

What is this world? I don't know What will happen? I have no idea What kind of plot does it have? I seriously have no clue Welcome to an uncharted realm of uncertainty and wonder! In this mysterious world, I embark on a journey with as much knowledge as you do—none! Brace yourself for an unpredictable adventure where the plot unfolds in real-time, where every discovery is as new to me, the author, as it is to you, the reader. Together, let's navigate the enigmatic landscapes, solve mysteries, and unravel a tale where the unknown is our only constant. Welcome to a story where even the author is on the edge of their seat, eager to explore the uncharted depths of imagination.

PuddleJumpingDog · Fantasi
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1 Chs

Monstrous appearance

In the middle of the night, Axel walking back home from the convenient store suddenly felt something weird, he felt his chest getting heavier and heavier with every step he is taking.

When he looked up, he saw a hooded figure floating in the sky. In the black hood where a face should be. there was only a blurry gas with 6 glowing red circles instead of eyes.

Axel felt his legs getting weaker by the second, when suddenly something within the hood moved.

6 arms with three fingers each, came out of the leather like fabric. Tube-like objects can be seen attached going from each palm to the middle of the chest. 

Axel wanted to run as whatever that thing was, it couldn't be anything good. But his feet were stuck to the ground, he couldn't feel anything from his body as he stared at the floating figure.

Suddenly, 6 arms floated in the air, and made movements akin to a spiral flow. Everywhere the fingers went, they left glowing after images like multiple other arms suddenly appeared. Each arm moved differently from each other until a pentagonal glowing structure formed with symbols Axel couldn't understand. 

When the figure finally stopped moving. 8 wing-like limbs with skin instead of feathers sprung out of the figures back. When all of them started glowing, suddenly the pentagonal structure moved straight toward where Axel was standing!

"What in the hocus-pocus f*ckery is happening?" Axel thought as he stood dumbfoundedly not being able to do anything but watch.

Suddenly, a blinding light enveloped Axel, swallowing his surroundings whole as he succumbed to unconsciousness...

Suspended in the vast expanse of the sky, fixated on the spot where Axel had stood moments before, a sinister hiss emanated from the enigmatic figure.

"Good luck." The words hung in the air, whispered with a chilling undertone that sent shivers down the spine...


In the midst of a haunting fog, skeletal trees twisted like eerie apparitions, their branches clawing at the crimson-tinted mist. The ground, uneven and damp, concealed bones jutting out like grisly sentinels.

A spectral silence filled the air, disrupted only by distant moans and the occasional drip of unseen liquid. Shadows danced malevolently, revealing a macabre history etched into the landscape.

As the fog coiled, tendrils of blood-red mist slithered through the skeletal remains, creating an unsettling play of shadows. The atmosphere pulsed with an otherworldly energy, as if the very essence of the place was tainted by a long-forgotten darkness.

It was a chilling scene, where every step forward carried an unsettling weight, disturbing the resting souls beneath the blood-drenched fog.

Out of nowhere, an arm broke through the soil, its skin marked by scars and deformities, and bones protruding in an unsettling way, creating a bizarre sight as if the earth itself birthed something eerie.

A nightmarish entity clawed its way from the soil, its twisted form attempting to rise but failing, condemned to a slow, unsettling crawl. Each movement echoed the eerie awkwardness of a newborn creature, sending shivers down the spine.

"Where is this" Axel couldn't open his eyes, unable to discern if he had eyes, but he could feel his surroundings. He found it hard to stand on his two feet as he felt that he has other limbs in places a normal human body doesn't have.

He didn't understand how he could see without eyes, as he looked at his surroundings which looked like a graveyard. His vision is more like seeing a perspective in 3rd person, he was able to perceive anything around him, even as tiny as an ant moving from 10 feet away.

"What kind of being am I" What Axel found weird was that he couldn't see his own body, as if his body doesn't exist, but he could feel it. he moved his arms that felt like it has multiple joints, His legs that lacked a recognizable shape and lastly, the limb on his back that he could only understand as a tail. 

What was bizarre in this situation was that Axel felt that he was human, he could feel everything that is going on inside his body, his heart beating, his genitals that was so deformed that Axel couldn't tell if he was a man or woman, and his lungs that expanded with every breath he takes. 


"what kind of sensation is this"

Axel felt something in the center of his chest every time he breaths in, the supposed air, is unlike anything he ever felt. His body felt invigorated every time he took a breath, His veins pulsed with an unfamiliar warmth, a strange sort of joy. he couldn't understand what was happening inside his body, all he could tell was that he was brimming with energy and his body felt full...

Axel attempted to move his body in the familiar way he would if he were still in a human form. To his surprise, his body responded, adjusting seamlessly to his motions.

After spending hours trying to get used to his new body, being able to stand up properly, Alex leaned against a tree, contemplating his situation. 

"What do I do now"

Axel found it strange that he remained surprisingly calm in this weird situation—or maybe a better way to put it is that he didn't feel much of anything. With no clear options and bones scattered around, he simply felt it was the right move to get away from where he was.

With no destination in sight, he ventured into the unknown, his uncertain steps echoing in the eerie silence.

Axel wandered without purpose towards a red mist, spending hours without finding anything. Suddenly, all his muscles tensed, and he turned around to see a blinding light in the sky. He felt an intense anger towards it, though he couldn't figure out why.

With the flying light, there came a visible shockwave. Axel's body moved on its own, his arm crossed in front of him. Something inside his veins moved towards the end of his tail, and a purple light enveloped him.

As the shockwave passed, the trees and grass around Axel were affected, some almost torn from the ground, and the red mist vanished.

Looking towards the direction of the light, Axel decided to follow it. He couldn't understand why his emotions suddenly flared up in anger, so he chose to go towards the flying object for answers instead of continuing to wander aimlessly.

After a few minutes, he noticed a stone path in the middle of the forest. Seeing that it aligned with the path of the blinding light, he walked along it. A short while later, he saw another light that reignited the feeling of rage within him. Fuming, Axel walked towards the light when he went past the fog and found four teenagers bowing down on one knee.

In the heart of the dense forest, four teenagers moved cautiously. The one leading the way clutched a mechanical lamp, its dim glow cutting through the thick fog along their path. Three boys and a girl trailed behind.

As they approached a mist-laden trail, a sudden flash of blinding light streaked above them at a terrifying speed.

"Cover your ears!" the girl commanded, anticipating the deafening boom that followed. The sound was so intense that it threatened to snatch away their consciousness.

Stumbling with weakened limbs, they sought refuge beneath a looming tree, hands clasped in shared panic. A few minutes past once the ringing in their ears subsided, one of the boys, his voice trembling, whispered, "Is the colony under attack?"

"I don't know... all we can do is hope that the chief can handle whatever that creature was," the girl replied, torn between advancing further or deciding to retreat.

"Let's continue with our mission and go b-"




Mid-sentence, the girl sensed a seismic vibration beneath them, growing stronger with each pulse.

"Go back wher-"

She silenced one of the boys with a hushed whisper, "Don't you guys feel that? Whatever that thing is, it can't be good."

With each approaching thud, the girl grappled with decisions. Going back meant danger; staying with her group held its risks. Realizing the creature approaching them was walking, unlike the flying menace at their colony, albeit at a slow pace, she stood up with her group, preparing to face it.

Peering into the fog, a human silhouette gradually took shape. Relief washed over her; at least the source of the sound seemed human.

"Sir, may I know your nam-" began one of the boys before the girl yanked him back.

"Hey! Why are you always shutting me up-" "Shut up!" the girl snapped at him.

Something seemed off. Such a heavy sound from a human? Her unease deepened when a sudden wave of pressure enveloped them, causing one of the boys to vomit.

As the creature approached, the mounting pressure amplified, its weight bearing down on the girl and her group. Sensing the gravity of the situation, the girl motioned for her companions to position themselves behind her. In a hushed whisper, she cautioned, "Don't make unnecessary noise or movements... just follow what I do."

As the dense fog yielded to their surroundings, the human form emerged, an unsettling sight that sent shivers down her spine—an additional limb protruded from its back. Her father's explanation echoed in her mind; only demi-humans, those existing a step below demigods, could manifest such extraordinary features. This revelation hinted at the enigmatic nature of the being before her.

Taking a cautious step to the side, the girl gracefully bent down on one knee, her right hand pressed against her chest in a gesture of deference. Her group mirrored the movement, keenly avoiding direct eye contact with the mysterious figure.

In the heart of the forest, where shadows danced with the mist, the creature, a silhouette of enigma, closed the distance. With every step, the intensifying pressure became an invisible weight, making each breath an arduous effort. The dense fog thickened, enveloping them in an oppressive shroud.

Then, in a sudden and arresting halt, the creature stood before them. The air held its breath, the moment stretching into a pregnant silence. The weight that had burdened her lifted, leaving behind an unsettling calm. It was as if the very forest paused, awaiting the revelation lingering in the enigmatic presence of the creature. 

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