
Danmachi with friends

This is my first time ever writing and doing so to help with lockdown boredom, hope you enjoy Danmachi fanfiction about a group of 4 friends who have been reincarnated while a very unique group the four are all looking forward to their new journey and lives. What will be in store for the new teenagers in this world and will the dungeon be all they had imagined... As stated from being a fan-fic I do not own any of the characters from Danmachi they all belong to their original owners and a few characters will be my own that I have created

SiorcTalun · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Chapter 6- The Dungeon of Orario (Part 2)

Similarly to the first, the second floor was covered in light blue walls with high walls and wide passageways, the only noticeable difference was the slight increase in monster spawn rate. Despite this, the group was getting on well, finding an efficient rhythm, making it clear that the increased spawn affected little except the time of which they were on the second floor compared to the first. Travelling through the second floor, the four pulled out some rations, taking turns to kill the group of monsters that would spawn from the walls and roof of the dungeon. They had gotten almost too comfortable so rapidly, that this method of taking breaks worked perfectly, allowing half the group to relax and replenish their emptying stomachs while the other cleared the approaching monsters. This did increase the time it took them to complete the second floor but made them certain they wouldn't have to deal with sudden hunger or tiredness later on in the potentially dangerous situations they could find themselves in: though they doubted they would.

It was hard to make out the change in time down in the dungeon but with Logars regular hunger it was possible for the group to figure out it had been anywhere from six-eight hours since they had entered the dungeon. Due to the leisurely pace of their progress and the taking of breaks, the group was able to stay in good shape. Not long later, they once again found a set of stairs that would lead down to the next floor of the dungeon. With their continuously reassured confidence given the ease they experienced so far, the four continued their journey finally entering the last floor of access on their permit: the third floor. The third floor seemed no different than the second until the group was around an hour into the floor, here the spawning and the number of monsters in each group started to prove more of a challenge. The group began to understand why this was the last floor they were allowed to enter. With the shorter intervals between groups meaning less rest and the sudden increase from small groups of two-four to now three-six, the fighting got more intense and more draining. Although it was not altogether unmanageable, wear and tear was starting to appear on everyone's gear and the group was starting to lose their jovial spirit: no wounds or fatalities had been taken as of yet but they knew they couldn't continue on here for much longer if they wanted to keep it that way. The group eventually decided it was time to head back to the surface as it had been many hours and there was no need to rush. The group felt as though they had proven themselves: the ease in which they cleared the floors; how well they worked as a unit and their lack of casualties were all clear signs that they could do this!. On the way back to the stairs that would take them up to the second floor, they encountered a slightly bigger group of monsters than they were expecting: a group of eight. To be precise there was a set of three kobolds and five goblins, no real threat but would take some time to clear up nonetheless. Vargr alerted the group. Instantly, Nereus dropped a goblin using his range advantage to strike first before they were noticed. Arina finished another with a thrown dagger; it had become the routine to reduce the group's numbers this way utilizing the element of surprise. Next, Logar ran up with Vargr taking the frontline. Logar had been using his shield to hold off the attacks of three creating a haze of dust as he maneuvered to block their advances, his huge stature also providing cover for the poised Vargr. Leaping forward and over his friend, the werewolf engaged the targets, managing to crush one of the monster's skulls. Not allowing himself to be caught out in the open, Vargr dropped back behind Logar readying himself for his next strike, like they had now done many times.

However, with the arrows of Nereus; stealthy slashes from Arina at their weak spots and the pure holding power of Logar (who would deliver his own slashes when the room to do so would appear) the monsters' numbers began to dwindle. Vargr stopped and began to sniff around the air. While the group had gotten used to this the doing of so in combat was uncommon however the curiosity of the group was quickly answered when with a troubled expression with a tone of urgency in his voice Vargr began to explain "We need to go back I can smell what seems like blood and these guys don't leave bodies so someone is in trouble, bring the monsters with us I don't know if they have the time for us to finish up here". Suddenly tension in the group skyrocketed, no one doubted the proven senses of the werewolf and so began to follow him as he ran off towards the direction he had pointed to now being followed by four monsters as Logar had managed to slash another one down during the turn to run.

The sight the group was met with after a few minutes of panicked running was nothing they could have been prepared for especially on such a low floor in the dungeon, nine monsters some wounded some looking untouched stood around a group of four people, one fair skinned short brown haired human male fighter carrying a katana like sword, two smaller human girls one with more tanned skin, blond ponytail styled hair and dressed in healer like robes with a staff and the other a pale brunette with her hair down and in fighter wear with a short sword while the last was a tanned dwarf woman with red hair in a braid who wore chain armour and was clearly shield bearer for the group. The healer had some light wounds but was looking after the very heavily slashed dwarven girl who could not even stand from the wound and seemed to be holding in the complaints to avoid drawing more monster attention while the two fighters seemed although very much worse for wear and on their final reserves of strength to protect their allies while stacking up more wounds themselves. Although curious of the reason such a well-balanced party was struggling, such curiosity would have to wait till later, Nereus was the first to be able to impact the battle delivering an arrow that penetrated straight through a monster skull while it was distracted by the fighters. "Please help us" the healer on the ground seeing the four arrived begged with tears streaking down her face, no words were needed from the four as Logar turned with Nereus to finish the four following them before helping. Meanwhile Vargr and Arina split off to help the others, Vargr charged at the closest kobold throwing a right hook that delivered a heavy blow to its abdomen and launched it backwards before he ran it down and smashed its face into the group with his left gauntlet killing it. Arina was not much slower dashing past this scene to arrive at a goblin as she slid to slash its ankles, when it keeled over from the pain a swift strike was delivered to the back of its neck by her shortswords before she continued forward towards the monster group.

Logar and Nereus were dealing with the four original remaining monsters upon turning round to deal with them however a blade was thrown towards Nereus who thought he had managed to dodge it but was hit by a searing pain on his thigh from a now clearly visible slash, although not a serious injury the pain mixed with panic of the situation truly hit him for the first time. With sweat now dripping down his brow, panic stricken, he struggled to hold his bow let alone draw an arrow, but knowing he must to keep the others alive Nereus tried to fire an arrow at the goblin that was approaching Logars side. Unlike his previous precise shots he only hit the creature's shoulder causing it to only stumble a bit before cutting at Logars shoulder, who was caught off guard by his first hit and Nereus missing his typically easy shots reeled back with pain. However, this was not a place to stop and complain Logar knew this now and returned his focus to the fight with a slightly less steady hold of his weapon but determination in his eye that showed his refusal to back down. The two did manage after a few more missed arrows, failed blocks and non-fatal enough slashes to take down the flour monsters but, the mental fatigue was very clear meaning they needed a minute to catch their breath before they could take to the fight again leaving the others to fight for a few more moments or else they'd be more of a burden than a help.

Back over with Vargr and Arina a more reckless set of fighting was occurring due to the numbers disadvantage and the already wounded two members needing to be covered a lot Vargr had been throwing punches and kicks nonstop the fatigue hitting on occasion he would receive a hit from an unexpected angle and miss the attack causing him to retreat, whereas Arina was not suffering such wounds due to fighting around Vargr but was stressing over the lack of openings and the threats that each path would lead to if she went out incorrectly. The two other adventurers were not doing great but had managed to take out a monster three monsters together although racking up even more wounds but less than they would have if not for Arina blocking some attacks and Vargr receiving one or two with his legs through kicking the monsters during the attempts. After what felt like a lifetime to the four fighting and to Logar and Nereus who felt useless they had with the drive to help their friends recovered and joined the fight, now with the six of them the fight became much easier and the remaining numbers were cleaned up much to all of their relief leaving them all on the floor panting and sweating from the event.