
Dark If Hell

Kickplay and a player of an online RPG Kickplay online game that being the best player in the game he will get as much power points as he could to be the most powerful player in the game or rather a legend.

Huguel · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
14 Chs


Kickplay point of view.

Kickplay was sitting at a table in his room reading a manga when suddenly a loud knock on his window made him jump and turn to look outside. A familiar head of dark red hair and blue eyes greeted him at the window. "Hey Tetsu, what the hell is wrong? Why are you standing at the window and banging on my window?" asked Kickplay as he rubbed his eyes to see who was at his window. When his vision finally adjusted, he saw his best friend smiling at him.

"What happened? You look like shit" stated Tetsurou.

"Thanks" said Kickplay irritably. "And I don't look like shit, my hair looks great."

Tetsurou chuckled shaking his head, "Don't lie to me Kuroo, you look like hell"

"Shut up" Kickplay huffed and got up from the table. "Anyway, why are you here? I already told you to call."

Tetsurou rolled his eyes and motioned for him to follow him outside. Kuroo followed his best friend in silence until they reached the backyard. He looked confused, there was another person in the yard, he was standing on one side of the yard and Tetsurou was next to him on the other side, they weren't sure who was there and what they were doing there. Suddenly, Tetsurou noticed their presence and turned to the person, "Ah, hey guys, this is Kickplay's best friend, Katsuki."

"Hi," said Kickplay nervously, "What's going on?" Tetsurou continued explaining the situation as if Kickplay himself didn't understand. The three teenagers looked at each other awkwardly as Tetsurou spoke, Kickplay was thinking hard trying to figure out why the two teenagers were standing in his backyard without anyone noticing them. Then suddenly the realization hit Kickplay, Tetsurou must have invited Katsuki and the girl to their daily fight and it would be rude to kick them out of his backyard after inviting them.

The trio was sitting around a picnic table and discussing whether or not Katsuki should be allowed to spar with Tetsurou. As Katsuki debated whether to give up and continue the session or whether to just stay in the backyard and watch, Kuroo asked Katsuki to help him train Kickplay because his best friend didn't want to participate in the training either. "Well... if Kuroo says so..." Katsuki said looking skeptically at Tetsurou, "but I'll need a few hours at least."

"Of course you won't need to spend an entire night here because I AM THE BEST TRAINER IN THE WORLD!" exclaimed Tetsurou as he stood up. "See you in 20 minutes!" said Tetsurou running into the house and slamming the door.

Meanwhile, Katsuki leaned back in his chair and sighed loudly, "Alright, let's go!" said Katsuki getting up and heading towards the front door, "Let's Kickplay! Time to get ready!"

After spending about 10 minutes getting ready (with a lot of complaining from Katsuki), the three friends headed to the gym. After training for about half an hour, Tetsurou announced that they were done. Everyone returned home and Katsuki insisted on cooking dinner for the group which consisted of katsudon. Dinner was surprisingly quiet and they ended up watching TV after dinner to pass the time, they talked and laughed and laughed until it finally turned into a yawn. Everyone went to bed soon after, Katsuki left early the next morning after helping him clean up in the kitchen, and the three of them stayed up late talking and playing games until it was time to go to school. After the three left school that day, they had lunch and after lunch they went to school to find Kenma waiting for them. "How was shopping, guys?" Kenma asked with a smile.

"It all worked out Kenma".