
Dark nituria (remaking)

A 30-year-old woman dying of lung cancer decided to finally act on her obsession with mice since she didn't have long to live. and Within a year of collecting over 25 species of mice, and traveling she was told she only had a week left. During her last week, she decided to go back home with her mice and spend as much time as she could Before he did She discovered a strange black mouse of an unknown breed she had never seen before. At first, she thought it was a Nonagouti, but it had a purple tail, and eyes . She didn't have time to research such a rare breed of mice, so she took them in and treated them like she did all her mice well She treated all her mice like her children, and on her last day, as she was dying, all her mice strangely seemed as if they were mourning her. As she laid on the floor dying, they embraced her body along with the strange colored mouse she found Strangely, physically shedding tears on her face before it started to glow a luminous blue color, which began to spread to her and the other mice along with her body. As she was dying, as soon as she closed her eyes, as if she blinked, she found herself opening them again... "Where the hell am I?" I post every Thursday and sunday

Gothicthewitch · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
13 Chs

5 whats in the basement 

It was the next day, and Adore was building up her courage so that she could go into the basement. She was standing at the entrance of the dark room, with dim lights illuminating the room downstairs every so slightly. However, it was not enough for her to see or make out the shapes of things that she was seeing.

She wasn't going to rush it. She decided to sort out her ingredients first and get them ready so that she can start on making the potions. But she would deal with that after the fact. She also needed a cauldron, there wasn't one in the kitchen. She knew it had to be one in the house based on the fact that she was in the house of a magician.

So, she assumed that the ingredients would also be downstairs, which made her worry less and focus on sorting them out first. She went to the kitchen and took out the book, and read carefully about how to prepare the ingredients before adding them to the potions. The instructions gave her a headache as it required tools and ingredients that she didn't have with her at that moment, except for the boar's blood and a few herbs and plants that she already had at home. Therefore, she put as much herbs and plants in her spatial bag as she could."

She made her way to the basement, realizing that it was her only option. She strapped her spatial bag to her hip and slowly approached the entrance, which was eerie and dark. Standing in front of the entrance, she hesitated for a moment before taking her first step. The stairs creaked loudly as soon as she put even the slightest pressure on the first step, and each subsequent step only got louder until finally, with a resounding thud, she reached the bottom of the stairs. The sight that greeted her was shocking." 

It was a laboratory, that almost looked almost futuristic with a table full of vials, flasks, test tubes, and various colored liquids. Magical books of all sorts lined the walls on bookshelves. A broken capsule laid on the floor with shards and a mess of liquid surrounding it. For some reason, Adore felt a connection to the capsule, as if it was pulling her to investigate it further. Without a second thought, she approached the broken capsule."

"What is this twyla? Asked Adore"

"I don't know, but i feel alot of life magic surrounding that area." Answerd Twyla.

The closer Adore got to the area, the stronger her need to touch and inspect the strange liquid on the floor became. She didn't know why she felt this way, but she knew the only way to stop it was to satisfy her urges.

She didn't know if this was a good or a bad thing, but she didn't care. She needed to touch it was as if her life depended on it. Step after step, she became more and more intoxicated by this strange urge, and surprisingly, Twyla wasn't complaining. She felt a connection to it as well. Adore was now inches away from it before dropping to her knees and touching it. Once she did, memories of pain and worry rushed into her head before she could clearly make out the memories vividly.

---------------------2 month in past----------------------------------

A girl could be seen floating in a capsule, devoid of emotion and thought. She had big black mouse ears, long black hair, a cute little mouse tail, and bronzed skin. This was obviously the previous owner of the body Adore was inhabiting. However, she seemed devoid of any thought.

Suddenly, something strange happened: the glass of the capsule began to crack, and slowly, liquid began to leak out of the cracks. Crack after crack, more and more liquid spilled out of the capsule, slightly emptying it before..."


The glass busted open, and the girl came crashing to the floor with a thud. She laid there lifeless on the floor for days, in pain and confusion, before she gained the strength to move. Slowly, she raised her body off the floor and fumbled around, constantly falling before getting a grasp on how to walk. She then crawled her way up the stairs.

She was scared, in pain, and felt like her body was getting weaker with every minute before she finally made it to the top of the stairs. She stood up but continued to fall and stumble around before she found herself in a room with an open door. She fell onto the bed. She wanted to keep moving, but her body gave up on her. She was dying. She had just been born and now she was dying. Tears fell from her eyes before her body fully relaxed, and she became motionless. She was dead."


Adore had memories and information rush to her head as she laid on the floor thriving in pain she didn't know what was happening are why it didn't happen when she first inhabited this little girls body but she wanted it to stop, the waves of pain got more and more intense. with each memory and info she her brain received. into the pain became to mush for her, a loud scream exited her mouth and bounced of the walls as it echo off the walls, only to get louder and louder with every memory into it stopped abruptly while Adore was mid scream.

"That was terrible." said Adore in a shaky tone.

"Are you ok Adore." Said Twyla.

"Master can we do anything for you we hate to see you in pain,"said Alice

"Yes master we are mythical beast now we can ease your pain with magic."Said Robby

"I'm fine, that was just alot but I'm better now."

Ok master. all the mice said in unison.

Adore started to work on gathering all the things she needed to make the potions. She was not surprised to see that everything she needed was downstairs. It wasn't as bad as she thought it would be; it was just a normal laboratory. There were some strange anthropomorphic animals in capsules, just like she use to be, and some heads in huge jars with multiple miscellaneous body parts of different types - mythical and common beasts.

But, that was to be expected in a magician's lab. She was expecting something dangerous and scary in the basement, but it was just her imagination running wild. However, all the severed body parts were a little spooky to her, but she didn't mind them since she had recently decapitated a huge animal.

But she didn't dwell on this for too long. She knew that if the information about the body she was true, then she definitely needed to get stronger. She had a feeling that when the owner of the house got back, she would have to prepare for whatever strange mission they had planned for her, and she didn't want to be unprepared.

She also wondered what this mysterious owner would be like. She had seen glimpses of her from the past hosts' memories, so she knew what she looked like. It also seemed like she really liked the color purple, but Adore wanted to know whether the owner was a nice person or not.

She would hate to be stuck with an evil and mean master. She also wanted to know what a Homunculus was. In the information in her head, it said that was her race, but it didn't really give her a description of what that was. But, that didn't matter right now; she would deal with that later.

Right now she needed to finish her potion and get to hunting again for her artifacts so she'd have help with gaining an advantage when she had to fight something on her level mana wise which was either a 2nd tier common beast, a 1st mystical beast, or a second tier undead, so she definitely needed to be prepared are she would die. For her to grind up a mana stone, and dirt beast horns, easy enough. All she needed was a solid grinder, and her cauldron to make the potions, so she got to work.

She didn't need to grind up the mana stone because, to her surprise, there was already some in the basement. So instead, she worried about the horns and got to work on the grinder. The solid grinder was big and silver; it was in the shape of a cylinder, and the part that you put the solids in was like the ones on wood chippers but bigger and boxy.

She cut the horns off the beast with her ice blade and pushed them into the machine. Then, she went to the side of it, pressed a big red button above a large compartment, and waited for a few minutes. After that, the compartment below the red button slid open and revealed a big cylindrical vial filled with white dust. She grabbed it and went to get a cauldron.

Adore only had to walk a couple feet away from where she was standing before she found the cauldron. Then she got all her in ingredients and followed the instructions printed in the book, a dash of sea urchins dust, two cups of frost petals,3 cups of water, 1 half cup of mana stone dust and, 2 scales of a king fish, and there she had enough of the healing potions to feel 3 vials and placed them on a cooling plate into they we're a light blue shade and threw them into her spatial bag. next was the strengthening potion.

First, she needed two cups of boar blood, two cups of water, one cup of minced leaves of a great oak, and a teaspoon of great oak bark dust, as well as half a cup of mana stone dust. Once all of that was slowly mixed and stirred in the cauldron one after another, she poured it into 3 big cone-shaped vials and put them on a cooling plate.

Watching as the plate rotated and all the vials turned a dark blue color, indicating that they were ready to be used, she threw them in her spatial bag and moved on to look at the blueprints for the artifacts she wanted to make. She also wanted to see how many water and ice magic books were available for her to study and learn some more spells before finding something equal to her strength to fight. After she had collected all the items necessary to assemble the artifacts she wished to make, she could begin the process.

To her surprise, as she looked around at the magical books, she not only saw ice and water magic books but also storm and lightning magic books. However, those books were meant for 4th tier mages, so she collected three ice and water magic spell books and threw them into her spatial bag before beginning to go over the artifact blueprints.

manna Lake necklace:

Sliver, water mana stone, ice mana stone dust, lack water, 

Spear fish horn( mid grade 1tier common beast).

 Aqua offensive ring:

Gold, water mana stone, ice stone dust, river water, 

Emperor fish scales (high grade 1tier common beast).

 pond of aglity bracelet:

Iron,water mana stone, ice mana stone dust, pond water,

King fish(mid grade 1tier common beast).

"Ok no second teir beast or 1 tier mystical beast. Not easy but possible.i should finished before a weeks time then i'll spin another month practicing some new spells."

"Definitely master." Said Twyla.

"Yeah, master, those disgusting creatures could never pose any real challenges to are master." Said Alice.

"Yes master I believe in you." Said Robby.

"Aww thank you guys that means alot to me." Said Adore.

She then let her now huge mice out of her soul space and gave them all lots of affection and love by rubbing and pet and hugging them for a while, and they all thoroughly enjoyed the attention. She then stopped after a while, lead them out of the basement and went to the kitchen to make some food. It was close to nighttime, and she had worked hard and, now, she just wanted to wine down and eat some food before cuddling up with all her mice and turning in for the night 

"Tommorow will be one step closer to become a dark magician, and I cant wait."