
Dark Desires of the Whitebeard[ONE PIECE]

After the God Valley Incident, our protagonist assumes the mantle of Whitebeard with a sinister twist—he is driven by dark desires and a lewd nature that knows no bounds. With the power of Whitebeard at his command and a twisted Lust System fueling his ambitions, he embarks on a path of darkness and debauchery across the One Piece world. As he schemes and manipulates his way to dominance, his lustful whims become a force to be reckoned with, leaving a trail of destruction and desire in his wake.

FanficPhantom · Komik
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7 Chs


Whitebeard: Huh? Where am I? Is this heaven? I should be dead by now because of the asteroid that hit me head-on.

Suddenly, a sharp pain pierced their mind, and a flood of memories washed over them, revealing the truth of their newfound existence. He was no longer himself but had somehow become the legendary Whitebeard, reborn after the cataclysmic events at God Valley.

As the realization dawned upon him that he had become the legendary Whitebeard, a triumphant laughter bubbled up from deep within his chest. With a fierce determination burning in his eyes, he clenched his fist, feeling the surging power coursing through his veins.

At that moment, he knew without a doubt that the world would tremble at his feet. With the memories of his past life guiding him and the indomitable strength of Whitebeard at his command, he vowed to seize control of the tumultuous seas and claim dominion over the realm of One Piece.


[System Activating..]

[Loading status...]

[Name: Edward Newgate]

[System: Lust System]

[Bloodline: Buccaneers]

[Devil fruit: Quake fruit]


Armament: Top

Observation: Advanced

King's: Top]

[Storage: None]

[Ding.. ]

[The host has already used the novice gift back.]

[The gift was a chance to heal, to restore the body to its peak condition, and eradicate any hidden diseases.]

[Hidden disease cured: Cancer]


[Host: every time you release your sperm inside a female character, you can get one of the abilities of the character and every time you kill an important character, you will get a lottery coin.]

[You are getting 3 free lottery coins for the start.]

With a sense of determination, the MC seized the coins, feeling their weight in his hand. Each one represented a chance to alter the course of his journey, to grasp destiny firmly within his grasp and shape it to his will.

Without hesitation, he crushed all three coins, the metallic clang reverberating through the air as they shattered into pieces.

The host won: 1. Enhancement Potion 2. Blackbeard's alien physique [3. Weapon Enhancement potion]

System, use enhancement potion on observation haki.


[Observation Haki: Top]

[Ding. Blackbeard's physique will allow the host to eat 3 more devil fruits.]


Whitebeard's laughter boomed across the seas, reverberating for kilometers—a sound both menacing and triumphant. He knew, with absolute certainty, that the Blackbeard's formidable physique would grant him the unprecedented ability to consume not one, not two, but three more devil fruits.

Whitebeard bellowed his command to the system, his voice carrying the weight of authority, as he demanded the application of the weapon enhancement potion to his Murakumogiri. With a determined gleam in his eyes, he awaited the transformation that would elevate his legendary weapon to even greater heights.

As the weapon enhancement potion took effect, Whitebeard's Murakumogiri underwent a profound transformation, its once gleaming surface now enveloped in an ominous black hue. With this metamorphosis, his naginata ascended to the top ranks of the most revered weapons in the One Piece world, solidifying its status as the top supreme-grade weapon. Whitebeard stood proudly, his weapon now a symbol of unparalleled power and dominance, ready to carve its legacy into the annals of history.

Standing amidst the untamed wilderness of the island, Whitebeard's imposing aura alone was enough to send the largest of beasts fleeing in terror. With an air of determination, he set out to gather materials to repair his damaged boat. Yet fate had other plans for the legendary pirate.

In the heart of the island, he stumbled upon a magnificent shrine guarded by a divine presence. In the goddess's hand lay a mysterious box, its contents beckoning to him with the promise of power. Without hesitation, Whitebeard leaped forward, seizing the box in his hands.

Instantly, the once-fleeing beasts turned on him, their ferocity unleashed in a frenzied assault. But Whitebeard, fueled by an inner strength, swiftly dispatched them, reducing them to mere piles of flesh and bone with effortless ease.

Opening the box, he beheld the coveted prize within: an ancient Devil Fruit, its aura pulsating with untold power. Alongside it lay a note, revealing its name: the Hormone Devil Fruit. Whitebeard's eyes gleamed with recognition as he grasped the significance of this discovery.

Without a moment's hesitation, he consumed the fruit, feeling its energies surge through him. In an instant, the abilities of the Hormone Devil Fruit unfolded within his mind, offering him a glimpse of the immense power now at his command.

Devil Fruit Name: Hormone-Hormone Fruit

Abilities and Techniques:

Enhanced Physical Abilities: By manipulating their own adrenaline, growth hormone, and other key hormones, the user can temporarily enhance their physical strength, speed, and agility, allowing them to perform extraordinary feats in combat.

Healing: The user can stimulate the production of healing hormones in themselves or others, accelerating the rate of recovery from injuries and illnesses.

Mind Control: By manipulating the hormones related to mood and cognition, the user can influence the emotions and behaviors of others, effectively controlling their actions to a certain extent.

Shape-shifting: By altering the levels of growth hormone and other morphological hormones, the user can change their own physical appearance to a limited extent, allowing them to disguise themselves or adapt to different situations.

Emotional Manipulation: The user can induce feelings of fear, euphoria, or other emotions by adjusting the levels of certain hormones in their targets, making them susceptible to suggestion or manipulation.

Hormonal Barrier: The user can create a protective barrier around themselves by manipulating their own hormones, increasing their resilience to physical and mental attacks.

Hormone Detection: The user can detect the hormonal fluctuations in living beings, allowing them to sense the emotional state, health, and even intentions of those around them.

Reproductive Manipulation: The user can manipulate their own reproductive hormones, including sperm production and fertility, allowing them to control their ability to conceive a child. Additionally, they can influence the reproductive functions of others, including stimulating or inhibiting fertility in their targets.

Whitebeard's smirk deepened into a grin of sheer satisfaction as he realized the newfound freedom granted by the Hormone Devil Fruit. No longer burdened by the fear of unexpected consequences, he could revel in the pleasures of life without restraint.

Whitebeard set to work with a seasoned hand, utilizing the materials he had gathered from the island to repair his beloved ship. Despite the damage incurred, his vessel remained sturdy, a testament to the craftsmanship he had honed since childhood.

With each plank secured and every seam sealed, Whitebeard felt a sense of pride swell within him. The memories of his childhood flooded back when he first learned the art of ship repair to make ends meet. Those humble beginnings forged him into the formidable pirate captain he is today.

As the final repairs were completed, Whitebeard stood back to admire his handiwork. His ship stood resolute once more, ready to brave the seas and continue the journey towards his dreams. With a satisfied nod, he stepped aboard, the familiar creak of the deck beneath his feet a comforting reassurance of the adventures that lay ahead.

As Whitebeard's ship set sail once more, unaware of the rumors swirling in the outside world, news of his demise spread like wildfire across the seas. The world erupted into celebration, believing that one of the greatest threats to their order had finally been vanquished.

In every corner of the globe, people rejoiced at the news of Whitebeard's apparent demise, believing that a chapter of chaos and upheaval had come to a close. From the bustling streets of bustling cities to the far-flung islands of the Grand Line, the cheers of victory echoed in the air.

Yet, unbeknownst to the world at large, Whitebeard sailed on, his indomitable spirit unbroken by the false reports of his demise. As his ship cut through the waves, he remained steadfast in his determination to carve his own path through the tumultuous seas, leaving a legacy that would endure long after the cheers of his detractors had faded into memory.

Garp's furrowed brow betrayed his concern as he gazed out from the terrace of the Navy headquarters. The weight of his intuition hung heavy in the air, a foreboding sense of unease that refused to be ignored.

Zephyr, his grizzled features etched with lines of exhaustion, nodded in silent agreement. Memories of his own clash with Whitebeard echoed in his mind, a testament to the formidable power of the legendary pirate.

Sengoku, the stoic symbol of authority, remained resolute in the face of uncertainty. With a steely resolve, he declared their readiness to confront Whitebeard once more, should he dare to challenge the might of the Navy.

Together, they stood upon the terrace, their determination unyielding, their resolve unwavering. Even in the shadow of uncertainty, the stalwart guardians of justice remained vigilant, ready to face whatever challenges the future may bring.

As Whitebeard held the life paper of Stussy in his hand, a grim determination settled over him. Despite their past as former pirate mates, he knew that he couldn't afford to let sentimentality cloud his judgment. Stussy's betrayal had sealed her fate, and Whitebeard was resolved to see it through.

With a heavy heart, he set out to follow the life paper's path, his ship slicing through the waves as he pursued his quarry. In the depths of the sea, he knew that Stussy's end awaited her, a consequence of her treachery and the ruthless world they inhabited.

As he closed in on his target, Whitebeard's resolve remained unshaken. For him, there could be no mercy for those who threatened the delicate balance of power he sought to uphold. With a heavy heart and a sense of duty, he prepared to confront Stussy and ensure that justice was served, even if it meant facing the darkest depths of the ocean to do so.