
Danmachi: Goddess System

Reincarnated into the world of Danmachi with unique bloodline and a new system called the goddess system that has many bloodline, skills, and other anime power in store.

SageGodVerhar · Others
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19 Chs


Marcus and Ais fell down to the 25th floor as Ais Ariel was gone as she looked around. Marcus looked at Ais as let out a breath of relief as he heard laughter coming from afar. As he turned around onto his stomach to get up and was about to stand and fly again the Earth around him maneuvered and became like chains strapping him to the ground so he could not move.

Ais turned and was surprised that the dragon was pinned to the ground as they both heard. "Now Now Now, I can't have you escaping again. Now can we! After all, it would be my head if you escape, but I do have to thank you because of you I found out about our little missy here to use Ariel. If I bought both of you to Enyo she will love me and reward me even more! Hahahaha what a lucky day!"

Ais looked at the dragon again as she knew what it said before was the truth to a certain degree, but she still believed it to be a monster. As the person in front of her was more important to deal with then the dragon she decided to take care of him first.

"Well, well, well, Sword Princess do you actually want to fight. Just be a very obedient nice girl and follow me. Ah, you want power right if you go to lady Enyo you can get lots of power and all you want unlike how that god above. They restrict your growth, your development, they play around with you and once you are of no use to them they throw you away.

Come Sword Princess I..no we can take you beyond your wildest dreams, we can make you the strongest being alive. Black dragon, gods, devils, nothing will stand in your way." Wer said as he stretched out his hand telling Ais to join them.

Ais was wavering as Marcus spoke up to her. 'Don't even though his offer may sound good in the end you will lose more than you earn. The dragon came from this dungeon so do you think that these people and it has no connection whatsoever. if you go you will only be a pawn and lose everything you have.

Would you family ever want to see you work with someone like them? Would your current 'family' want to see you disappear and become one of them? Think you hate monsters, but you will become one if you go with them, Ais!'

She was surprised by Marcus speech as she heard him she took a quick glance back as she said thank you with her eyes as she turned to face Wer and activated Ariel.

"So you choose to fight in the end. it seems to be your doing right? Oh well, I guessed I just have to fight and take both of you out before the Loki familia arrive. this shall be fun."

He said as Ais charged at him. He raised a wall of earth blocking her attack and she spun around and appeared behind him as he shifted the earth and appeared 10 meters away as he attacks using the earth.

"Idiot I am invincible as long as I on the ground. Your power is useless."

'He has the power to manipulate the Earth at his will that is how he was able to grab me twice the second time was with you. Wind and Earth are each other weakness at the weaker levels as in the air Earth is useless and on the ground wind loses most of his power unless the wind goes at a certain speed then it overpowers Earth.

But you have not reached that stage yet so shoot him into the air that is the only way to defeat him. or waste time as to grab me twice he must have used a lot of his mana.' Marcus said mentally trying to help Ais, but this time she did not listen to him at all causing him to choke as he thought after the last speech she viewed him not as a monster anymore.

The fight continued as Ais was able to get hits in and injure Wer, but she was more injured than Wer as she did not try to head Marcus advice. Marcus was trying to break free of the bindings using pure muscle since using magic would lower his transformation time, but at the end that never worked so he asked Dream about the types of magic or power he can use.

[You can use most dragon slayer powers as you already know, but their power is limited, you can use 20% of the shots you learned or created. these 2 powers will drain you and take your 53 minutes down by 5-10 minutes. The more powerful one such as Esculus will take your form down by 10-20 minutes. Finally the more powerful that is ranked to what the Naruto known as S will take you down to 50 minutes.]

Marcus was deciding what to use as he heard a rumble appear and looked at the direction it came from.

"Well, It seems this is all the sword princess got. How sad I thought you would have been smarter or maybe I am just a genius, haha! Now then time to take you both down to see Enyo" Wer said as the cloud of smoke revealed him with the wolf pelt gone showing his abs with slices of swords all over him.

Marcus looked to see Ais was on the ground and was bleeding all over. There were no major injuries, but there were many small injuries to the point where she could not move anymore as her sword laid to the side.

Wer was walking over to Marcus. Marcus deemed that he knew he wanted to knock him out as the transformation will probably wear off once unconscious. Marcus waited so that he can activate his magic when he got close as he glared at him.

"Oh Oh don't look at me like that I am just doing my job. you guys are making it harder on yourselves by resisting me." Wer said 'he really loves to talk a lot' Marcus thought as Wer came over.

"This will only a hurt a little bit." He said as he was about to knock out Marcus, but Marcus used his 'Fist of the Chaos Dragon' as he sent the magic of his fist into the ground around him causing it to rumbles and shake destroying the surface of it along with the binds chaining him.

Wer was surprised by the explosion and as he was prepared to bind Marcus again a tail came into his face as he was sent flying backward a couple of meters. marcus flew to escape before Wer recovered as he flew to the exit of the floor to enter the 24th again.

When Wer recovered he was holding his nose as it took the brunt of Marcus attack. Wer was pissed as Marcus escaped again (not that he learns anything), but thought he can salvage the situation as he captured the sword princess.

As Marcus arrived at the entrance he thought about Ais. he left her back there so he can escape which is somewhat wrong, but she deserved it as she never listened to him once besides when convincing her not to join Enyo for power.

He sighed as he turned around and headed back to save Ais as he knew why she would not trust him and that without her the world is not as good as it suppose to be since she hides many secrets that many do not know about plus Revis will go after her more than him and can be used as a decoy for him while he gets stronger.


(Ais POV)

"Well then Sword Princess, Sadly it seems it will only be me and you since the other escape. Are you sad that he left you all alone? So sad and you were friends too or maybe not who cares. You will at least keep my head."

'He and I are not friends, we do not even have a connection. I attacked him as soon as I saw him. When he tried to reason and negotiate with me I ignored him and attack him. when he tried to help me I ignored him. Him leaving for his own safety is well founded as I do not deserve to be saved.

Mother. father. I am sorry, but I have failed. In the end, I was to 'weak' to live up to your expectations. I can never follow you, I can never.....'

Ais stopped herself monologue as she looked up and saw a purple beam come from afar and hit Wer as he was sent flying with the beam as it exploded several miles away causing a shake. she looked up and saw the purple dragon as it went and scooped her up in his claws.

She heard 'You owe me one and you are my hostage so that your family does not attack me.' from the dragon as it looked at her as it looked above as its body turned into a purple flame and it flew up destroying the floor arriving at the 24th floor.

The Loki familia was trying to find a way down as they heard the floor shake. when they look they saw that the purple dragon appeared from the floor. they were startled but began to wonder where Ais was and wanted to go to the hole it just opened, but the hole closed faster as the dungeon repaired it faster than the entrance.

The dragon looked at them as the purple flame/aura was gone as it had blood flowing out from its body still from when they fought. It then flew over them and dropped Ais. Gareth became scared as he went in front of everyone and held up his shield to block the dragon 'attack', but Riveria saw that it was not an attack as she stepped went in front of Gareth shield which surprised Gareth as he was about to tell her to get back, but was stunned as Riveria lifted her hands as she caught Ais who speed of falling somehow decreased at the very end as she landed in Riveria's arms.

Everyone saw that it was Ais as they were surprised and scared as she was bleeding from all over. Riveria used her magic to heal her as she had people feed the fainted Ais potions and had the other healers come over to heal her. Riveria let out a sigh of Relief as she was alright just a bunch of many cuts and bruises.

"Everyone we are cutting this expedition short. We are heading back to the surface."Finn declared as Raul asked, "Captain, what about the dragon?" Finn looked at the dragon disappeared as the floor above and a hole in it.

"Just forget it, we find out about it later. it does not seem to be an enemy since it saved Ais, but do not tell anyone about this outside the Familia Understand?"

""""Yes, captain!""""

"Move out!"


Marcus had used Esculus which wrapped his body in a purple flame like armor as he shot through the roof destroying it as he dispersed it and dropped Ais off since he was not sure whether Ais can handle the power from it as she was in his palm.

He then activated again barging through to the 20th floor and opened the entrance to Knossos. He traveled fast through Knossos as he only had 3 minutes left until his transformation runs out. he flew through it fast as no one was in it right now getting lost and not being able to find the correct exit until 2 minutes later.

He activated the key again, which was an orb with a barely visible D on it as he activated and the entrance opened. He arrived at Daedalus Street as he transformed back into a human. He had blood was walking with a torn outfit as blood was spilling from his wounds.

Despite what Dream said he was still conscious though barely as he could walk a little as the pain from the attacks of the Loki familia hurt a lot. He was trying to look for a safe enough place to pass out in. He was walking around for a minute as his vision was getting more and more blurry by the second as soon he blacked out as he body fell with the last thing he heard before being engulfed in darkness was "Waaaaaa!" as he felt his body hit something.

Long chapters tired. Let us see who he landed on later.

I wrote these 2 chapters fast since people were complaining about the 1 per week so I decided to write and release 2 more chapters being nice.

These are drafts so if there are Errors tell me so i can fix them later.

SageGodVerharcreators' thoughts