
Danmachi: Goddess System

Reincarnated into the world of Danmachi with unique bloodline and a new system called the goddess system that has many bloodline, skills, and other anime power in store.

SageGodVerhar · Lainnya
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19 Chs


Marcus read each of the continents of every member and he had to say they make a perfect combo when they are together but is just as good as apart. He thought of ways to evade, separate, disable many members as long as he had the correct terrain, power, and utensils at his disposal. He had many things including members as he had Wendy, Esdaeth, Shalltear, Yoruichi, and Tsunade that made a balanced team, but he needed more members.

He has to get them to help with various items along with a housemate for Idun just in case something happens to them and she won't get kicked out of the city. As when a person reaches zero familias through losing them such as them dying or leaving then they will be kicked out of Orario.

Marcus decided he should get another member but did not know who as he thought to get someone with a farming capability to help her plant apples since it is her signature and can be sold for a fair profit.

Recruiting will be hard as Arthemis is watching Idun and if other gods learn about her apples then they may come after her too. So first would be adding security measures and other things to prevent at least someone at level 4 from having easy access to the house then work the way up to where even those at Level 6 would not be able to enter.

Marcus began to contemplate getting rid of her sooner would be better in the long run as he would have to sneak and hide which will not last forever. "If you are worried about Artemis you should be alright as they accepted a high-rank mission outside of Orario and will be back in a month at the minimum." Marcus heard a cute voice as he turned Idun was staring at him with a sleepy face in pajamas.

"You are awake?"

"You don't know it already mourning and I usually don't wake up in the mourning, but I was excited to have you thus I woke up early."

"I see so I was up for the whole night. Right you said she is on a mission where and why did you not say anything?"

"Couldn't ask more politely."

"Fine, I am sorry for saying it in a harsh voice. Can you please tell why did you not tell me this before?"

"Becuase I forgot." Idun answered plainly as Marcus gave a pissed look she started to panic "Weelll yyyou just woke up and everything and threatened to send me back to heaven and said you going to join m familia I forgot abou..."

"*sigh* Forget it, Where did she go and did she take all of her familia with her?"

"She went to Opera Country Meilstora to help them as it is apart of the contract with the guild to help them in situations they can't handle and they took it for the money. Their entire familia went since the guild has a protection quote on their property to make sure no one would try to sabotage it, plus no one dares mess with Artemis."

Marcus just sighed as that means he can recruit people and wait for the others to come. Seeing Idun excited appearance he decided to go ahead and get his falna done since it would be better. He looked at Idun and said "Since you are so eager we can begin the Falna, but let me tell you this first you must make sure not tell anyone about my status without my approval. Second is that you are my wife, but we will start off at a friend base and begin to work to you and I are actually husband and wife."

Idun was alright as she would never tell anyone his status, but the second phase stumped her at first, but when she heard all of it she agreed as that means she is still his wife. Marcus seeing her agree so easily took off his tattered shirt and laid on his back as Idun jumped on his back as she began to rub against his skin.

"Your skin is so soft. It feels comfortable. I could just sleep on it." Idun said as she put her face against his back and started to caress it like it was a jewel. "Shouldn't you be updating my falna?" "Yes! Ah, I nearly forgot."

Idun lifted herself off of Marcus's back as she bit her finger as a piece of her blood came out. She then placed her finger on his back as it glowed a little and updated.


{Goddess System:}

{Title/Nicknames}: Demon, PSD

{Name}: Marcus Dammin

{Age: 13}

{GP}: 2,812,762

Rank: 2

Strength: 1899 SSS-> 2015 SSS

Endurance: 1941 SSS -> 2125 SSS

Dexterity: 1927 SSS -> 2078 SSS

Agility: 1931 SSS -> 2099 SSS

Magic: 1997 SSS -> 2222 SSS

Development Skills:

Jack Of All Trades: B

Charm: S

Luck: C

Resistance: C

Sword Master: D

Dagger Master: D

Skills: {<System>}, <Chanting God>, <Magic Broker>, <High Tide>, <Overpowered>, <Telepathy>, <Restoration>, <Inventory>, <Loot>, <Saga>{(new!)},

Magic: <Dragon> {28%}, <Ninjutsu> {31%}, <Kido> {29%}, <God> {32%}, <Demon> {33%}, <Devil> {30%}, <Choas> {29%}, <Unlimited Magic> {30%}


Helix Chaos God Dragon: 28%

Chaos Star God: 29%

Mugen: 31%

True Soul King: 27%

Simlarus: 33%

Denarus: 33%

Canis: 30%

Vampre: 30%




Words and sections that are in the {} sign hidden from Idun. Marcus can make them visible at any given time. ( I will explain some of the skills and magic Marcus has. Idun can also see what each one means too at least for the ones visible.)

PSD is (PervertedSleepingDragon) it is Marcus's pin name along with a dragon in a ball that represents his Antivan Prince Name. Demon is a title he earned in Berserk mode after many people called him that in this form. PSD with saga makes his creation more powerful or defy logic. Demon he will go berserk. More info on these later.

Jack of All Trades- Mystic: S, Magic Blacksmithing: A, Enchanter: A, Mixing: A, Tailoring: A Farming: A ... Singing: B and Dancing B. Jack of All Trades works like this the person can learn all of the jobs craftsmen that can exist, but in order to level it up all of the learned professional skills must be at the same level like how all of at B. All professions that are higher than Jack of all trades will be suppressed to the same level as Jack of All trades like how Mystic is at level S, it will be suppressed to B.

Mystic is an evolved version of Mystery and can create better magic items like Magic Blacksmith can create magic swords and other types swords. Marcus is the only one that has it as he can see Jack of All trades in a detailed list.

Resistance- all Resistance like Abnormal resistance, Magic Resistance, and others.

Chanting God- Concurrent Chant, Dual Chant, Chant Connect (ability to change the strength of magic based on chant length and mind usage), can change chant length add or take away or make it instantaneous chant to no chant, Multi-Chant can chant several chants at the same time, and Unending Chant even if Chants are stopped they can be continued where they left off with no problems.

Magic Broker- Destroys the 3 slot limit. Can be used on anyone, but cost a lot of mind usage and may result in the person passing out.

High Tide- magic uses the highest and powerful energy making the attack stronger while costing less mind usage.

Overpowered- No limitations everything is overpowered from the user to his creation, even his familia may be overpowered. There are no set limits to the user and the user increases his power at a fast pace that it is overpowered.

Saga- IF a title or nickname is widespread that at least 10,000 people or more know about it then it will become a saga to the person. It brings the title or nickname to life as how people may see it as.

Dragon, God, Devil, Demon, and Chaos mean all powers in that category and below that Marcus knows. The percent sign represents the power level of the attack he can use compared to the original like 10% means he can only display 10% of the magic powers compared to before. Unlimited Magic comes all the magic he learns in Fairy Tail and Highschool DxD worlds.

True Soul King- is bloodline he gains in Bleach world where his Shinigami, Quincy, Hallow, a portion of god, dragon bloodlines, along with Amaderus(Devil), Heavenly Buddha, Satan Mormordus(Demon) bloodlines fuse together.

Simalrus- is a bloodline from a Winged Elves who are descendants of life elves and angels.

Denarus- is the same except it is fallen angels and dark elves.

Canis- is the most powerful wolf race that Fenrir is apart of. They have a variety of powers which shall be explained later.

Vampre: Lord and God of all vampire. Made from the bloodline of several Vampires from many universe fused together.


Idun looked at his back and was frozen in place as she looked at his stats. She felt a scared honestly scared. Marcus let her see most of his stats since He did not like to hide it everytime he is around her and rather just get it over with, but that could be a bad idea after seeing her expression.

Marcus looked at her with concern as she recovered and began to giggle like a fool. Marcus looked at Idun and asked, "Are you alright?"

"Hmm of course I am. I mean to have such a familia like you as my first is my luck." Idun said as she paused as she stared at Marcus "You can advance do you want to?"

Marcus sighed at her quick personality as he began to wonder how weird the goddess he chooses. "Hey I am not weird, I came prepared as I thought it is like this so to make sure I would not be surprised I thought that you would have a very strange Falna and was excited, but even after preparing myself I was still surprised."

Idun spoke as she easily read through Marcus. "True, but are you not going to ask how I got these skills, powers, or something?"

"It doesn't matter, the only thing that matters is that you are my familia and my husband, plus if you wanted me to know you would. And I feel like you can manipulate your falna to hide something from me so it means that you don't completely trust me yet, but you still revealed this much to me means that you trust me to a certain extent makes me happy!"

Marcus just sighed as he told her "Just go ahead and increase my level after we can go to the guild and register since Artemis is not here. A month is the minimum before she comes back even if she does find out, my preparations should be done and if she arrives later that is even better."

Idun happily agreed as she leveled Marcus up as his stats with down to 0 I again and all of his seals was unlocked between 5-10%. As he and Idun went to prepare to register for the guild.


I realize, but Artemis is supposed to appear in arrow or Orion the movie for Danamchi after doing a little research, but I will base Artemis after her appearance, but her personality I will not because I already had a design for her personality and do not know how the one in the movie will act.

Also like in the note section the Flash step is a combination of the Flash step of the soul reaper, Espada's Sonido, and Quincy's Hirenkyaku. I just name it flash step as I felt the Shinigami came in being born/created then the Quincy and finally the Hollows so I felt like calling it flash step as I could not think of another name for it.

I decided o change the system design compared to the original as there will be no shown exp. EXP matters in Leveling up. As the requirements to level up is by having a stat reach D rank at least and by completing an adventure or an achievement in one fell swoop like Bell did against the Minator or gradually over time like Lefiya gaining exp to level up.

Name True Soul King may change later along with bloodlines as there may be more

SageGodVerharcreators' thoughts