

Welcome to Cyberxia! This a place where you survive or die. Killed or be killed, Grab your backpack and explore the dark side of this futuristic city.

kidd17 · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
30 Chs

Chapter 11: Cold Night

I collected ruin stones and a smile draw on my face. "Do you know, Ken." My voice echoing to this chamber. Kenneth groans as he gets out from the portal, and he catches his breath.

"You call me just for doing this!?" I shook my head and summoning The God of Fire, Hephaetus. I took out my swords and attacked him several times and dodge all of his attack. I'm running, then jump to stabbed his eyes.

He parring my swords. I tried to hold his sword, then pushed his sword to the left. "Alexa! Watch out!"

I ducked as he shot him in the head. Both of us watched his body crumble into the dust after Kenneth shot him on the head. "Nice shot!" I said as I catching my breath.

[You already defeating Hephateus. Now you have 100 ruin stones left. You and Kenneth O'Kenna collected ※ 123.000. Check our shop to upgrade your weapon.]

I'm chuckling and catching my breath. "You alright?" My knees feeling so weak and tried to stand any longer. "Hey!" He holds my body. He sits me on the stair of the main entrance and scanning my body.

"Am I pushed too hard, Ken?" I'm chuckling. Today, I almost dead by a God of Fire. Kenneth seems not happy about it.

"Come on, I should bring you to the hospital. Did you consume any pills before you got here?" He asked. I shook my head. "Yes, you are, Alexa. You alright?" He asked as showed me a wrinkle on his face.

"I just..." I tried to calm myself, but my heart keep racing fast. "We've got 123.000 shards each, Ken. It's..."

"Too much?! Yes! His strength and defense way more higher than you. Why you did that!? You don't have to repay anything, Alexa! You're like a sister to me!" He squeezed my arms and stared into my eyes. "That was... too far!"

I tried to calm myself. "I don't know why people..."

"My brother often visiting this place and... I just find his map to this place. Turns out it's just... an ancient temple." Kenneth sighed and tapped my shoulder.

Kenneth knows about my missing brother, but he only knows as that far. It will break his heart if I told him that I'm the NJPD was looking for. He sighed tapped my shoulder several times. "You will found your brother soon, trust me."

He looking me into his eyes. I grabbed his hand and squeezed. "Thanks." He slaps my head and chuckling. I took a deep breath and looking at the statue in front of us. This place... sounds so familiar to me.

I don't know why he marking this place into his map. "Why you called me, by the way?" Oh, right. I almost forgot.

"Do you know... NJPD's Chief?" He nodding his head. "He pushed all his armies into the limit and everyone become more... sensitive these days. We the FBI, CIA, even Homeland Security called just do their dirty work."

Kenneth chuckles as he drink his beer. "I want say the same thing with you, partner. You know, some of CIA's agent were accused become the conspirator or mistaken arrested for no reason." Kenneth said.

I drink my beer and exhale. A beer after fight, it's a true paradise. "Tomorrow..." Kenneth looking at me. "Do you want watch Fist Brawl live? I heard our... main suspect was there." Kenneth smirk and nodding his head.

"So..." He stands up and put the empty bottle next to my feet. "See you in the office?" I'm nodding my head. Kenneth tapped my shoulder several times, then leave me alone with my thoughts. I picked Alex's lighter and played it with my finger.

I took a deep breath and standing up. I picked Kenneth's empty bottle with a rubber glove and put it on the evidence plastic bag, then zipped.

I'm sorry Kenneth. I should do this.







I'm looking at the light of the New Jersey's city night life. Wind blows, gently move my hair. Moon and stars complement the tonight sky. "Ms. Carter? Cecilia called you. Do you want to accept the call or reject her?"

What the fuck she wants now!? "Now she's in front of your door." I furrowed my brow. How she gets my apartment address?

"Alexa!?" I can hearing her voice calling my name. I took a deep breath and walking towards my door.

I opened my door and Jynx already in her station to recharging her battery. "Hey!" I opened the door widely and let her get inside. She sits on my couch. "You... upgrading the foam? This feel so cozy."

Thank God, I moved Linda to my guest bedroom. "What do you want..."

"Alright, I don't know where to start!" She sighed. I'm sitting next to her. "Can I stay here for a night? My boyfriend literally an asshole!"

I sighed and smiled in pain. "Don't worry I will sleep in the..."

"You can have my entire room tonight." I said as I walking to the porch to smoke. Tonight the wind seems cold.

Drones from Red Sentinel fly to catching all the gangs members in the streets. "Hey, are you sure you okay with that!?" She raised her eyebrow.

I took a deep breath and exhale. She sits next to me and watching the scenery from here. "I don't know, Cecilia. I just..." I exhale and looking her into her eyes. "Tired."

Cecilia sighed and nodding her head as if she feels it too. "I know, NJPD just... in their low morale now. Since... that old bastard took charge. He just... want that 'good' reputation." She sighed. "Honestly, I want to join FBI Academy. What do you think?" I can feel her enthusiasm.

I support my chin and crossed my left leg. "Are you sure? In FBI you should be ready to have a scars in your body, at least... you just get hospitalized in the wards." She looks at me, furrowed her brow.

"Are you trying to scared me, Alexa!?" She asked. I shook my head.

"It's everyday life, Cecilia." I said. She sits there silently. I'm not too cruel or rude, but I don't want to lose her. "If it's your dream, I just want to say... good luck. I'm waiting you in the force." I'm tapping her left shoulder twice, and walk to my warehouse.