

Dominique has it all. Wealth, power and a life of luxury. But she made a desperate sacrifice in her pursuit for status in The Underblood Organisation. Her own identity How long can she hide behind the mask of a man?

ChiiChii · perkotaan
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3 Chs

No Time To Lose

A detailed floral pattern is carved into the mahogany of the balcony doors. I lightly trace my finger over the twisted stems and flowers, before dramatically pushing the doors open.

The sound of the music, which was muffled before, is now blaring at full volume from the speakers out on the yard below. As I lean on the balcony rails, a view of a vast swimming pool and people half-dressed in bikinis and swimsuits is revealed to me.

Some dance fervently, completely oblivious to their drinks spilling from their glasses. Leaving small splashes of scarlet on the floor. Others choose to lay on lounge chairs, drunk and dazed, but still keenly nodding their heads in rhythm with the music.

An overall thrilling atmosphere created under the glow of the moon. I deeply inhale, wanting to grasp this moment and lock it in me forever. The cool night air refreshes me, each breath exhilarating.

Perhaps it was worth all the suffering and all the spilled blood and all the crimes just to finally make it here. Bathing in money and luxury. Everything I touch being worth more than a thousand. And the power that comes with it, all at my fingertips.

Grinning, I sip my wine, letting those thoughts sink in as its exquisite taste settles on my taste buds. Showering myself in self-assurance, I find a deep-rooted sense of tranquillity within me.

But this peace is quickly shattered. And exchanged for mild apprehension.

I hear the cursed sound of hurried footsteps from my chamber. I whip my head back and I'm met by the face of the horror-stricken butler.

His legs tremble, struggling desperately to compose himself before me. A heaving chest. A product of the burden of fear confined within him.

"Why have you come to me in such an appalling state but refuse to utter a word of explanation?", my voice stinging with annoyance, "If the matter is so urgent, speak up and stop wasting my time!"

My impatience grows hotter as incoherent mutterings spill from his lips, accompanied by blood shot eyes which dart away rapidly from my piercing gaze.

"Make haste already!" I shout, slamming my fist on the rail in raw vexation. A deafening sound made from the impact.

The butler's soul finally returns to him.

"Intel has just called in… The… The Eclipse nightclub, has just been raided… possibly by a rival distributor! But- but nothing is certain at the moment, Sir Dominique" he splutters out pathetically.

He stares at me, a sense of despair dwelling in his eyes.

But I don't return the sentiment.

There isn't much time to lose.

I barge past the quivering butler; such cowardice is typical from new employees. But I can't understand why he was so frightened. After all it's my livelihood on the line, not his.

There's only one thing lingering in my mind right now.

"I need to find my gun"

Hope my readers have an amazing day, drink some water, look after yourself and don't forget to add this to your library, I'll try to post more consistently :)

ChiiChiicreators' thoughts