
Danmachi: Goddess System

Reincarnated into the world of Danmachi with unique bloodline and a new system called the goddess system that has many bloodline, skills, and other anime power in store.

SageGodVerhar · Lainnya
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19 Chs

Loki Familia

(Loki Familia POV) *A few minutes before*

"So we reach the 24th floor already, it seems that we will have great luck maybe this expedition we will beat our previous record and go down the 59th floor."

"Hmm, Maybe, but we need to be careful I don't why but the 24th floor feels off for some reason."

"To think you, Riveria would feel something off. Then something bad must have or is happening on this floor as we have seen almost little to no monsters on this floor."

3 people were seen together talking to each other in the middle was a blond headed halfling with a spear twice his size. To the right was an Elven beauty with emerald green hair and eyes as her hair was tied up halfway down, and final to the left was a giant dwarf with brown hair.

As the 3 were talking as they were looking at the forest in front of them they saw a blond figure hurrying ahead killing many monsters that were in their way.

"*sigh* Ais, we told you not to go ahead of the group as the vanguard is supposed to take care of monsters in the earlier part of the dungeon," Finn said while shaking his head.

"*Tsk* Why should we care about weaklings for? Only the strong get stronger while the weakling holds us back. They should just get out the way and not get in our way." A silver head man with wolf ears and tail said while walking like he was some kind of badass.

"Bete, what do you mean by Weakling you were also once a weakling too!" A short flat chested Amazoness with medium length black hair and revealing clothing.

"What do you say!" Bete had an annoyed look as he looked at the amazoness, Tiona, as both starting arguing causing the 2 to sigh as an amazoness that looked similar to Tiona except she had longer hair than her sister and a bigger bust.

"Captain, How about we leave these 2 idiots and the rest of the group and go on a date!" She said as you can see the thirst in her eyes as she stared at the small halfling as practically drool was coming out her mouth.

"No, I don...


Finn turned and stared at a short spiky black hair and brown eyes individual that had a bow on his back. "what is it, Raul?"

"I think I found out why many monsters are not around."

"What do you mean?" Finn said as he had a confused looked on his face.

He pointed at the sky as he started shaking in his heels. "Dr..Dra..Drag... DRAGON!!!!!"

Everyone quickly turned and looked toward the sky as they saw a giant purple colored dragon in the sky. It was over 300m and was able to fly. They knew that this creature should not be on this floor as many of the members of the Loki familia palled as this is the first time they saw a dragon this big that can fly in person.

"""Ais!""" Finn looked over as he saw Ais run after the dragon. he then ordered the more powerful members to head over to stop the dragon that seemed to be heading for the entrance of the 23rd floor.

Ais arrived right below the dragon as she yelled "Ariel" as a bunch of wind gathered around her sword and she launched herself straight at Marcus.


"Ariel" Marcus heard this yell as he sensed a huge amount of wind gathered below him as a sword was encased in it as it was lunging at him at a fast speed.

Marcus was somewhat startled and scared as he knew that this is a certain blond figure who hates monsters and tend to tear them to shreds without hesitation or any guilt even if they can talk as seen with Wein.

Marcus barely dodged the sword as a giant double-bladed sword came rushing at him. Marcus saw and tried to dodge, but the sword still connected slashing through his scales on his chest drawing out some blood as cracks started to appear on the blade.

Marcus was in pain as another gust of wind as a foot appeared and aimed at the cut sending him flying backward into the forest.


As the Loki familia saw that the dragon was sent flying Ais landed on the ground as many thought this dragon was quite weak despite its size.

"Urga!" Tiona yelled as she saw that Urga her weapon was cracking after hitting the dragon as inn looked to see Urga this badly damage after one hit he told everyone to aim at the dragon injury since it scales are hard enough to cause Urga a weapon made out of adamantite to crack.

They felt the Earth tremble as they saw the dragon rise back in the air. He roared spread throughout the forest causing many monsters to flee. It looked straight at them causing them to get prepared to battle.

Marcus was thinking about the new mission he got from Dream which told him to convince Ais to stop attacking him as Dream disabled his vocal cords so that he can only roar now. He thought about using his telepathy, but not sure if it can work well or not since Ais is known for her killing monsters.

He decided to try anyway just to see if it will work or not as he looked straight at Ais not knowing how to actually start the conversation with her. 'Greeting blondy'

Ais looked around as she heard a voice in her head causing everyone to ask what was wrong with her as she shook her head saying nothing was wrong as she thought she was hallucinating.

'Idiot, I am in talking to you mentally, meaning that only you can hear me.'

"Who are you?" Ais said gaining a bunch of weird looks as everyone looked at her strange, but Finn started rubbing his chin telling everyone to stop a he looked at her as he saw both the dragon and Ais weren't moving.

'I am in front of you, dumb girl who else can talk to you telepathy not only that you can speak mentally to me not actually ask in the open it makes you look crazy.'

'The dragon? what do you want!'

'Hostile much, I only want you to let me through.'

'So you can harm people.'

'Wait do I seem like a monster to you.'


'Yes, I am the dragon well technically this is only a transformation as I am originally human and I won't harm people that have not harmed me first.'

'So you are saying you are not a dragon and human then transform back then.'

'Can not.'

'You said that you are human that transformed into a dragon, then the only way to prove it is turned back into a human unless you aren't a human in the...'

'It's not that I can't transform it just that when I transform I will experience something close to mind down once I do!'

'Since you want me to trust you by just agreeing to you saying you are human, but then you won't show proof.'

'Isn't me talking to you proof enough, not only that the last few people I trusted almost made into a lab experiment and me being ambushed and dragged down here against my will.'

'If that true then why don't you take to the others, why me!'

'Easy because I just transform for the first time to a dragon form and don't know how to use vocal cords correctly and can only make roars when I try and my telepathy will only work for mostly allies, but I guess because of your spirit blood that I am able to talk to you as I already tried too and it would not work.'

Marcus said the missing the truth and lie in his sentence.

'You how do you know about my spirit blood!! And how can I ever be allies to a monster that took my life away from me!?'

'I sense your bloodlines and we are allies because 'they' will come after you once 'they' see you thinking your Aria.'

'You! How do you know that name!?'

'Well, I heard it from 'the..' 'Enough!'

"Ariel," Ais said as she dashed at Marcus with the intent of not letting him talk anymore. the other also joined her.

The fight continued on for a few minutes as the 3 level 6 did not join as Finn was watching the dragon as he senses that it may have been talking to Ais thus also made Rivira and Gareth stay behind and not attack it.

Marcus was being overwhelmed if it was only one level 5 like Ais he could put up a fight but against so many along with the level 4 and a level 3 mage who would fire only sometimes. He knew negotiations with Ais would fail, but thought that mentioning her mother name would help, but he forgot that when Revis mention her name she went to give it everything she had to take down Revis, but that was mostly because Revis would not tell her how she knew that name.

Marcus tried his best to maneuver and dodge, but he still got cuts on his body. As he tried to head to the entrance he would be stopped by the werewolf man that would stop him from running as he kicked him back each time as the others attacked him using this opening.

Marcus hit the ground from the attack form the twins as Ais appeared above him as she used Ariel and headed straight for him.

Marcus was about to transform into his human form to avoid the attack, but he felt the earth beneath him somehow shift as he knew that Wer was behind this he tried to tell Ais to stop as he knew Wer had seen Ais and her Ariel and knew that he wanted to bring both of them into a trap.

As usual Ais did not listen to him and as she was about to plunge her sword through him the floor under Marcus collapse open bringing them down to the next floor as the Loki familiar saw they tried to rush and head through the hole, but it closed before they could jump through it as they yelled Ais name.

As they all began to run to the entrance to the 25th floor the entrance was destroyed along with a handful of monsters appearing around them attacking them to stall for time.