
Dark Dweller of the "Dark Web"

[R-18 Mature Element Warning!] In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, Shivam finds himself grappling with the challenges of existence, yearning for a chance to rise above the ordinary and carve out a place for himself in society. With employment opportunities elusive and his appearance falling short of societal standards, Shivam faces an uphill battle to gain respect and recognition. But when a tantalizing opportunity presents itself in the form of an advertisement post that involves opening the Dark Web to access Add Jobs, Shivam's curiosity is piqued. Desperate for a chance to prove himself and escape the shadows of mediocrity, he takes a leap of faith into the unknown depths of the digital underworld. With nothing to lose and everything to gain, Shivam takes the plunge into the mysterious world of the Dark Web. What he finds there is beyond anything he could have imagined— a realm shrouded in secrecy, teeming with mysteries and supernatural experiences that defy explanation. Shivam also gains many otherworldly benefits from the Dark Web's boxes, including unnatural powers and gadgets. However, these powers were not without their dark side. Follow Shivam's journey through the twisted labyrinth of the Dark Web, where the line between reality and illusion blurs and secrets lurking in the shadows threaten to consume him whole.

Peacewar · Action
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45 Chs

Chapter 8 "Complementary Task of the Day"

He hoped to receive a similar reward to the previous one, but in the form of wealth, so that he could show his family that he had earned a salary while the cash came from this source.

He heard the sound, which he was really looking for, and felt a sense of relief wash over him that he had finally completed his task of the day.

While instentively opening his mind and eyes to check out the reward on his smartphone.

He didn't hesitate to open the reward box after clicking the button on the screen.

He felt a thum in his thum, so he tried to press the open button to reveal the thing inside the reward box.

He felt that something pricked his thum.

Similar to his previous reward, he had been pricked to his thum before, as he did now, and similar dark blood could be seen on his thum.

However, he didn't care, as his reward is more important, and the pain of such a sting isn't much compared to the satisfaction he feels.

But after seeing the reward, he didn't feel much but got disappointed because, despite the value of the thing he received, he felt totally disappointed.

However, he didn't want to show his fear of the unknown to the Dark Web, as he knew the consequences could be severe.

When the Dark Web is generous, you receive things you never imagined, and if you don't have a luck factor, you would receive such a reward, but you cannot show your disappointment as he doesn't know what the consequences will be if he gets on the wrong side of the Dark Web.

Shivam didn't say a word but checked the details of the item, as the item held no value for him at all.

The product has a holographic image in his hands, with its detailed information displayed in front of him.

Terror Human Detector: Terror Human Detector is a radar detector mainly used in detecting human criminals. This radar can detect any human who has committed heinous crimes in his life and alert the user to their. …..

Just when he was reading the details of the device, his door was suddenly knocked, which shucked him and made him jump out of his seat, realizing he got stunned because of the sudden knock on the door.

He calmed his mind because it was his mom who knocked on it to wake him up to get ready for his first job.

As it's morning at 6:30 and he needed to get prepared for the big day ahead, due to shock, he found that he had lost the holographic image that was in his hands.

He tried to look for it, while his mom kept on knocking at his door and calling out to him to hurry up.

Shivam now didn't care for the item but opened the door, greeted his mom with a smile, and apologized for taking so long.

He cannot neglect his mom, and as for the reward item, he would find it any way.

So after his mom left, he prepared to take a bath as well. He had taken a bath, but he felt it wouldn't be a problem to do the same, as it would feel better.

Shivam took his bath with refreshing vitality, poring through the water and his surroundings.

He didn't feel any discomfort from not sleeping, and because of the continuous flow of vitality, he wasn't sleepy at all.

He moved out of his room while he forgot about his lost item, as the item he received wasn't up to his liking.

As this item was fully concentrated on finding criminals, he wasn't a police inspector or anyone who is related to fighting crime in any sense.

He was just an ordinary person with ordinary wants with no relation to crime, but he hates bullies the most and would definitely show no mercy to those, as he had previously experienced such bullies.

Shivam would always stand up for those being mistreated, but he has no strength to fight with the criminals currently. You cannot say for the future, he thought in his mind.

Shivam reached the dining hall while a few members of the family were having their own meal.

This time no one had any reaction to his entry, while some had reacted to gain some attention but failed to do so.

That was his aunt, who wanted to speak against Shivam and wanted to be more conscious of his sudden rise in ambition, but her husband and her sons didn't even give it a thought, as they felt that Shivam was just an executive who had just joined while he was the manager of a reputed three star restaurant.

He didn't feel any threat, nor did his father feel that Shivam would be able to matter in any way.

As for Pushpa, she was the only one who saw Shivam's as a threat to her sons for future in the role of family 's business.'

Many didn't think like her, as Shivam has just become a lower-level employee, not in a managerial position for them to be concerned.

They didn't know what Shivam had found, which would be more of a concern in the future for them.

So no one cared about Shivam's small rise.

So because her husband Mahesh and her son Neel didn't listen to Shivam 's concern, she was angry at them and didn't come for breakfast as she didn't want to see Shivam's face early in the morning.

So currently, as he was there to have his lunch, some saw him but didn't say anything about his first day of work.

There were only a few elders, while only his cousins were present, and due to the presence of his mother, no one had the chance to chat or take his mobile to have a look at the new notification, as this was also the rule of the house that was strictly enforced.

As his mother had great authority in the house, no one disrespected her, not even Mahesh, his uncle.

So after having a peaceful breakfast of Poha and Chai, he was just about to leave the dining hall, but his cousin brother Mohan, who was kind to him, suggested that we go together through his car.

As he was going in the same direction, he said he could drop him at the railway station.

Shivam accepted the kind gesture of his brother and thanked him profusely before getting into the car.

The car ride was smooth, and they had a pleasant conversation along the way.

With Mohan talking about his first day of the job, which was smooth, I wish the same for him.

After a few minutes, we reached the station while Mohan left for his job.

He wishes me a great day.

Shivam needed to take a ticket from the counter, then he boarded the train after a few minutes of time.

Shivam was just watching the atmosphere out of the window as he enjoyed the view of the passing scenery as well as feeling the cool breeze that was coming with the flow of intense vitality that he absorbed through the red stone inside of him.

Shivam had nothing to do, and it was the first time he had fresh air and came out of his house.

But just when he was admiring the view, his phone vibrated in his pocket, interrupting the moment of tranquility.

He didn't feel to see what it might be, but suddenly, to his realization, he felt this vibration must be more important.

So he checked his phone out.

There were few notifications from the Dark Web application, so he immediately opened it to check it out.

These were animation videos, so he put on the wireless headphones and started the application videos.

Hello DD, As you were in the middle of checking the reward, I didn't proceed with the surprise left for you as you had started and completed the daily task assigned to you very early and did not contain any more tasks.

The Dark Web has linked a complementary daily task for the Dark Dweller to complete and get the reward.

Complementary Daily Task

Breathing 1000 times

Pushups 100 times

Run 10kilometers

Rewards would be issued after completing the complementary daily task.

After hearing the explanation, Shivam felt a beaming smile as he would be able to get an extra reward for the day as the task wasn't something he couldn't do; he felt he could do it as his stamina was suppled with vitality, which was endless, and this time he would definitely be able to get something valuable as compared to his previous reward, and he wished to get a valuable reward that could be used as a source for his earning, or at least he could gain some new skills that would help him advance in order to help him earn something.

Shivam desperately needed money in his bank account so that he could prove to his family members that he was truly employed and not faking it.

Shivam was only thinking about how he could gain respect from his parents, particularly his father, who does not view him as a responsible adult.

Shivam also intended to purchase a sari for his mother, a garment for his sister, a kurta for his grandfather, and a sari for his grandma.

He was thinking of his own money and reminiscing with satisfaction.

He was determined to make his family happy because he needed his own money and was fully reliant on the Dark Web rewards.

Just then, he was interrupted by a similar voice from his smartphone; this was Red Band on the screen of the phone.

Dark Dweller, you don't have to put your phone inside the bag to check on the Dark Web application, as no one but you would be able to check on the application's unique things, while the others around you would only see you dumbly scrolling the reels on social media like everyone else does in this modernized world.

You can as well check upon rewards in your hand; people wouldn't be able to see anything in your hand as the rewards are invisible when received, but when you want to use them, only a few rewards are invisible while most of them aren't.

So you can check out all the features of the Dark Web application very effortlessly.

Unless and until you take the risk of showing the other party about this app, however, showing the application's ups and downs increases the risk of exposing your family's security to the Dark Web.

It's upon you, so you don't have to be concerned about hiding the doings of the Dark Web.

THank you