
Danmachi: Goddess System

Reincarnated into the world of Danmachi with unique bloodline and a new system called the goddess system that has many bloodline, skills, and other anime power in store.

SageGodVerhar · Others
Not enough ratings
19 Chs


Marcus went and picked the second biggest room in the house. The room was big it was able to fit 40 people in the bathroom with no problem let alone the bedroom with the bed was even bigger than 30 Kings beds put together. He went to the bathroom and washed and came out as he changed his clothes.

He now wore a black half-buttoned dress shirt with gold buttons along with a set of matching black leather pants with a belt. On top of the shirt, he put on a long red trench coat with fingerless black girls. After putting on his clothes he put on a pair of glasses for the fashion and had many other capabilities such as decreasing his charm along with a pair of leather steeled toed black boots.

As he walked out of his room, he was met by Idun who was in a Chi Chi Oti red dress with the bottom half fading into gold. she also had on gold sandals and 2 pairs of matching bracelets on both of her arms with her curly hair leaning toward the left side making it look like she was modeling for a picture.

Idun just stared at him with a little drool coming out of her mouth completely speechless and petrified by his looks and charm as she was looking at him, Marcus looked her up and down nodding his head saying she was a real beauty. Idun broke out of her stupor quickly wiping away her drool as she turned red in embarrassment.

"yyyYYoo..yyoo.yyoouu were glasses? Marcus smiled at her stuttering thinking it was cute especially as she was trying to use that to escape from her embarrassment. Seeing Marcus laugh Idun became even more red face as she looked down pouting like she was going to cry.

Marus stopped laughing and hugged Idun causing her to freeze as he thought she acts like a spoiled child with him each time she is embarrassed. He then answered her question. "Not Really, but I am wearing these for fashion as they just add to my charm and these glasses are quite special as they are magic glasses. They can analyze enhance and zoom in with a recording feature along with....,."

Marcus went on about the specifics of the glasses causing Idun to start to become confused as she never heard of most of the terms before and understood almost nothing except for few things with one thing most important those glasses are something else. She stopped Marcus as she asked him where he got them from and how could he afford them as they got to be very expensive at least 100 million.

"They weren't that expensive at all it only cost me about 200,000."

"Impossible, I may not understand what you said, but I know they should at least cost 100 million the least and that is me if they are created and sold every so often as that is more than likely not since they are so powerful."

"Indeed this is the only one of their kind and I am the only one that has them. They have never been sold to the public before so if anyone sees them they will think they are just normal glasses even if the person has Mystery ability they won't be able to see through them unless they reach at least A rank."

Idun was left speechless as she could only utter "How?"

"How did I get them, I created them, of course. how else would I be the only one that has them and knows there details in and out?"

"You ha... Jack Of All Trade... Mystic Level S."

"Bingo! Right, I guess I should tell you, but I am the Antivan Prince PSD."

"Why are you telling something so important?"

"You already know a lot of my secrets so knowing this is just extra as it is not as dangerous as the others, don't you think?"

Idun nodded her head.



"Plus I somehow believe that you won't last that long before you give away that I am apart of your familia and they found out I am PSD after some investigations."

"You don't trust me!"

"It is not I don't trust you, but I believe you will give it away eventually with how easy to read you are compared to those other scheming god's out there. To put it simply you are a naive goddess and more than likely people can tell or figure out you gained a familia. And with Artemis connections, she can also figure out I, a male, joined your familia not too long after."

Idun pouted after he called her naive and almost started to tear up as Marcus went and eased her saying that he really does not care that much as secrets are going to be revealed sooner or later, but he rather waits to later so he can get more power.

Idun hugged him as she smiled and said that they should enter the guild now before as most people are still asleep and the guild is just opening that way they will have few prying eyes.

Marcus nodded in Agreement as he picks Idun up and arrived at the entrance of their house and used flash step the power he just got back from the seals unlocking more of his powers. He used this to arrive at the guild which was just opening. They went inside the guild as it had barely a few people in it.

Many of the guild workers were yawning as some even had tears at the corner of their eyes from sleepiness. When Marcus and Idun came in they attracted all the attention as Marcus charm caused a lot of females to blush a little as he had learned to turn down his charm to a minimum.

Idun was stunning and caused many guys to salivate, but as many people realized it was Idun they all began to panic as they knew about Artemis and how she is possessive of Idun, but then they looked at the guy next to her and shook their heads as their eyes contained pity that once Artemis comes back he will be done for.

Idun made a wry smile as she looked at Marcus who really had no concern at all. The guild won't divulge information about them and if they did Marcus will be sure to reward them. However, he still does not care as he still has a month left before they come back and that is at least since the Opera Country is quite far away from Orario.

Idun and Marcus were greeted by a pink haired and pink-eyed women. She bowed to Idun "Idun you are here what can I help you with?" she said as she glanced at Marcus at the corner of her eyes.

"Misha I am here to register my new familia." As soon, as Idun finished her statement silenced filled the area. Everyone turned to look at Idun then they turned to look at Marcus

"Is he your new familia member?" Misha asked as she pointed at Marcus which Idun nodded her head.

"Eina would you like to do this?" Misha said as a busty brown-haired elf with glasses looked at her with a stern look.

"Misha, you are Idun's advisor and stop pushing your workload onto me!" Eina was slightly mad at Misha s yesterday Misha dumber half her workload onto Eina saying she had something to do to find out she just ran away and went to sleep.

Misha shivered at Eina response as she leads Idun over to her counter and began to hand out and fill out paperwork to register Marcus. As the finished she checked over the papers and read Marcus's she froze as she looked again and then looked at him. She could not help to ask

"Uhmm, Marcus-san"Just call me Marcus any other is annoying." "Right, Marcus can I ask how old are you?"


"Are you sure?" She could not help but ask.

"I am. I am 13 born on ***** ##, ####." Marcus said as everyone including Idun was surprised he was only 13 yet he looks like at 15 years old with a height at 5 ft and 8 inches (172cm). Misha looked at him closely and could still see some childish features on his face, but that just added to his charm making him look like a devilishly handsome man.

Misha was not sure so she went to the back and brought back an orb. The orb was an age identifier that was created by his truly himself and could read any person's age with a single touch. Everyone in the room was paying attention to them even though they could not see or hear since they were quite far away, but they were curious about the insan... the courageous handsome man to join Idun as they saw Misha bring out the age identifier they could not help, but be curious.

Misha told them sorry for the wait as she was about to tell them the name of the device, what it does, and how it works, but Marcus created it so he already knew how it works. It works by examining the bone age along with the cells and muscles to give off the age of the individual all the person has to do is active it is by placing their hand on it and it is done.

Marcus placed his hand on it as the orb activated and the number 13 appeared in a hologram. Everyone including Idun was shocked by his age except for Misha who read his report and Marcus himself. She then apologized and went to finish the paperwork as she gave them their identities and how they were now a legal familia in Orario.

Marcus and Idun left as many people began to wonder will Artemis actually attack someone that young even though he is hot or just warn him, while many of the girls were imagining what he looks like once he gets older and reaches 15-16 as he still had time to grow and his looks will also grow with it.

Marcus picked Idun up again and arrived back at the house since Idun was too embarrassed to go in public with him for now. Marcus put Idun down and was about to leave as Idun looked at him. "Marcus where are you going?"

"Exploring did you forget that today is my first day?"

"Ahh Indeed, when are you coming back?"

Marcus smiled at her Idun as he said: "I will be back before night since the city is so big plus I need to get some Materials to fix the house and lands after I come back I will destroy the curse, by the way, don't you have work to do?"

"Work I forgot I promised to help Demeter and Hephaestus today," Idun said as she rushed into the house and closed the door. Marcus just smiled at her antics as he heard the door open again as Idun peek half her head out as she looked at Marcus with a squint.

"Make sure to come back before night or else!" She said as Marcus nodded his head and jumped away. Idun was about to go inside she remembered something and yelled at Marcus "And Don't fall into any goddess hands!"

Marcus laughed as he heard her voice as he feels like she is talking about Freya as she is known to do something like this. Marcus hoped away as he went into the city exploring.