
Dark nituria (remaking)

A 30-year-old woman dying of lung cancer decided to finally act on her obsession with mice since she didn't have long to live. and Within a year of collecting over 25 species of mice, and traveling she was told she only had a week left. During her last week, she decided to go back home with her mice and spend as much time as she could Before he did She discovered a strange black mouse of an unknown breed she had never seen before. At first, she thought it was a Nonagouti, but it had a purple tail, and eyes . She didn't have time to research such a rare breed of mice, so she took them in and treated them like she did all her mice well She treated all her mice like her children, and on her last day, as she was dying, all her mice strangely seemed as if they were mourning her. As she laid on the floor dying, they embraced her body along with the strange colored mouse she found Strangely, physically shedding tears on her face before it started to glow a luminous blue color, which began to spread to her and the other mice along with her body. As she was dying, as soon as she closed her eyes, as if she blinked, she found herself opening them again... "Where the hell am I?" I post every Thursday and sunday

Gothicthewitch · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

4: Finding ingredients

After Adore practiced her casting, she picked up a spatial bag with mostly empty vials for the ingredients she had to collect and was on her way she also was going to be on the lookout for any items that she can use to make at least one of the artifacts in her magic book because making at least one of them would be very useful for her.

She took her time to really admire the world. the sun was extra bright today, so she was was really able to take in the sight so much so that, it could actual hinder her eye sight. if it wasn't for the shades she had On they looked like regular glasses, but they still worked as shades and kept the light from hindering her vision. She honestly didn't know how this worked but she assumed it was do to some type of magic.

Adore made her way across the beautiful grassland with a variety of flowers she had never seen before and animals of all sorts, some resembling bunnies and squirrels like creatures with horns right in the center of their heads, running up trees. The trees where filled with purple flowers and leaves, but only the ones near her house had that color palette.

Strangely enough, every plant near her house was purple, including the grass. It was very strange but they weren't all the same shade of purple. The grass was a light lavender while the trees were lilac, along with the bushes being orchid. There were also various different shades of purple flowers mixed in with the grass.

Plants with the same color palette stretched all around the house for about 200 ft before the scenery changed, and it didn't take long for Adore to find herself in the green grassland beyond her living space.

And boy, was it pretty, with all types of colorful plants all around and tall, towering trees way bigger than the ones near her house. They also housed plenty of creatures of all types, but not any she needed, so she paid no mind to them and made her way towards the forest she had an idea of where the animals she needed may be, thanks to the help of Twyla.

"Twyla how far do I have to walk before I find this lake? It's been a while and I haven't seen anything yet" said adore

"Just give it a while i know theres a Lake here, with lots of water mana stones." said Twyla

'Ok I'll take your word for it."

It had been hours, and the first thing on Adore's list was water mana stones. But it was taking a while, and she was starving. However, she wanted to wait to catch the two animals she was on the hunt for first. Take would she needed from them and cook them once she got home.

And wasn't she lucky, a bore a few feet away from her was munching on some mushroom as she was on her way to the lake, and boy was it huge. She didn't know if she would even be able to store it in her deep freezer, so she would have to only take some of its meat

"ice spike"

A spear of ice formed in front of Adore before charging at the boar at high speed and penetrating its belly horizontally, causing the boar to scream in agony. It then turned its body towards Adore and charged at her. Adore patiently waited for the boar to get close enough, then Dodged its attack. 

 "Ice sword"

A sword made of ice then formed in Adore's hands instantly as she swung her sword at the boar's neck and decapitated it with little struggle .


The ice spear and sword in her hand turned to water once she chanted that one simple word. Although it seemed simple, it wasn't. Along with the spell, you had to make specific runes around your mouth as you cast a spell to ensure the command was carried out correctly. One wrong rune and you could end up misspelling or casting a dud, which actually hurt, from her experience.

"aqua manipulation"

She then started to make a big hand with the water from the sword and the ice spear, grabbed the bore, and placed it in her spatial bag she wasn't going to be able to put all of it in her deep freezer, and she didn't want to waste it even though she said she wasn't going to take it all but she just couldn't find it in herself to waste it,

I guess I'll see if there something down in that scary basement to put it in, from what i looks like who ever lived in this place before me specialized in ice and water magic. It would be crazy if they didn't have things to freeze and store stuff in.

Adore thought for a second, she never really took the time to sit down and think, to deep on who the persons body she's in belongs to. who house she was in and if they'd ever be coming back. now she had alot of questions. who was this person? to who ever owned this house anyway, she couldn't be the owner are she would have already been a dark mage, also she didn't have any magic circles formed in her soul space.

This was too much for her to be thinking about now. She could sense a large pool of mana finally in the direction she was currently walking in. This must be it. She focused her vision and saw in the distance a large lake. She then started to run. "Finally," she thought. She had been walking for hours. The mice in her soul space had fallen asleep and left her to her own devices. Hence why she was thinking about things she hadn't really given too much thought to. She soon came into contact with the lake and got straight to work. 

" Aqua manipulation"

Streams of water then began to move around unnaturally as if they were looking for something. She was there for a minute before she found something, and it was big. Almost as big as her head or maybe a little bigger. She couldn't tell at first, but soon a big water has came out of the water holding a big light blue block that looked similar to ice. 

"Is this what a mana stone look like, this is way different from what they look like in my deep freezer. they probably shave them down before they put them in anything". Adore thought out loud 

Adore was wrong about the size. It was way bigger than her head. That thing was as big as her whole upper body, But this was good, she wouldn't have to get more for a while. And this happened to be the main ingredient and source for everything she needed to make.

The big hand placed the mana stone in her storage, and she made her way to find her last ingredient. This one was going to be tougher than her last opponent, but she was ready. She wasn't a stranger to fighting; in her past life, she actually became a black belt in Taekwondo, at a young age. She just had never had to fight monsters and animals before, but it had been easier than fighting humans so far.

So she made her way deeper into the forest after waking up Twyla to let her know she needed to find a dirt beast, so she could get this over with and go home. It was getting late, and she had been out for a while. She wanted to get home before dark because that's when the scarier stuff would come out. They usually didn't come anywhere near her area because there was a barrier set up that would keep any dangerous beasts away from the house, but the weaker ones could easily slip through.

This is why Adore knew someone owned that house, but she had a feeling that she belonged there somehow, so she didn't bother leaving. Besides, where would she go? It was really dangerous, and it was best she didn't travel until she was strong enough to.

So once it started getting a little dark, and she wasn't having any luck finding the dirt beast, she made her way home and conversed with the beast in her soul space to pass the time.

When she was finally close to exiting the forest, that's when she saw it - the dirt beast. It was huge, standing at what looked like 9 feet tall. She knew this ingredient would last her a while since his horns were huge. She could definitely make multiple strengthening potions with them.

"Water spike"

A spear of water immediately came crashing at the dirt beast at full speed but was stopped immediately by a wall of stone. The ground under her then began to shake, and she quickly moved out of the way before multiple stone spikes erupted from the ground. Once Adore landed on her feet, she focused mana into her legs and dashed at the dirt beast at full speed, dodging multiple spikes of stone that erupted from the ground in the process.

"below zero"

A blue orb appeared in front of her, and a beam shot out from it, slamming into the stone in front of the dirt beast, encasing it in ice 

"Shattering ice"


The Stone wall was then reduced to flakes of ice in an instant, leaving the dirt beast defenseless. The dirt beast became enraged by this and ran at Adore head first, ready to smash his horns into her body. Once the beast was a few feet away from her, she channeled more mana in her lags and leaped above the beast.

"ice sword"

"aqua manipulation"

 She was now high above the beast. She conjured her sword and used aqua manipulation to make it big enough to decapitate the dirt beast. Once she was inches away from its neck, she channeled as much mana as she could around all her arms before crashing sword-first into the beast and decapitating it.


Adore was now almost out of mana, so she released Twyla from her soul space after placing the dirt beast head in her spatial bag. She hopped on her and rode her home. Once she was home, the first thing she checked was the deep freezer to see if it could fit the boar, but like she thought, it wouldn't.

Now she had no choice but to go in the scary basement, but she probably was going to have to sooner or later. Right now, all she could think of doing was sleeping, but she made sure to eat some food before she did. After that, it was lights out for Adore.