
Dark Dweller of the "Dark Web"

[R-18 Mature Element Warning!] In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, Shivam finds himself grappling with the challenges of existence, yearning for a chance to rise above the ordinary and carve out a place for himself in society. With employment opportunities elusive and his appearance falling short of societal standards, Shivam faces an uphill battle to gain respect and recognition. But when a tantalizing opportunity presents itself in the form of an advertisement post that involves opening the Dark Web to access Add Jobs, Shivam's curiosity is piqued. Desperate for a chance to prove himself and escape the shadows of mediocrity, he takes a leap of faith into the unknown depths of the digital underworld. With nothing to lose and everything to gain, Shivam takes the plunge into the mysterious world of the Dark Web. What he finds there is beyond anything he could have imagined— a realm shrouded in secrecy, teeming with mysteries and supernatural experiences that defy explanation. Shivam also gains many otherworldly benefits from the Dark Web's boxes, including unnatural powers and gadgets. However, these powers were not without their dark side. Follow Shivam's journey through the twisted labyrinth of the Dark Web, where the line between reality and illusion blurs and secrets lurking in the shadows threaten to consume him whole.

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45 Chs

Chapter 7 "Shocked"

No one was currently showing any nasty expressions; instead, they were all expressing their gladness in front of the head.

As they didn't want to be embarrassed by the head, they made sure to express their support and pride for Shivam in a respectful manner.

Shivam's grandfather also smiled as he told Shivam how pleased he was with him and how he supported him in continuing to pursue his goals in life.

He also accepted to celebrate this, even with a small cake to mark the occasion.

His father, Ganesh, was overjoyed and complimented him on his success, but he didn't say more or appreciate his heart content.

Only one individual was startled and shocked by his accomplishment.

That was his mother, Ankita. Shivam stated in the morning that he was not feeling well and would only be able to attend a meal in the evening.

She paused for a moment, then smiled, knowing that he must be hoping to surprise them with his achievement.

Shivam's family had prepared a little cake celebration following the dinner to honor his success and wish him well in his future ambitions.

At the party, no one was summoned, and only 22 family members and servants were there to keep the moment intimate and personal.

The party lasted only for 15 minutes, as it was in the house and not a grand venue.

Shivam was feeling very gilty in his heart, but due to the presence of the Dark Web application on his phone, which had a red band emoji on it, Shivam felt a glimmer of hope.

Now he cannot help but wonder if he can find a way to escape his guilt and the consequences of his actions with the help of the Dark Web task rewards.

So, after the celebration, all of the family members left their rooms in the house.

Shivam was about to leave for his door when his mother, Ankita, and his real younger sister, Rajeshwari, stopped him and asked him to have a serious chat.

Ankita asked him a basic question about his employment, followed by a few simple inquiries about his future ambitions.

She also inquired if he was interested, and she offered to refer him to a suitable company instead of traveling so far for a job.

But Shivam refused, instead responding with a sense of independence and personal growth that he believed could only be achieved by traveling and exploring new opportunities.

And this was my first outgoing job, so he didn't want to opt for anything else.

While all that was happening, his sister was in a beeming smile and wanted to communicate with him alone, so after completely satisfying his mother's questions, he got free, which was then taken hostage by his sister to have a private conversation.

She took him to a corner while telling him to be strong and be more social to help him overcome his shyness.

She was like a little mother, telling me to be more proactive in the sense of taking initiative and being more assertive in social situations.

Shivam nodded his head relentlessly while accepting her teaching, while his heart was warm with her teaching, as he could see the care and pain inside her eyes for him.

As it was late at night, mom came once again to check on him before going to bed, as he would be leaving tomorrow morning for work.

She wanted to make sure he had already made all the preparations for tomorrow and to remind him to set his alarm clock.

So the talk with Rajeshwari, his little sister, was halted, and both needed to go to their rooms.

I came to my room.

I set up my bag with all that was needed while assuring his mother, Ankita, to feel free and be at ease.

So after assuring her that all was done, she left the room with a sigh of relief.

Shivam sat on his bed with a sigh of relief. He could see his family members' prying eyes , which were quite full and would undoubtedly target him.

He had to modify his schedule and pretend to be at work for the next few days because he would be under the watchful eyes of his family members, who were waiting to catch him lying.

Shivam said in his mind that the schedule should be changed to ensure he could slip away unnoticed and avoid his family's suspicions, as well as get done with the given task, which he shouldn't ignore.

He knew that he had to be careful and plan his actions strategically to maintain their trust.

Shivam checked the time, and it was not quite 12 p.m. yet., the start of the previous day.

He had opted to start the daily dark web task at 12:30 a.m. because he didn't want anyone to bother him and he would be able to accomplish it when everyone was sleeping, which would not put him in a tough situation because no one enters his room at night and he could complete the given task soon in 6 hours of time.

After then, he could pretend he had left for work, and no one would think he was still at home because he knew some members would undoubtedly accompany him to the half-way point to see whether he was actually heading to work.

And he knew he had to act correctly because he would be gone for a specific amount of time and couldn't risk anyone discovering his genuine intentions, so he had to do the task before leaving home.

There are still 2 hours of time he can have a nap to regain some mental energy to refresh himself, so he can start the task at 12:30 am, when everyone is sleeping.

He had earlier inquired with Red Band regarding the task's starting time, which could be any time of day.

And he knew if he left the house, it would take much time to come back and complete the task in a reasonable time.

As he knew at the time, if he returned early, he would be spotted by the house gate guards, which he must avoid, but that is not the only problem he has solved with the bribe he paid them to keep their mouths shut.

But he can't do that this time because everyone's attention is on him, so he has to leave the house and complete the task outside, as there are very few places he knows where he can have his own sense of peace and calm to complete his task in a proper disciplined manner, as warned by the Red Band Emoji.

Shivam only needs to do this for a few days, as it will be temporary before he can return to his normal routine of being home while locking the door while pretending to be out.

He calmed himself down and set an alarm on his phone while closing all of the windows and doors.

While taking a nap, he was bored by the same task that would be assigned to him, and he wanted a mental break, so he took a two-hour nap.

He didn't want to get out of bed when his alarm went off, but he had no choice because his schedule needed to be fulfilled.

He grudgingly got out of bed, and he barely had a few minutes left to begin his daily task of putting the herbs in and chanting the mantra provided by the dark web.

He entered the bathroom and proceeded to take a shower since he had limited time and needed to be clean and fresh before beginning his daily task , as cautioned by the Red Band.

Every day, you need to be clean to start the daily task.

He walked out of the bathroom and finished his teddies.

He returned to his location and placed a mat on the flow, as he had previously done, while also opening the windows to let in some fresh air and vital energy.

As before, his body had absorbed the vitality of the room as he slept. He had closed the windows so that his phone's alarm would not ring outside of his room.

He had to close all of his room's windows, and now that everything is finished, he has opened them to let the toxic air out and let the fresh air in.

He started his task while taking the confirmation of Red Band on his smartphone.

Om Aim Vaakdeviyai Cha Vidhmahe Kaamrajaya Dheemahi Tanno Devi Prachodayat

2hours passed,

Continued to chant the Mantras of Durga Mata Goddess 

Six hours passed, and Shivam felt no discomfort because he was so focused on getting the reward from the Dark Web and enjoying the cool sensation energy coursing through his body through the red stone, which left him more concentrated than a normal meditational expert.

He remained focused on his goal and earned the reward.

He hoped to receive a similar reward to the previous one, but in the form of wealth, so that he could show his family that he had earned a salary while the cash came from this source.

He heard the sound, which he was really looking for, and felt a sense of relief wash over him that he had finally completed his task of the day.

While instinctively opening his mind and eyes to check out the reward on his smartphone.
