
Dare Dream

Sweet dreams, it has been long since I have felt the meaning of that word when I was 7 years old I suddenly started having the same nightmare over and over again until I got into an accident and fell into a coma now I am going through this dream hoping to find an exit or to meet my end

RG_DARK · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
14 Chs

Chapter 3: The labyrinth of shadows

Jason stood before the gathered survivors, his voice steady as he addressed them.

"Listen closely, everyone," he began, his gaze scanning the crowd, ensuring he had their full attention. "Beyond these stairs lies the entrance to the Labyrinth of Shadows. It's a treacherous place, filled with darkness and danger at every turn."

He paused, allowing his words to sink in before continuing.

"In the labyrinth, there is a cycle of light and darkness. For every ten minutes of light, there are fifty minutes of darkness. And in that darkness lurk creatures we call the Smiley Shadowy Figures – sinister entities with glowing eyes and twisted smiles. They are dangerous, and they hunt in the darkness."

Jason's words hung heavy in the air, the gravity of the situation palpable among the survivors.

"But fear not," he continued, his tone unwavering. "We have a plan. We need volunteers – brave souls willing to venture into the darkness wearing night vision goggles. Their task will be to navigate the maze during the dark intervals, mapping out safe routes for the rest of us to follow."

He looked out into the crowd, searching for willing faces amidst the fear and uncertainty.

"This will be a perilous journey, but it's one we must undertake if we are to survive. So I ask you, who among you will step forward and help lead us through the shadows?"

As the tension thickened in the air, Jason's demeanor shifted, revealing a darker side of his leadership. He gazed sternly at the gathered survivors, his resolve unyielding.

"We must be pragmatic in our approach," he declared, his voice carrying authority. "The elderly among us, as much as we cherish them, will only slow us down in this perilous journey. We need to conserve our resources and use them where they can be most effective. It's a harsh reality, but a necessary one."

Murmurs of dissent rippled through the crowd as Jason's words sank in. Some protested, arguing passionately against his decision, but Jason remained resolute.

"Listen to me," he insisted, his tone unwavering. "Logically speaking, this is the most sensible course of action. I am your leader, and I bear the responsibility of ensuring our survival."

A child's cry pierced the air, the sound cutting through the tension like a knife. Tears streamed down the youngster's face as he pleaded, "I don't want to lose my grandma!"

Liam watched the scene unfold with a serious expression, his mind grappling with the gravity of the situation. He exchanged a glance with others, their faces reflecting a mixture of concern and disbelief.

Despite the protests, the elders, with a sense of resignation, accepted their fate. One by one, they stepped forward, their aged hands gripping paintbrushes loaded with glowing green paint. With each passing minute, their voices echoed through the darkness, their screams a haunting reminder of the dangers lurking in the shadows.

And yet, with each sacrifice, the survivors pressed on, mapping out the walls of the maze with grim determination. For in the face of adversity, sometimes the hardest choices had to be made for the greater good, even if they came at a heartbreaking cost.

As the sacrifice of the elders continued, the murmurs of dissent grew louder within the crowd. Someone finally gathered the courage to speak up, their voice tinged with desperation.

"Jason, surely there must be another way," they pleaded, their eyes searching his for any sign of mercy. "Can't we just stop? Can't we find a different solution?"

Jason's gaze hardened, his resolve unwavering. "The sacrifice will continue until one of us reaches the end of the maze," he declared, his voice cutting through the air with finality. "We cannot afford to falter now."

But as the last of the elders vanished into the darkness, Jason's demeanor shifted. Tension crept into his features, a flicker of doubt crossing his eyes. He realized with a sinking feeling that he was running out of options, that he would soon have to make use of the youngest among them, a prospect that filled him with unease.

As the reality of their situation settled in, Jason knew that the next step would be even more reckless and dangerous. Yet, with no other choice, he steeled himself to lead his people forward, even if it meant risking the lives of the most vulnerable among them.