
Dark Evolution Begins with Marrying an SSS-CLASS Blind Monster

Ding! [The Host has died!] A system message popped up in front of Nell's body after his last dying breath. Ding! [Dark Evolution has been activated to absorb the death essence of the host.] And then he opened his eyes to find himself in the past right before the battle started. 'Ah! Am I back to the past?' Ding! [Please choose a partner to start the Dark Evolution process.] [Partner Condition: Must be a living creature from the Monster category, not the Human category] [Partner Gender has to be Female.] 'Partner? A monster?' Nell's heart pounded in his chest, and he felt a cold sweat coming on. 'A female monster?' P.S. Cover isn't mine.

AmDevilCrafts · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
125 Chs

A Peck on Cheek?!

[Just four steps forward and then turn to your left.]

"Thank you, system," Ember said as she followed the system's instructions.

She had woken up and walked out of the room in which she was sleeping, and she was currently walking towards the kitchen.

She was currently looking for Nell, who had been cooking something for her.

She could smell the aroma of the freshly cooked food, and it was making her hungry.

"Mmm, I wonder what is he making," Ember murmured, as her nose picked up the scent of the delicious food.

Her steps were steady and she was moving cautiously.

'Just two more steps,'

After taking the last two steps, she turned to her left, and her hand touched the wall.

"Hmm, this is a wall?"

She wasn't holding her cane, so, she had to use her hands and feet to determine the direction.

[Yeah, it is. Move a little bit to the right and you should be able to reach the dining table.]


Following the system's instruction, she moved a bit to her right, and her hand swipingly moved, and her palm felt the texture of the wall ending.

"I've reached it?"

[Yeah, you have. The dining table is right in front of you. It took you five steps but for Host Nellas, it only takes four steps.]

"It's okay," Ember replied, a small smile was visible on her face, "I'm still getting used to walking without the cane."

[Well, you are right. Because you didn't have your cane, your steps were small and slow but I suspect your height also had something to do with it. You are shorter than Host Nellas, and, therefore, the distance is not equal for the two of you.]

[It seems, I should calculate everything based on the height difference. That way, you will have a more accurate number of the distance and it will be easier for you to walk.]

"That would be great, thank you," Ember smiled and thanked the system.

As soon as she thanked the system, her hand moved, and she grabbed the nearest chair, and sat on it.


Just then, the sound of a mobile phone rang out, and her head immediately turned toward the source of the sound.


The call was immediately connected, and Nell's voice could be heard.

"So, have you found his Whatsapp contact number?" Nell asked the person on the other side.

After that, for a second Ember couldn't hear him speak, but, as soon as the caller finished speaking, Nell spoke again.

"Alright, send it to me," Nell said, and the call ended.

"Nell, who was it?" Ember asked, her curiosity getting the better of her.

Nellas, who was completely oblivious to her presence, jumped in shock, and he almost dropped his phone.

"H-how long have you been here?" He asked as soon as he turned around, his face was full of surprise, and he was staring at her in disbelief.

'How come I didn't sense her coming?'

Nell couldn't believe that he was being caught off guard, and he didn't even notice that she was there.

Even with his heightened senses as a Dark Zombie, he couldn't feel her, and he didn't realize that she was here until she spoke.

"Before you got the call," Ember replied, answering his question and a smile appeared on her face.

"I see," Nell heaved a sigh, and his eyes moved towards the blue window that was floating beside Ember.

As soon as his eyes fell on the mirrored words that were written on the window, his eyes widened, and his lips formed into a small.

He understood that the system must have helped her reach the dining table.

'I suppose she can now read and write, as well.' He thought and tried to look for the cane that was supposed to be near the chair.

But, there was none.

'Well, the system is here to tell her pretty much everything,'

'I guess she doesn't need the cane, anymore.'

With his thoughts settled, he placed his mobile in his pocket, and his gaze returned to Ember.

"Are you hungry?" He asked, and he saw a blush creeping up her cheeks.

"Y-yes," Ember answered, and a small smile formed on her lips.

"Then, I will bring the food."

Nell, who was happy with her reply, immediately turned around, however, a screen materialized in front of him, stopping him from moving.


[Host, your wife wants you to come close to her.]

This screen appeared because Ember wanted it.

'System, can you ask Nell to come closer?'

She asked the system silently.

She knew that the system she had was just a part of the one that belonged to Nell since he had told her that.

But, she wasn't sure if the system could do that or not.

However, her doubt was soon cleared, as Nell's voice reached her ears.

"Ember, do you want me to come closer?" Nell asked, his eyes were focused on her.

"Y-yes," She nodded, her heart was beating faster, and her face was a little flushed.

"I-I'm sorry, I just, I wanted to," Her words trailed off, and she was unable to continue.

'Ugh, how do I tell him?'

She was embarrassed, and she was feeling shy.

'How can I tell him that I... I want to thank him?'

"It's alright,"

Nell's soothing and gentle voice made her relax, and a wave of relief washed over her.

"I don't mind," He said, and his hand reached out, grabbing hers.

The moment his hand touched hers, a warm sensation spread through her body, and her cheeks were tinted pink.


He intertwined their fingers and gave her hand a light squeeze.

"I came,"


[Host, your wife wants you to close your eyes and get on your knees.]

The screen displayed in front of Nell.

'What is she trying to do?'

He couldn't help but wonder.

But, the next moment, he complied with the system's instructions, and his eyes closed.

He knelt in front of her, and his hands were still holding hers.

'System, how far is his face from me?'

'Can you tell me the exact distance?'

Ember asked the system silently, and, a moment later, a number appeared in her vision.

'So, this is the distance,'

'If that's the case...'

She leaned in closer to Nell and placed a kiss on his cheek.


"Huh?" Nell, who had just been given a peck on his cheek, was completely stunned.

He opened his eyes and stared at the girl who was sitting in front of him.

"I, um, I," Ember, who was blushing, stuttered, and was unable to form a coherent sentence.

"T-thank you," She mumbled and lowered her head, her cheeks were a dark shade of red.

"F-for everything," She continued, her voice was low and quiet, but, Nell could hear her clearly.


Nell thought, as his eyes were focused on her face, and her cute appearance was making him feel something.

'She looks so adorable.'