blocking the relentless storm of bullets her brother ruthlessly fired at her.

Her incredibly sturdy steel arm guards effortlessly deflected the airborne projectiles, her body moving at such a lightning-fast pace that it was beyond the comprehension of any ordinary person.

She was blazingly fast.

"Oh my goodness!" Witnessing the display of speed, the President of the United States and those in his vicinity were utterly flabbergasted and taken aback.

"God bless America!" Those were the words of the President of the United States when the olive-sized, but impressive demonstration of sheer power began just moments later.

About another hour later.

The coalition, unification between Themyscira and the US was solidified, with Oliver and Hippolyta assuming responsibility for handling the finer details within the relationship moving forward.

Themyscira had officially become an independent, free part of the United States.

The TV announcement would be made soon.

Themyscira was a real perplexity, a place that was quite elusive and hard to stumble upon unless you had the blessings of the Amazonians.

Thanks to Oliver's invaluable assistance and wise counsel, Hippolyta was about to get a phone and internet connection, which would bring access to the entire island.

Oliver would not only be a guide but also much more.

This, along with internet access, was not the goal of the merger, but rather a tool to propel its future progress.

Outside the White House, Oliver leaned into the car and said to Diana, "Don't you think you went a bit overboard?"

Oliver had only scratched the surface unlike his sister, revealing a mere glimpse of his true potential.

He managed to halt bullets in their tracks using his unseen power, channeling it through the bony, skeletal arm of the first form of his Susanoo manifestation.

It was way more than sufficient – actually, way too excessive – to stop gun bullets.

But people couldn't see his chakra and some of its chakra-related abilities, so whatever.

Susanoo was chakra itself, so folks couldn't lay eyes on it unless they possessed chakra as well.

"Not really, I could have shown way more. I did exactly what you told me to do." Diana fired back.

They were heading to the library.

As she thought, she asked, "By the way, what was that invisible power you used earlier?"

She knew Oliver was a powerhouse, stronger than most women on Themyscira, but she had no clue about the extent of his strength.

All she knew was that he paled in comparison to her, and she effortlessly bested him in every single bout.

Now, witnessing him unleash a power she had never witnessed him wield before, one that exuded an air of enigmatic strength, her curiosity was instantly piqued.

"I'll tell you later." Oliver replied vaguely.

He could totally lie and claim it as his "divine talents," but Diana had no idea that Zeus was their father and had no understanding of what "divinity" meant, except for the mythology books she had read, and the legends passed down orally on their island.

Hippolyta had been compelled to disclose it to Oliver years ago when he asked with unwavering assurance.

Diana had only laid eyes on a god, Bacchus once, many years ago, and little did she know that he was a bona fide god.

Unfortunately, his divine presence was swiftly banished from the island…

"Later? Why not right now?" Diana asked, her face filled with confusion.