
dark origin (Tales of Olympus my AU)

nighthawk_813 · Filem
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6 Chs

chapter 6 my next Quest

I woke up to a light humming, I looked up to see Kanan by the corner of my bed when I looked around I was in the medical tent in the village where I trained, Then I looked back to kanan and asked what happened he told me the full story of what happened and I couldn't believe. he said I want to say congratulations you have passed your final test and have become a true son of Hades and I could not be more proud unfortunately now you go on your next adventure and I must go on mine as you know find a job train and protect new demigods so I must go on to my next assignment it was good getting to know you my friend thank you for all the good times positive we will meet in the future again soon. I said thank you for all you've done for me me and my friend over the years and teaching me how to be strong I will not let you down on my duties as the son of Hades and yes one day we shall meet again you can count on we shook hands one final time he looks back and says oh yeah I also left a gift out your for you and then he leaves the room. then almost in the blink of an eye fire bursts out of the table next to me revealing a letter the letter reads from Hades congratulations on passing your test you are a fine Warrior although I must apologize for not being there to congratulate you in person almost the entirety Olympus is in an uproar do too many problems even I have been summoned from the underworld to address I am writing this to you to let you know of your next Quest which is of utmost importance there is a group of demigods called The broken gods who wish to bring nothing but chaos in the world they have stolen a powerful artifact known as The Claw of Hades from me this artifact is your top priority in your quest and as a bonus they have kidnapped the daughter of Zeus and the daughter of Aphrodite as well as the sons of Athena and Apollo that's all I know of it is possible there's more that have not been noticed missing yet. I do not know of who are among the chaotic group but we do know the leader he is the son of a Titan called phoebe the Titan of the Moon. As to his name and how powerful they may be we do not know. all we know we have a location it's a fortress called The void Keep that is where you will find your first clue to find there Base so far everyone we've sent to cover the clue has died so we need strong Warriors to be able to defeat them and I believe that is to you, if you succeed on your quest you will not have gained respect of the other gods but I don't care about the that remember the claw is your top priority if you must forfeit the lives of the demigods to save the artifact you must do only once the claws in my possession once again only then I will be impressed. it is likely you and the other demigods as well this is your quest do well and good luck. once I finished reading the letter it's got engulfed in flames in my hand I didn't feel it but it was still surprising, I then got frustrated at the fact that after all these years I've never meeting or hearing his voice even the first time speaks to me he needs something over the years I have built up resentment and anger towards my father so all I wanted to do in that moment was to flip him the bird then walk away but then I remembered all those demigod children that were captured I then let out a deep sigh and began Gathering all the supplies I need for the quest, my weapons my gear my armor and my bag of infinite holding which I filled with snacks and 10 cases of Red Bull and Monster Energy drinks and yes he is very much addicted to energy drinks he also packed explosives Medical equipment potions from the village Alchemist as well as a case of Aviation gin once the mission is over to celebrate what was a few other surprises. as I stepped out the door I made sure to thank my trainers the nurses and wish a good luck to the new students and bid farewell to the Village sensei who took me to a special spot in the village an underground tunnel that led to a chamber with nothing but two sword handles with no blades it looks like they could attach to each other as I pick them up they were light as a feather I left the chamber to my surprise he told me the only person that ever wield these blades was Hades himself no other son of Hades has been able to lift these blades many have all died due to its touch but not you you're able to lift it easy as a feather how interesting, I then ask what do they do he didn't answer instead he then bowed confused I then bowed back out of respect when I looked up he was gone Without a Trace. As I walked outside the mountain I saw what kanan meant meant by a gift outside, Bowing before me was the dragon from The Maze it's spoken said where must we go master I gave him the location the first clue are there in mounted on the saddle and took the reins as he spread his wings he took off it was the fastest thing I've ever seen it looks like hyperspace from Star Wars as we started a way The Fortress.