
Danmachi with friends

This is my first time ever writing and doing so to help with lockdown boredom, hope you enjoy Danmachi fanfiction about a group of 4 friends who have been reincarnated while a very unique group the four are all looking forward to their new journey and lives. What will be in store for the new teenagers in this world and will the dungeon be all they had imagined... As stated from being a fan-fic I do not own any of the characters from Danmachi they all belong to their original owners and a few characters will be my own that I have created

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Chapter 7- Speedy Rescue

Catching their breath the adventurers looked towards the group. "We can't thank you enough for this, we don't know what would have happened had you not turned up so thank you truly", the boy was the one to speak up followed by a bow from the four, Logar with a softer tone to his voice "I'm sure you would do the same for others so don't worry just be glad you survived you helped yourselves as well remember". A genuine smile appeared on the fours faces from receiving these words, only briefly before the wounds that they all had started to remind them of the situation they are in and left them all groaning and complaining about the pain, the dwarf who was now in tears due to the wound she had received. The fighters had gashes along their arms and legs accompanied by scratches and first over their face's hands and abdomens, the healer clearly only suffering a few scratches here and therefore, not looking to bad, but the dwarf have a severe looking slice along her left leg clearly, she had been gotten by a thrown weapon of the goblins during the fight. The wound looked deep and was not looking to be stopping bleeding anytime soon.

Before the adventures could say anything else, even while wounded Vargr walked over and lifted the dwarven girl before announcing "I'm glad we're all alive but no one here is great and she needs help now so we should go, we will escort you out so just try to hold on." The other three sprung to their feet, Arina and Nereus agreeing to take the job of clearing the monsters which should be less due to only having recently cleared most of the path and feeling confident to deal with the higher floors, while Logar had given a shoulder to each of the fighters who could not really complain due to their current states about the support. Taking off at a faster pace than normal the group all headed back up the dungeon with the healer girl in between the group and Arina with Nereus. The trip back felt longer than expected even at the faster speed with the pain the dwarf seemed to be in affected all who had to listen to the groans of pain but it seemed she would be fine to hold out and not be fatal in the end, the healer had made sure to pick up all the monster cores throughout this process saying she felt the need to help somehow and not just be deadweight when they were being helped so much as it was.

Several hours later they had finally made it back to the winding stairs of the first floor that led to the surface. The group was stopped by Logar "So about all this, we are only here on permission slip and obviously it'd be more hassle to sort this with a god when we don't have a familia so you guys don't need to worry about returning any sort of payment or favour to us okay" he said as he turned to look at each of the four. The healer looked at him with furrowed brows, crossing her arms "No you guys saved us, we have to pay you back, although we don't want to cause you trouble… wait did you say you aren't in a Familia yet?" She protested before turning to question his statement. With a light cough Logar answered the question "Correct we only arrived yesterday to be precise and hmm how about this we will keep the monster fight cores that way you get to be even for the payment of saving your life and we all have less stress over this later?", after pondering this for a moment the healer seemed to nod her head "I'm sure all the others have no complaints as you saved us so sure we will do it your way and well don't stress with your skills you four will find a Familia no problem" she smiled before grabbing all the cores she had grabbed at the fight and on the way and putting them in Logars bag.

The group headed up the stairs being met by a mixture of worried, judgemental, and apathetic stares at the scene of the wounded, after all it was a common occurrence to many especially as the group all seemed on the younger side compared to the majority around. The group wasted no time on this and headed to the guild who would be able to take over the treatment and sell a few potions they keep to the group to help with the wounds they had gotten but also to make sure they did not get in trouble from not returning the slip. After a bit of fast paced walking the group reached the guild, they received many stares from those around them to do with the blood that covered them but also the fact that one person was being carried and two others being aided in walking which would draw the eye of most passers-by and workers. From across the guild floor a set of Panicked eyes were set upon the group, Misha who was just moments ago sorting out paperwork suddenly saw the group, the wounds and instantly assumed trouble.

The group walked towards the counter as Misha sighed "Right who started the fight? Why? And what you want as compensation", she was met with silence as she looked up at the group before a chuckle broke out "No no Misha we saved these guys in the dungeon and escorted them back" Vargr sighed while saying "Don't make us sound like trouble we are good people also can this wait till after we get this girl some help and buy a few potions?". As if struck by a sudden realisation of the urgency of the girl in Vargr's arms she called over a healer who took her from him to a back room for treatment, the other adventurers followed behind but before doing so turned and bowed expressing their thanks once again with smiles of relief on their faces.

"Right well, sorry for the misunderstanding we get a lot of issues like that with new people in Orario, umm I can sell you four potions for 1800 consider them discount as thanks for saving that group and for the misunderstanding", with a nod of approval the money was given and all four drank the red liquid within the bottles, the taste wasn't bad and they could slowly feel their wounds closing up at a slightly faster pace than before now they wouldn't have to worry about them. "Oh, also feel free to go trade in your crystals as you have a few minutes before Loki arrives." Once again met with silence she looked at the four whose faces were stuck with a tired but shocked expression. "That was a lot faster than we expected, and I'm honestly exhausted but guess we got to sort that now then" while grumbling about the issue Logar walked over to trade in the cores for the day, he emptied his bag on the counter which was counted by the worker before he informed the group that they would be receiving 18,300 valis, this news put a round of smiles on the groups face as they now knew that had a stable amount of money for a while.