
dark origin (Tales of Olympus my AU)

nighthawk_813 · Filem
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6 Chs

Chapter 4 becoming a true son of Hades part 2

my name is Jericho and it has been three and a half years since my training begun I now have really long hair and it goes further than my shoulders because I didn't have any time to cut it almost every second of every day was spent training working out or working on skill with I still have that purple tint to my hair and my eyes are still different colors, there is one thing that has truly changed the past 3 years I have put on some muscle and my power has grown immensely, I am able to use the Arts of Hellfire and the Arts of dark magic but I'm still me I'm still the same kind everyday geek nerd introverted guy that works hard at everything and gives it his 100, a couple of things Kanan told me is that I have grown the fastest out of any of the previous sons of Hades that he has trained and he was impressed, there was always one thing that i never could do is Kill I cannot kill when I was about 5 I made a promise to myself I would never take another life and that still holds true to this day and I know me the son of Hades! that doesn't kill people Hades the God surrounded by all kinds of death and is a well-known at killing many things imagine the looks on people's face when they find out I don't kill. throughout my training I have Gone the Distance I have beat every obstacle my trainer has challenged me to beat have defeated many powerful foes that Kanan has summoned from the underworld I have trained under many martial art Masters as well as archery sword shield and axes but my weapons of choice or to chained blades that wrap around my body called the blades of hell and I also have blunt staff that is heavily Enchanted and made with the strongest Steel God Steel they called it Infinity staff the staff that will never break and it is true the name many times I've tried to break it truly is an invincible staff it also Acts like kind of like a wizard staff helps me control kinds of magic power through it, I also have shadow armor very strong and powerful to anyone it just looks like Under Armour padding but it is actually made of God Steel the very same steel that forged Poseidon's trident Hades Helm and Zeus lightning bolt but I like to keep the armor hidden with a red and black leather jacket that is also packed with some of the God Steel but on top of all the accessories my physical form has changed as well I have many tattoos and many scars to prove my experience my tattoo goes down my left arm like a sleeve continues to my chest and as well to half my back looks like plated armor and chains and on my right side I have a tattoo that looks like a raven's wing and a dragon's head on my chest that connected the two in Black veins but I thought it was cool kanan disagreed throughout all the train though me and Kanan still continue to be great friends, and here it was my final day of training it was like holding a massive Boulder with one hand and finally being told to Let It Go my final task is maze that I have to survive either one year or reach the end the maze by defeating everything inside the maze as well as the maze itself, the maze is full of traps monsters and worse the Maze of the final test kanan told me that the previous 186 children of Hades died in the maze yeah real confidence booster there my heart starts to beat as a take my first step in the maze and the wall closes behind me and so I was ready for my final task.