
Danmachi: Divine Enemy

Dying, getting transported, save a beautiful lady in need. The usual, but the neurotic lady that got saved wasn't your typical princess.

Khay_Cee_Padua · Komik
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101 Chs

Chapter 93: Balance of Power

"Ley! Stop!" Lars immediately grabbed her and her breath attack was released towards the sky.

After a second, it then exploded. The clouds parted immediately from the shockwave and the blue sky turned dark.

The skies then cleared up after and Orario was assaulted by a shockwave that shook the whole city.

Luckily, Airmid's sanctuary contained the magic coming from Ley as it would've devastated a good chunk of Orario just from releasing the attack alone.

"W-what is that monster?" Riveria's knees were shaking at the thought of fighting Ley. The magic she was leaking was insane.

Lefiya already fainted from the overloading of her senses. But everyone, even Lars' group was clueless about who just arrived, or what it was.

"Lars... They attack you, I kill them." Ley pushed him and she growled at them, making even Ottar fall down to the ground due to the immense killing intent.

"N-no, it's just training Ley." Lars quickly made something up and she tilted her head.

"Hmm, sparring?" She reeled in her killing intent and Ley relaxed a bit.

But sparring means beating each other up. So she suddenly appeared in front of Ottar and she gave a palm strike on his chest.

Though it was too strong and an explosion followed through, sending Ottar's massive body flying through the streets of Orario until he stopped in Babel.

"W-what the fuck is that!?" Allen couldn't even see her move.

"Hmm?" Ley locked onto him next due to his outburst and Ley kicked him right on the chest.

Allen could feel his ribs shatter and he plowed the pavement like a tractor in a field.

"Lars, they are weak." Ley looked at him and he sighed.

"Listen here, Ley. I'm built different, these people are much weaker than us. And they can't regenerate as well." Lars chided her and she nodded slowly.

"You have to go easier on them, they're quite fragile." Lars reminded her.

"Hmmm, okay. You and me, make babies then. Strong kids for us." Ley pointed at him and he sputtered.

Choking on his spit, he started coughing. "W-what?"

"Made this form... For making babies." Ley pointed at herself and Lars' face twitched.

Everyone was confused as hell and Ley got impatient. "Decide later... Will finish spar." Ley appeared in front of the elf duo of Freya and she smashed their faces together.

Ley then threw them at the ground like broken dolls as they lost consciousness.

"You, next." Ley saw the Gulliver brothers and they started to step backwards.

But one of them got caught by her and she started using him as a club to smash them with him.

The Loki familia saw the carnage, the Freya familia was wiped out in basically an instant.

"W-we can talk about this." Loki raised her arms in surrender.

But Finn who used Hel Finnegas couldn't control himself and he charged at the threat.

"Hmm? Little man?" Ley backhanded him to oblivion and Finn bounced off of a house like a rock that got thrown.

"Finn!" Gareth ran at him. "This, faster." Ley kicked the dwarf, punting him like a hockey puck towards Finn.

"Hmm, weak. No more opponents." Ley eyed Riveria, but she could tell that she was frail.

"That's enough Ley... Airmid, can you fix things here? She won't stop until she's satisfied." Lars sighed as he created a battle maniac.

Ley nodded with a smile and she flew to the skies. Lars followed suit. Then silence dominated the area once again.

"What the hell just happened!?" Lyra blinked as she was prepared to fight tooth and nail.

"Lars is what happened." Airmid sighed at his ridiculousness.

"That was his sparring partner, right? The cadmus dragon that gave us a scare?" Alise sat down for a second due to the information overload.

"Yeah... And it's much stronger. Or she is?" Ryuu was confused as hell.

"Did Lars take care of everything?" Alfia appeared and Riveria's blood went cold.

"A-Alfia." Riveria couldn't believe what she was seeing.

"Hmm? Ahhh, that elf back then. You have grown, but not much. Disappointing." Alfia then checked the area, but everything was taken care of already.

"I guess you don't need my help, I will be spending time training Bell." Alfia snorted as she wasted her time.

"Did she really have to appear now? This will be a grand mess..." Kaguya sighed.

__A few miles away__

Ley and Lars stood in front of each other. "I didn't know you'd change this much, Ley." Lars blinked as he looked at her.

She turned into an exotic beauty that could contend with the gods.

"Un, morphed into this form. For babies." She repeated and Lars sighed.

"Um, I'm not really ready for kids yet. The place is too dangerous for them." Lars smiled wryly.

"Will wait." Ley nodded at him and she was surprisingly understanding.

"So... Uhh, are you a xenos now? But you didn't die." Lars was confused.

"Ahhh, not a xenos. I am a humanoid monster. Mother helped me transform." Ley explained.

"Mother?" Lars got even more confused. "The dungeon." Ley replied and he went wide eyed at that.

"Did it tell you to make kids with me?" Lars was shocked and she nodded.

"Make babies with Typhon to destroy the gods. I have skill, called Echidna." Ley showed her back and she has a falna.

"What the fuck." Lars was mind blown by the sudden development.

"You know what, let's spar. I'm stressed right now." Lars has been waiting for Orario to attack them for days now.

"Un!" She smiled at him, happy to oblige. Her limbs then started burning in violet flames.

"Damn... I can feel the heat of those from here." Lars could see that the surroundings were starting to burn and melt.

"Much stronger, now come." Ley gestured and he clashed with her in the middle of the plains.

Their forearms crashed against each other as ice tried to smother her flames and her flames attempted to burn him to ashes.

They started to throw a barrage of attacks and the two of them dodged and weaved.

Lars was then blindsided as a blue crystal formed behind her and it fired a laser at him.

He was buried to the ground and it left an explosion that created an earthquake.

"New trick." Ley smirked at him and he floated back to the surface, shaking his head as his burns started to heal.

"Yeah, that's pretty new." Lars grinned at her and he began to incorporate elements on his attacks.

Ley did the same as what she did to Ottar and her every hit released what is practically a bomb.

Lars was surprised that it even managed to pierce silentium eden, Alfia's ultimate defense against magic.

'She basically made a bunker buster with just intuition, what a monster.' Lars grinned as he healed the hole on his abdomen.

He then copied her magic as they struck each other with piercing explosions that were concentrated.

The battlefield sounded like there was a war going on. Being carpet bombed by explosives like it was Gaza.

"How about this?" Lars tried to grab her and Ley's slitted eyes widened as her pupils dilated.

She dodged immediately and the ground that he touched turned into gold. "Do you like my skill? Avaritia makes me able to turn anything into gold." Lars smirked.

Hand of Midas: Transmutes anything into gold in exchange for excelia.

"Dangerous..." Ley sweated a bit at his attack, it was overpowered as all hell.

"I can't overuse it though, or all my stockpiled excelia will be gone in an instant." Lars shrugged.

"Hmph, no matter." Ley started to concentrate and her body exploded with mana as the ground shook.

Crystals formed around her like a halo and they were saturated with mana.

"That's insanely dangerous." Lars frowned at the sight of it. They were like nuclear bombs ready to explode.

"Of course." Ley's chest started to burn and she released a breath attack at him.

He quickly countered with his own, but the crystals copied her magic and he was attacked by a barrage of beams.

It was like hell on earth, even Orario and Melen felt it.

Lars sweated as he blocked the force with his psychokinesis, upgraded by Luxuria.

"Fuck, you trying to kill me or something?" Lars complained and she scratched her head.

"I think we now know a lot about our skills and strength. I still haven't unlocked Superbia yet, but I can imagine that it's overpowered as hell." Lars dusted himself off.

"We're done?" She looked disappointed. "We'll destroy a lot more things if we continued." He looked at her with a deadpan expression.

"Hmm, okay." She nodded, but she was still definitely disappointed.

Ley then walked up to him and grabbed his hand. "Make babies?" She was compelled to and she put his hand on her chest.

'Damn, they're surprisingly soft.' Lars thought it was as soft as Demeter's but it was more springy. It was like she was created perfectly for him.

'Wait. She is, fuck! Go to horny jail!' Lars smacked his face as he felt excited.

Ley just made his blood boil. She was extremely beautiful. And her body is impossibly toned and soft at the same time.

Her anatomy was definitely impossible, normally.

"L-let's go back yeah?" Lars was worried about what was happening back home.

"Okay." Ley shrugged and they flew back to Orario.


A denatus was immediately called and even Ouranos was present. The situation was that dire.

Ganesha and Hermes was nervous as hell. And even Ouranos was anxious.

"Silence!" Ouranos shouted and everyone shut up.

"We have a problem. And that is the Freya familia and Loki familia attacked the Demeter familia unprovoked." Ouranos started and Loki deflated.

"It was her fault! She sicced her simps on them!" Loki pointed at Freya immediately.

"Me? You were the one who joined me with your whole familia as well, we were just going to ask questions!" Freya countered.

"Like anybody will believe you, that's like saying you're a virgin maiden!" Loki started arguing with her.

"Um, wasn't the Demeter familia harboring monsters? They're intelligent as well, based on the report of the Loki familia." Someone raised and murmurs broke out.

"They're trying to overpower the familias and take over Orario!" Another shouted and the gods started to chant their execution.

"Can you though?" Astraea surprisingly replied with a sharp tongue.

"Hey! The Astraea familia was with them, you're in on it!" A god pointed out.

"So what? They didn't attack anyone with the monsters. And they're clearly different, monsters are supposed to not have intelligence." Hephaestus stood up for them.

"They're still cultivating monsters, we don't know what their purpose is." Somebody commented and they nodded.

"They have them under control though? What's the problem with that? And they're intelligent enough to use equipment too. Not to mention speak." Artemis who is known for hunting down monsters spoke up.

"Ganesha, what is your say about this." Ouranos pressured him to step up and help Monstro.

Though he didn't know about them. But Ganesha is on board with Ouranos' plan to introduce the xenos.

"As the event organizer of the monster ferias. It is basically unheard of that monsters have intelligence. And if they are, then aren't they basically demi-humans like werewolves, hume-bunnies, and renards?" Ganesha raised a point.

"But they're not demi-humans. They're monsters." The gods kept arguing.

"Do you know anything about them, Hermes? You are Orario's information specialist." Ouranos looked at him.

"We've heard rumors about monsters that can speak being bought by nobles outside of Orario. And the Ikelos familia were the sellers." Hermes put the heat on the Ikelos familia.

"But what about that super powerful one? She basically looks like a human. But make no mistake, it was around level 10. Easily." Loki remembered Ley.

Everyone went quiet and Ouranos cursed Loki for bringing it up.

"The 4th quest. An overwhelming monster has appeared once again. And the balance of the world is in jeopardy. We must have a public trial in order to know their intentions." Ouranos finished the emergency denatus.

'I hope they've got something planned for this.' Ouranos sighed.


Thank you for reading everyone, ciao.