
Dark If Hell

Kickplay and a player of an online RPG Kickplay online game that being the best player in the game he will get as much power points as he could to be the most powerful player in the game or rather a legend.

Huguel · Fantasy
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14 Chs


Chapter 8:

Kuroo POV. Kuroo was walking down the street with a black leather bound diary in his hand. He was lost in thought trying to think if there was any kind of useful information in this. He looked around wondering if someone was following him and then he remembered someone he met a year ago.



Kuroo always wanted to write his own stories and tell others his story. Since he was little Kuroo loved books and whenever he saw a book he had to buy it. His parents bought him all kinds of books when he was younger, but they couldn't afford it, so they had to sell the books he liked. One day Kuroo discovered a bookstore, it was the perfect place to buy a book because it was always empty, so Kuroo decided to walk there every day, even though he still hadn't read a single book. Kuroo read all the books in the store before buying a book. On this day he decided to visit the bookstore, he felt bored with his normal day, so he just randomly picked a book from the shelf and went home. He was sitting on the sofa, looking at the book in his hands when someone knocked on his door, "You can come in!" He yelled as he closed the book. The person opened the door a little so he could push it and entered. "What is it Tetsurou?" Kuroo said turning to look at his friend. Tetsurou was a cute boy with light brown hair, light blue eyes and freckles all over his face. He was casually dressed in a tattered gray sweatshirt under a gray sweatshirt.

"I found an amazing place to live!" Tetsurou announced.

"What?!" shouted Kuroo.

"Let's go! We need to talk, let's go!" said Tetsurou and grabbed Kuroo's wrist dragging Kuroo out of his house. "Where are we going?!" shouted Kuroo

"To my house! You've never seen a castle, have you?" said Tetsurou.

"Wait Tetsurou!" Kuroo tried to pull his hand away, but Tetsurou was stronger and pulled him to a faster pace "Tetsurou, stop! Please!" said Kuroo as he desperately struggled to get away.

"Stop fighting me Kuroo!"

"But we're going too fast!!!"

"Then slow down, okay!"

"Are you crazy?! Slow down? Do you want us both to die?"

"OK you won!" Tetsurou finally stopped pulling Kuroo along.

Once they arrived at his house, Kuroo sighed in relief as he felt he could breathe again. "Now you know why I have no interest in living here" said Tetsurou as he opened the door to his room. "Why didn't you wait outside for me?"

"I could not." Kuroo explained.

"So you went straight to my room?"


Tetsurou sighed as he walked over to his bed and sat down opposite his guest.

"Ok well I'm going to ask you some questions now so pay attention ok?" said Tetsurou. Kuroo nodded slowly, still not understanding where Tetsurou was planning to take all this information. After a few seconds of silence, Tetsurou started asking questions "What's your real name?" he began "Who gave you that tattoo?" and he started asking a lot of random questions: "Were you kidnapped? Was someone chasing you?" Kuroo remained silent answering none of these questions. "Was it some gang or mercenaries?" Kuroo was silent. "Do you have powers or are you normal?" No answer. Tetsurou sighed, he didn't expect any response, that's why he wanted to talk to a friend instead of someone who would immediately respond to him. "