
Chapter 17: -Uuuuuuuuuse Me, [Princess]

"On the left path, the bridge randomly collapsed. To the right, there's a stampede of bulls on the street. If I continue forwards, there's a wall that appeared out of nowhere. I can't even go backwards because of construction, dammit!" Nia screeched angrily as she flipped through [Raziel]. 

"Welcome back to Tengu City," a voice said dryly from above. Kyo slowly descended from the sky with an unamused face. "The city where the new local secret organization has no qualms about inconveniencing its citizens." 

"No kidding," Nia sighed. "How'd you find me so quickly?"

"You're louder than you think you are."

"...let's get going," Nia huffed flusteredly. Kyo gave her a glance before a small smile appeared on his face.


"You wish!" 

——————I am the dividing line that shifts perspectives——————

"Commander, we've lost track of [IX] and [Sister]," Kannazuki reported. "But we've managed to confirm that the boy is capable of flight, so he has essentially been confirmed as [IX]."

"Tch. No matter, Shidou and Tokha have already relocated to the arcade to take shelter from the rain. For once, the recent inaccuracy of weather reports is proving to be useful," Kotori sighed. "But just to be safe, let's still modify Shidou's date plan. [IX] and [Sister] are living in Saigai District, correct? Let's move the date over there."

"But Commander-"

Kotori swiftly planted a foot into Kannazuki's stomach, sending him crumpling to the ground with a satisfied groan. "When did you become so arrogant as to question my decisions?"

"Yes! I'm sorry, Commander! Right away!" Kannazuki joyously left to brief the rest of the Fraxinus team. Kotori sighed. All we know about those two is that they seem to have decided to legally take up residence here. Therefore, if they are following Shidou, at least now they won't attack in fear of destroying their own home… hypothetically, anyway. We'll need to evacuate the surrounding residents covertly, just in case.

——————I am the dividing line that shifts perspectives——————

Nia stared at the cloudy skies in confusion. A few droplets had already landed on her head, signaling an incoming downpour. "Rain? But the sky was completely clear just a few hours ago."

"Well, if it makes you feel better, it's not by chance," Kyo said as he clutched [Naught] by the hilt. Yoshino was somewhere around here at this time… ah, right. Outside the arcade Shidou and Tohka went to. "Hey Nia, where'd those two go now?"

"Mm…" Nia quickly summoned [Raziel] and flipped through it. "Tengu Game Arcade, just a few blocks away from here. If we hurry, we can make it there in just one minute."

"I'd suggest not bothering those two anymore, honestly. The only thing Ratatoskr does there is send a mildly pudgy man in a white skin-tight suit," Kyo recommended.

Nia looked disturbed at the thought, completely ignoring the blatant spoiler Kyo had just told. "Then why'd you ask?" She complained.

"There's an acquaintance near that arcade. You'd probably know her as [Hermit], the Spirit that wields the Angel [Zadkiel]."

————————I am the dividing line that skips time————————

Kyo and Nia descended in front of the arcade, where Yoshino was staring intently at a claw machine, evidently lost in thought. 

"Yo, Yoshino," Kyo greeted casually.

"Eep!" Yoshino jumped, swirling a small cold gust of wind around her before disappearing into a shower of blue sparkles. Overhead, the sky immediately began to clear.

"...so, this 'acquaintance' of yours…" Nia started slowly. "Maybe you ended on worse terms than you remember?"

Kyo silently wiped away the newly-formed frost on his hair and eyebrows, a resigned look in his eyes. At least she's committed to her choice, I guess…

"PLEAAAAAAAAAAAASE!" Tohka's scream suddenly echoed from inside the arcade, startling both of them. 

"Jeez, what's happening in there?" Nia began manifesting her Astral Dress and [Raziel] in preparation for battle before pausing as Kyo raised a hand.

"Someone just found out how to use the power of love to win a crane game," Kyo deadpanned.



————————I am the dividing line that skips time————————

"Something doesn't seem right." Kyo muttered worriedly. "It's been so long that the sun's already setting, so why aren't they moving to the outskirts of town? How are we back in the residential area?"

"Beats me," Nia replied with an uncharacteristically subdued tone. Kyo figured she'd finally gotten tired of the observation. The two were floating in the sky watching Shidou and Tohka sitting together on a bench in an open-air rooftop garden. Various colors of roses and tulips were in full bloom, making for a colorful display, and the height of the building the garden was built on allowed an overlook of the final moments of twilight over the entire city. 

Could this just be something the anime never showed? Kyo briefly wondered. Tch. Better safe than sorry… "Nia, could you search up if, by some hypothetical chance, Tohka and Shidou's lives are currently in mortal peril?"

"Eh?" Nia looked up with mild shock and confusion. "What are you- oh, forget it." With a flash, [Raziel] appeared in her hand. "Let's see here…" 

Her eyes widened. "Kyo, from our apartme-"


——————I am the dividing line that shifts perspectives——————

"TOHKA!" Shidou rushed forward, roughly shoving Tohka to the ground.

"What are you doin-" Tohka's eyes widened. Shidou, who was resolutely pledging his care for her not moments ago, now had a gaping hole through his side. An infernal oxidizing smell wafted through the air as the wound began to sizzle; the foul scent of burning flesh.

"Shidou…" Tohka slowly walked towards the pool of blood that had now formed around his corpse. Without another word, she gently covered the wound with the coat of her school uniform- the outfit that Shidou had helped her choose for their date. 

To the side, the plushie she and Shidou had won together at the arcade slowly burned with a strange green light. It almost looked like someone had bitten a chunk out of it. Tohka clenched her fist, then relaxed. She smiled bitterly.

"I thought maybe if you were here for me it would be ok. It might be hard, but I would be able to do it with you by my side. I can get through anything when I'm with you."

"But it doesn't matter!" Once more she clenched her first, her whole body now shaking from grief. "It's no use." Grief turned into rage. "You're gone now." Rage morphed into untamable wrath as she directed a burning glare into the horizon. "I'm on my own. This world has rejected me!"

Stretching out her hand, a swirling vortex of dark clouds suddenly formed in the sky, sending out strikes of black lightning. As she was enveloped by her lightning storm, Tohka's clothing reverted back into the armored dress she originally appeared with and, with a single stomp, a golden throne rose from the ground with a sword embedded in the backrest.

"Ahem, hey there." At some point, a purple-haired man had floated up to her. However, upon sensing no threat, Tohka ignored him and unsheathed her Angel, the greatsword [Sandalphon], from the throne.

"AHEM. Please, your attention?" The man called out again, a little more anxiously this time. Tohka didn't care. With a single slash, she bisected the throne, crumbling it into rubble that then merged with [Sandalphon], creating an exaggeratedly large greatsword twice the height of Tohka herself. 

"[HALVANHELEV]!" She announced. Finally turning to the man, who was smiling rather stiffly at her, she raised her sword at him, scowling with immeasurable hatred. "...did you do it? DID YOU KILL HIM?!"

"Holy Wubbaboo, calm down there. I'm not the one with the smoking gun that shot him." The man landed on the rooftop and raised his hands slightly. "I've got no qualms with you, and I'm honestly totally fine if you wanna go after his murderer. But please consider something."

"GET OUT OF MY WAY OR I'LL CHOP YOU IN HALF!" Tohka spat as another flash of lightning struck dangerously close to him, leaving a jagged black scar on the once-pristine flowerbeds. The man laughed dryly before slowly lowering his hands to his side as she continued to glower impatiently.

"You see, your target may or may not be camped out on top of our apartment, and I've kinda grown attached to my home, so if you could kindly fight literally anywhere else, that'd be wonderful. Also, Shidou can revi-" 

Without further warning, Tohka swung [Halvanhelev] at the man with enough brute force to carve open a mountain, engulfing him in a whirlwind of dust, petals, and rampaging Reiryoku. Not bothering to wait for the debris to clear, she then launched herself into the sky in the direction of the gunshot, ready to rip and tear Shidou's murderer to pieces.

Both my poor, uncultured editors missed the Doom reference at the end and berated me for using such strange verbs for a sword wielder. Can a guy not add references into his story in peace nowadays? Anyway, if you believe you've found an error or typo, please comment and I'll do my best to remedy it. Thanks for reading!

Falling_Mountainscreators' thoughts