
The Counter Attack

The magical attacks seems to spiral in a vortex shape before being absorbed into the rift. There was no affect on the stone.

'It's not working, all of you cover me.' Lygard, with a burst of speed in an instant slashed and killed 3 daemons beheading them with his sword. The mages continued to fire lesser magic attacks in rapid succession towards the daemons attacking Lygard. The daemons unfortunate enough to get caught in Lygard's path were cut down with a flurry of sword strikes.

Using his uncanny agility he maneuvered himself through the daemons leaving cleanly cut bodies in his wake.

As he got closer to the rift the dark energy it emitted was slowing his speed. His previously clean sword now soaked with fresh daemon purple blood. The density of the daemons increase and the mages could not keep up with their numbers. They resorted to larger scale magic at the cost of rapid fire. Lygard was clearly tiring mostly due to the negative energy from the rift. He suddenly stopped, surrounded from all sides and nowhere to go.

Rumbles from the sky could be heard and against the purple coloured sky, dark clouds swirled in a spiral.

'CRACK' a hail of lightning rained down from the clouds striking all around Lygard and decimating the daemon hoard.

Lygard looked back at the mages who were concentrating on keeping the lightning storm. Trusting his fellow brothers in arms he ran straight through the storm. He ran straight to the rift ignoring the daemons and lightning. All around him the scorched body parts of the daemons were sent flying. He looked forward beyond the lightning storm and the massacre of daemons. He was close now, the rift was in sight.


'FOLLOW ME' Zash lifted his spear into the air signalling to his elites it was time. A magic circle appeared under his feet as his already majestic aura became a physical radiant golden light. He leaped from the top of the wall right into the thick of the daemons. As he landed the ground from beneath him gave in creating a huge crater and around the rim the earth stood up.

Following him the elite squadron also landed creating their own smaller crater. Zash readied his spear and thrust it forward a cone shape in front of him were all blown away. He swung spear and with each swing tens of daemons were swept away with the sheer might of his swing. The elites using all types of weapons knives, swords, mace and bows displayed a spectacular amount of skill taking down tens of daemons with ease.

Zash caved a path through the daemons making his way to the first beast. The elites followed killing the daemons that some how escaped their lord's slaughter.

The first beast was in sight, Zash leaped towards the beast, it tried to catch Zash mid air but missed which allowed Zash to thrust his spear into the beast's neck. The humanoid beast screamed as it held its neck. The gaping hole leaked large amounts of purple blood. It fell but soon got back up.

Blinded by it's anger it searched for the tiny ant that stung it. When it saw Zash it revealed its needle like teeth and screeched, releasing a green breath attack towards Zash.

A golden light enveloped Zash in a sphere. The green breath then shrouded Zash. As if nothing had happened Zash leaped back into the air and sliced clean off the arm of the beast.

It clenched the arm using it's other giving Zash an opening to behead the beast. It's head fell from it's shoulders and rolled over several daemons before stopping. The daemons however had them surrounded the elites encircled Zash as the daemons encircled them.

Zash had closed his eyes and started to focus suddenly the golden aura around Zash formed into an eagle above him. He let out a deafening roar which made even the unwavering daemons hesitate, blasting the daemons around them hundreds of meters away. Zash looked towards the next closest beast and once again began carving a path through the daemons.